I was supposed to have a swimming session with Wendy today. So I went to pick her up at the MRT station.
On my way to the MRT station, I needed to walk past this stretch of rather deserted road. But I was so used to walking there that I thought nothing of it. So I was walking there.. then I saw this bunch of hooligan-like people. As I was walking past them, suddenly they shouted, "Take picture take picture!"
I looked around, and saw this guy down there holding a camera. So I thought they were asking me to help them to take a picture. Though I was running kinda late, I juz sort of nodded.. cos they look like hooligan lah! I scared!
So I turned to the person holding the camera and tried to ask for the camera.
Then the bunch of hooligans shouted again, "No.. NO! YOU take picture.. TAKE PICTURE!"
Then I realised they wanted me to take picture with them. WAH I shy! Hahahaha but I was running late. Plus.. walau take my picture.. later go some bomoh and dunno do wat kung tow then I die how?! So I shook my head and continued walking towards the MRT station.
Then whoa.. they not happy liao. They started shouting and running after me! WAH I scared!!!! I walk very very quickly... then SHIT! In front of me got this road.. and as I was going to walk across the road, got this car coming! SHIT I can't cross! Then I thot.. this time I jialat liao.. die die die.. cos I still hear those people shouting from behind me. I damn scared!
At that crucial moment, got this person park his car beside the road. He stepped out of the car and looked at us... then the hooligans suddenly all stop.. and go back to their original positions!
See? 平时要烧香拜佛.. then when you need help, help will come!!!!
After that I feel very lucky.. and then I went to pick Wendy up and brought her to my home.
Then I realised.. SHIT! Cannot suntan cos the sky is overcast.. and cannot swim cos the pool is so friggin small and there was a slight drizzle. And then we went to my home. And I realised.. SHIT I got nothing to entertain her with! I got no VCDs, no games, no nothing! Only loads of food my mum brought back from Malacca.
So we spent the entire afternoon eating and watching the limited VCD collection that I have.. all rubbish.
PAISEH AH WENDY!!! Really sorry.. next time you come over I get you more stuff ok? Or we can all go Poff's to swim... my swimming pool is real modest... sorry!! Can only suntan.. but can't really swim!
Anyway, after a really uneventful afternoon, I sent Wendy home regretfully.. having been a real terrible host. And I even deprived her of a durian dinner cos I ABSOLUTELY can't stand durians. Haha really sorry Wendy... next time I bring a peg along so I can peg my nose while you eat ok?
As we were walking towards the MRT station, Wendy kept asking me to let her see the nice cars I was always talking about. I showed her a few. But those were not the nicest there were..
But GUESS WHAT after I sent her off, I saw this REALLY CHIO lotus!!!!! It's the new model!!! OMG yes I know it's an MIM car.. but.. it's really damn damn chio!!!!

Watching 大長今 now.. gotta go!! OH YA.. really muz complain here.. that Wendy.. THANKS AH. U tell me who die wat happen.. then I really no need to watch alreadie lor! You told me everything alreadie lor!!! Sigh.... okok but I still wanna go watch! Tata!!!