The movie showing on channel 8 yesterday... Musa 武士.
OMGOMGOMG! The 2 lead actors were SO CUTE!!! Ok not boy boy cute.. KS no longer goes for those boyish looks k?? (crosses fingers behind her back as Edison's face flashes in her mind) YES YES those actors were real MANLY!!! OMG!!! Everyone should watch that show.. it was seriously damn beautifully shot. The complex human to human relationship, emotions, tensions, conflicts, were all beautifully depicted in that one show.
Love, hate, war, fear, death, pride, brotherhood, everything is so intricately linked that the show manage to tug at my heartstrings even now.. 回味无穷. It also ranks as one of the few movies that managed to earn bucketloads of KS tears. Nah.. haha kidding. Maybe only a few tissues-full.

What is the show about? See that guy on the left? He's Yeosol, a slave following a convoy from Koryo (now known as Korea) to China to pledge loyalty to the Chinese emperor. The guy on the right is this general (forgot his name wahaha cos he's not as cute as the one on the left) leading the convoy. The lady in the middle (I'm sure you all know who she is), she's this Chinese princess, Princess Furong 芙蓉公主 who was kidnapped by Mongol rebels (they call them 蛮族 in the show.. haha wonder why?).
This convoy from Koryo goes to China, and so the story goes. But the Chinese emperor was not happy with them due to some reason (think cos at the same time they were also pledging alliance with another country. BTW, this is historically correct, not fictatious). So the emperor, 朱元璋, exiled them.
As they were led to exile by Chinese officials, they were attacked by the Mongolian rebels. All the Chinese officials were killed, but cos they were not Chinese, they were spared.
By chance, they met this Princess Furong who was kidnapped by the Mongols. She pleaded with them to help get her out. The general (I suspect partly due to her beauty haha) decided to save her. He claims it's cos if they manage to save the emperor's favourite daughter, they will be able to return to Koryo in glory.
So as Operation-Saving-Princess-Furong progressed, at one point of time, the Princess was pursued by these Mongolians and Yeosol saved her. Captivated by his bravery and also his charisma, the princess fell in love with him (I did too.. if you watch the show you will know why haha). Yeah Yeosol was this slave who always looked around him with his laser-sharp and age-weary eyes, whatever he felt, he kept in his heart and he never spoke a word. In fact, for the first 3/4 of the show he never spoke at all, and I thought he was mute.
BUT HE WAS DAMN MANLY! OMG! His dishevelled hair, his untidy robe hanging open showing his perfect 6-pec hahahaha (sorry couldn't find a pic of that scene), the way he welded his weapon, his fearless eyes, his.... everything. AHHH can't explain! You must watch to understand why I was SOOO captivated by HIM!!!!!
So anyway, the general was also in love with the lucky princess. Yes the general was quite good looking too, but although he was also very brave, the rugged look was missing, so both the princess and I prefer Yeosol. Yes and together, the 2 of them did lots of things juz to keep the Princess safe. If you look at it from a wider point of view, you might think they are dumb, cos many brave warriors and innocent villagers were killed by the Mongolians juz cos they wanted to save the princess. But of cos, if you look at it from a hopeless romantic's point of view, everything is forgivable.
I found 2 scenes particularly touching.
1. The warriors led by the general and an entire village of Chinese were trapped in a fortress, with the Mongolians pitching tents outside, greatly outnumbering them and waiting for a chance to take the fortress together with the Princess.
Many of the villagers had alreadie died, and they blamed the Princess for being selfish. Cos once she surrendered herself to the Mongolians, they will all be safe. The general was at his wits end as to what to do. He was discussing with his comrades.
At that point, Yeosol suddenly drew out his spear and pointed it at the Princess' throat. He said to the general, "I only need one command from you." (Till then, all people involved never once openly expressed interest in each other, only sneaked glances and all... whaddya expect?! 古代 leh! Plus princess and slave leh!!!)
When the spear was pointed at the princess' throat, a single tear rolled down the haughty princess' face. At that moment, KS started crying too. Poor princess!
Of cos, the princess was not killed.
But she was so hurt by Yeosol's actions that she immediately asked for a horse to be prepared so she could go surrender to the Mongolians. And then another touching scene.... as the gates of the fortress opened, the princess travels out on horseback. Towards the Mongolian campsite.
And then Yeosol comes running out. He held onto the Princess' arms and said, "Ka hajima." (meaning "don't go" in Korean. One amazing thing is, throughout the entire show the Princess never understood Korean and Yeosol never understood Mandarin, yet they managed to communicate. Haha).
By then, the Mongolians had alreadie come charging from their camp. The general had also come out from the fortress. Yeosol handed the princess to him and after asking him to lead the princess back, went to face the enemy army alone. Of cos he was captured.
Next touching scene, it was the final showdown. The Mongolian army had charged into the fortress, and the innocent villagers and brave warriors were almost all killed. The princess was left standing alone, facing the Mongolian army commander. He shook his head and said, "你这芙蓉公主,多少武士为你而死啊!" Then he took out his spear, and the princess closed her eyes and prepared to die.
Just then, Yeosol, who was fighting a distance away, saw this scene. He ran and shielded the Princess with his body (think slow-motion.. like all these shows always go. Haha but when I watched it, that scene was seriously bloody touching). Yep and with his final breath, he still tried to kill the Mongolian army commander. But of cos he failed. Instead, the general, who was also nearing death, threw out a spear (or something sharp... forgot haha) and killed the commander. Then he died. Both died.
No wonder they always said 英雄难过美人关 and 红颜祸水. I read this China website commenting on this movie. The author of the website described the general as 用无情掩饰多情的将军... an apt description. So actually the general is also very attractive in his own way. But I still prefer the MANLY one... haha KS is grownup now!!!
Anyway, if even the fussy Chinese audience is lapping up this movie, this means the movie must be seriously good. Go get the VCD now!!! If you havent watched it!

This is the present-day "Yeosol". His real name is Jung Woo Sung 郑宇盛. I still prefer his 古装 rugged look... haizz... He's 32 alreadie.. but of cos I find matured guys more attractive. =)
Yes yes back to this issue that's nagging away at me.. the DY issue. Hey Tie... sorry if that Gabriel guy is your friend, but I really think he should go get a life rather than keep talking about it again and again to increase his hits.
Anyone who don't understand what I'm talking about, go to gssq.blogspot.com and read that latest entry. Nope I'm not gonna link him I dont want him to find his way here. Just copy and paste the link into a new window or tab.
That "nice Christian lady" in the latest "open letter to DY" is definitely not nice, and she doesn't sound very Christian to me. She sounds downright mean and malicious. Oh the first few lines went pretty well. She sounded sensible. Then as you read on, you realise that she's just a bitch with nothing better to do than find fault with others.
The words she used were so downright mean and harsh, I seriously dunno what's her intention. Anyway, I found her letter quite funny. She sounds like prim and proper prude, especially when I read that part about her wanting DY to stay low-profile and all.. WALAU she think like those 古代 girls like that.. cannot go 抛头露面 issit?!?!!!
And then I also found her kinda suah koo la... WALAU live in Bt Timah semi detach house she call that person upper-class... Woohoo! Doesn't that make me someone near that rank as well!? And many other Singaporeans as well?? Pui lor! WALAU last time in RG I remember there was this class almost 90% of the class live in bungalows in 6th avenue... doesnt that make that class very HIGH CLASS? And I think by her definition, half of all the students in RG and HC hail from high class families!! WHOA! Tie you are high class too!!!! ^5!
One big suah koo. Let me tell you what is high-class. Those people who live in good class bungalows in Cluny road etc... yes those are the high class ones ok. Those who go for social events every other night, charity balls, etc etc.. yes those are the high class ones. And HELLO!! $50, 000 is a lot?! Com'on. That is only enough for one year of tuition fees in Aust and half a year in US. So what.. she think go for one yr or half a yr then come back ah??? Madness.
Went to that "nice Christian lady's" blog. WOOHOO! Xiaxue left a comment there! Yes the great blog princess. For once, I seriously felt respect for her. The first time. I never used to like reading her blog.. but this time when I read the comment she left, I felt respect like never before. She sounds... sensible. Reasonable. Unlike her writing on her blog... but never mind. One of the reasons why I believe DY must be not that bad a girl is because even XX finds her nice.
ANYWAY *sigh*. Gonna bring in a bit of religion here. I'm a Buddhist, and there's this saying 人生有如镜中花 (something along that line la.. cant rmr the exact phrase haha). It means all the beautiful things we see in life are like the reflection of flowers in mirror. So all that pursuit for things we desire is just for something that is intangible. Things that do not matter once we manage to put ourselves in the correct perspective on the correct side of the mirror. When it all comes down to it, nothing really matters. Cos nothing lasts forever! Not youth, not beauty, nothing. Why get so worked up?
But what DOES matter is, no human being should and have the right to hurt a fellow human being in this manner, the way they are doing it with DY. They should be ashamed of themselves! Doing this to a 21 year old girl taking her first steps out into society. It is just plain malicious and with evil intent.
Ok done with ranting... back to work!
the warrior is a fantastic movie, i agree!!! i watched it in june just before i went back to spore. and the guy damn shuai la!!! hahaha. but i find some of the scenes a tad bit too gory. like when he chop off one of the enemies head with his spear. -shivers- Oh!! And i just caught harry potter today. lol. hermione granger is SO drool-worthy. =)
heehee think they censored the chopping off of head part for tv la.. I didnt get to see that.
AHHH I havent watch harry yet! Waiting for ur 2 good frens jing and chan to finish exams!!! SOON SOON!!! Is Cho Chang chio? haha I saw her pic.. like so-so only hahahaha.. anyway harry is all grownup now... SIGH not cute anymore!!
and JA!!! NO FAIR! U always send mails to chan, nv send me!! BOOHOOHOO
cho chang looks quite chio during the yule ball. other times, i think she looks alright la... maybe i chio-er. and my gosh!! ron weasley the muscle so big. i think harry looks better with short hair... some angles he look cute, others he look like shit. lol.
k la, k la, next time i send to you. i send to her cos very long time never see her on msn ma. i veh fair one ok.
btw, be warned! victor krum looks like an idiot.
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