Just came home from my grandma's. That active old lady.. she tends to forget her age. On Saturday, she fell down during her daily morning exercise sessions, and sprained her ankle and bruised her arm. So we told her not to go out and to rest at home for a few days.
Guess what happened today? She went out for her daily massage session at some community event thing! ARGH! And they said it's hard to make teenagers listen to you. Anyone has any tips to make these old ladies listen to their kids and grandkids?? And heed their advice??
Been hanging around with the family a lot these few days. Not sure if the words "hanging around" applies here.. but yeah. To sort of make up for the times I spent away from home mugging during the exam period.
So I went shopping with my bro yesterday. Did anyone tell you that shopping with your brothers is such a pain in the arse? Yeah I'm telling you now. It is. A huge pain in the arse. You wanna look at girl stuff, he wants to look at guy stuff. And so you wait for him.. fair and square, while he's looking at his stuff.
And then you expect him to wait for you while you are checking out your nice girl stuff. So you go into a shop and look around excitedly. And then you come out of the shop.
And then you find.. OH ME OH MY! My brother's DISAPPEARED!!!!
And then you launch a frantic search.. and trust me, it's totally horrendous for someone with no sense of direction like me to search for my brother among throngs of people in a maze-like shopping area like Bugis Village.
And then you find him. And you realise he went ahead cos he assumed you could find him easily. *smacks forehead* And then he adds on.. "Oops sorry.. I forgot girls just don't have a sense of direction." And you feel like slapping him.
Nehmind. Shop on. Shopping renders KS in a super good mood. So she decides to overlook this tiny little flaw in her day. And continues shopping!
And then she realises that shopping with a brother with an impending prom is more painful than a huge pain in the arse.
Cos every shop he stops at, he will check out the shirts there. And the shoes. And also, the bags. And then, he decides his taste is just so terrible he will never let his sister stand outside the shop in peace while he picks out his shirt. He will DRAG her into a GUY'S shop and then force her to pick out the tops for him.
And when she has picked out the tops, he comments about this and that and this and that.. and in the end decides he don't want that top after all.
And then he goes to another shop. And drags his sister in again. And then the same things repeat themselves.
And by the time they are in the 100th shop, you get a very tired and irritated sister. And a very oblivious brother who goes on torturing his sister.
And that's not the killer. What really wanted to make me kio tolong is the terrible fashion sense that guys have!!!! Ok.. maybe not all guys.. maybe.. just THE Chinese High School guys.
So my brother has picked out this nice striped blazer (according to him) and took a picture of it using his phone. And then he shows it to me. And then he goes into Topman and picked out this STRIPED shirt... and asked me if they look nice together.
A STRIPED blazer AND a STRIPED shirt... Is the Zebra-look the latest fashion trend? I never knew.
And then after I ground my teeth and told him VERY FIRMLY that they DO NOT go together, he picked out this BLACK shirt and teamed it with his BLACK blazer and asked me if they look nice together.
Anyone wanna take over? I'm resigning.
Thank god after a major torture session, I had someone interesting to entertain me. Someone in high heels. Someone so smart she choose high-heels with pointy toes so they hurt like a bitch when she needed to walk quite a bit.

Guess who???

And the answer is............
Yep it's JINGWEN the GREAT!!!!!!!!

We were invited to Chan's sister's wedding dinner.. to act as sidekicks!!!!
Heehee.. thanks Chan.. for the wonderful dinner! And thanks and congrats to your sister too!
I would have posted up the pictures taken with my modest lil camera phone.. but sad to say, they were too blur and of too poor quality to be seen here. Paiseh!
But here's something.... A remnant of the night.. Chan's gift of two bouquet of roses to me! She plucked them off their decorative positions behind the chairs and plunked them onto my unsuspecting hands. And refused to let me dump them after that.

They are still lying on my table. Haha
OH and Chan drove us home! WAH ride of the year.. haha but we all survived!
BTW Chan.. I just got reprimanded by my grandma cos I didn't give ang bao to your sister... PAISEH!!!! Hahahaha next time I see her I treat her to MacDonald happy meal ok?? Plus a nice lil pet to let her play with! And any nieces or nephews that you might have coming! Heehee
Oh and the above part about my brother? Haha actually ultimately he can still be pretty nice. If you are not his sister.. that is. =)
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