1. SHOP!
2. Watch all my recorded tv shows!
3. Watch all my vcds and dvds!
4. Watch all my naruto dvds!
5. Borrow more naruto dvds from tudi.
6. Borrow Bleach vcds or dvds.
7. SHOP!
8. Finish reading my library books.
9. Finish reading the National Geographic magazines that I made my daddy subscribe but I never got around to reading.
10. Finish reading my comics.
11. SHOP!
12. Finish reading the books I kept stocked up at home.
13. Paint my nails!
14. Get new clothes..... UHHHH simply put, SHOP!
15. Get new hairstyle!!! Wait a minute.. I got it alreadie!!!
K this is "before"

This is "after"!

I colored my hair and cut a fringe!! OK I know the color is not visible.... NOT YET! The hairdresser promised the color will become more obvious after a few shampoos. I believe her... absolutely ok???
Went to Great World City for dinner juz now.. daddy and mummy brought my brother and I for sushi!!!! Oishi deshyo!!!!
Saw Ben Yeo and his wife and Lynn Poh and her bf at Great World! Separately. Think they were not meeting each other. Anyway, according to my brother, Ben Yeo was not very tall haha.. ok la.. a bit taller than my brother I think. But he wasn't very good looking up close.. haha maybe cos he let his fringe down, look like cockster leh. But ok la.. didn't really see his wife's face.
As for Lynn Poh, my brother thought that her bf looked like shit.. but I found him ok la.. not say like shit, but also not say super yandao. Haha they were shopping at Zara, and Ben Yeo and wife were shopping at Precious thots when we saw them. OMG I sound like a super groupie hahahaha. Ok that's it for now, back to my vcd! GAWSH! I so totally got no life!
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