Wanted to post FOC pics today finally.. but hor.. sian 1/2... blogger photos failed to work after i uploaded 2 pics. So ya... totally lazy already. Anw... some updates.. finally this week, if nothing goes wrong, i'm gonna end all my tuitions!!! OK.. not like i'm already gonna get my well deserved break.... cos i still gotta work... but at least its a load off my shoulders. I get my nights off!! And i get to sleep late on Sundays!!! YAY!
Anw... this is the thank you card my P3 chinese tutee gave me... so cute right!! So sweet right!! Almost made up for all the times he's been naughty and misbehaved and made me pull out all my hair and want to spank him on his bottom. The key word here is ALMOST. Cos even on the last lesson today.. he misbehaved!!! ARGHHH!!!!

This kid is really quite problematic.. but his dad and family is really nice.. and they are really nice to me.. and his dad really wanted me back to help him next yr January... so yea.. they juz found a replacement for a few months. SIGH.. but I am really tired of teaching him.... but.... haiz.. nvm... bobian...
Anyway.. no more tuition means more time to spend with family! YAY! I hardly get to see my grandma these days... last time i used to see her almost every day.. then it became every week.. now every week is a chore.. i gotta squeeze time outta my super tight schedule. Feel so bad.. especially since I will be gone for such a long time. At least my parents can still webcam with me..
Ya anw... updates about work!! Shit lor.. this blog is getting boring can!! Always work work work.. tuition tuition tuition.. wat happened to the ultra happening and exciting life KS used to lead!!! ARGHHH!!! Ya as I was saying.. updates about work..
The other day, I almost forgot to add Ethidium Bromide to my agar before i cast the gel... then I was telling my colleague thank god i remembered in time.. if not do everything swee swee no bands come out. Then my colleague replied, "Oh its ok wan! Once, another colleague forgot to put oso... then after that the gel came out, she went to take a picture.. bands still appeared! That shows how contaminated our gel tanks are with EB!"
Now... is that wat they call an occupational hazard?
Anyway... i am really really really disgusted by how my days always go. I would be sitting in front of the com.. msn-ing.. slacking away.. gleefully counting down to the time when i can go home.. not believing my luck that i have so much time to slack away while waiting to knock off.. then like 15 minutes before I can leave, my mentor will gimme something else to do!!! ARGHHH!!!! Biang eh!! Then I always end up going home late can!? NO FAIR LOR!!!! ALWAYS LIDDAT!! Gimme false hopes!!! But anyway.. think from tmr onwards will be pretty busy.. loads of PCRs to run. Anyway.. the PCR running times will be slacking times as usual la.. but the preparation for PCR will take quite some time lor.. sian.
Today was terrible.. dunno y early morning got this persistent tummy ache that wont go away. Its not the lao sai kinda tummy ache.. maybe got something wrong inside... ARGHH anyway.. i really felt like taking MC lor.. but cant la.. i already took 4 days off for FOC. Sian.. plus a severe attack of the Monday blues... HAIZ.. i feel like Garfield..
Some random thoughts... yesterday I finally felt the difference between an Automatic car and Manual car as I was driving my bro back to camp. That particular stretch of road had loads of traffic lights and yesterday I was damn suay la... kept meeting with red lights.. and that stretch of road had tons of red light cameras.. so I din dare to beat the red light oso. Sian 1/2...
So a lot of times, after cruising for a while at 70kph.. will have to hit the brakes. Then after that start again. Ya my point is.. for manual, after stopping, u go gear 1 right? Then after that, u wanna speed up, u can switch at ur own comfort from gears 1 to 2 to 3 to 4. Depending on your skill la.. usually shouldnt take too much time to go up to gear 4. But for auto cars right... the shifting of gear will be automatically controlled by the car (hence the name automatic car). So in other words, u cannot control when the car is gonna go to gear 2 or gear 3 or gear 4. So thats y its slower!!! At least for my dad's car, takes quite a bit of time to accelerate till gear 4... so u can imagine my frustration when a while after i reach that speed i come to the next red light!! ARGHH!!!
k before i end off for today, give u pple a treasure ok? This afternoon, was in the lab. My colleagues were playing the Chinese radio. Afternoon they have this segment playing oldies. SHIT LOR i'm getting old can!! Most of the 'oldies' they play are my favourite songs in my sec school days can... CAN!? Those are SOOO not oldies can!? BIANG EH!!! But anyway... today i heard this song.. far far older than those songs.. haha think its my parents' era.. but i really quite like it!! Think its sung by Vivian Chow... but i cant find the mandarin version. Make do with the Canto version from Youtube k? Canto not by Vivian Chow.. by Shirley Kwan.
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