Sorry guys, had been cheating hit rates the past few days yes I know.. Lazy piece of shit that KS.. everyday never blog cheat people to keep coming and check if her site's updated. Sorry guys.. school's started, honeymoon's over. Homework's piling up though I'm still really reluctant to touch all that shit.. unless you people are really interested in all that boring everyday school life stuff, I don't think there's anything of interest in my life at the moment. Until today! Went with Jing and Ja for supper!!
Guess where we went??

Where's that place?! Makansutra! Gluttons bay!!!! Nice hawker food!!! Yummy yum yum!!!
Everyone who went there became a glutton... EVERYONE!!! I mean, just look at this girl here.. she's like, stuffing herself silly with all that orh luak, char kway tiao and hokkien prawn mee! All so oily some more.. OMG someone should tell her to go check her blood cholesterol! The LDL level in her blood must have risen to dizzy levels!
She was overheard mumbling, "Orh luak nicer? Or hokkien prawn mee? Or char kway tiao? AHHH think so much for what?! Buy everything and eat lar!"
"Wah piang all that food was DAMN GOOD man!! I think ah.. that Makansutra place can use me as spokesperson liao. Finished one plate of orh luak, one plate of hokkien prawn mee, one plate of char kway tiao and 3 cups of sugar cane juice ALL BY MYSELF!!!"
"Ok I practise posing for Makansutra's poster k? I'm Makansutra's poster girl!! I'm Jingz from Fantastic 4!! Please all visit Makansutra for good food!!! And a satisfied stomach!!"

"I also wanna be Makansutra's poster girl!!! I die die muz fight with Jingz!! She eat 3 plates of food, I drink 3 cups of sugar cane!!! Come let's fight!!! Oops.. muz pose and smile nice nice first. Hi!! I'm Jacinth from the Fantastic 4!!! Hee! Makansutra.. wanna use me as poster girl instead?!"
Makansutra manager, "K come come your name is Jacinth right? K Jacinth.. we need your help. We need someone to help hold the extra chopsticks and spoons as Jing's taking her poster picture. Thangz fer helping!!"

K one group picture.. the Fantastic 3!!! JX stayed too far away.. we decided to not disturb her and let her stay at home rest. Anyway I met them at 9++pm.. ask JX out she will surely go, "SIAO AH!! ASK ME GO THERE SO LATE!"
Uh oh k I better run b4 Chan conks me on the head with her metal pot.

Where's Makansutra?! Let spokesperson Jingz show you people! It's at the porcupine durian Esplanade!

Let the 2 spokesperson pose for a romantic pic!

Fantastic3!! Wah I like this pic.. cos I look better on the left side of my face, so everytime take picture must try to show only the left side. And Ja looks better on the right side of her face, so everytime take picture she will try to show only her right side. Jingz... anything goes lar. Her face left or right both look the same. She's symmetrical. So there, anyway this pic brings out the best of us three! Wahaha.

No I don't mean F2 Ja and Jingz..
Look again.. look closely..

Me with Ja!!! That dimly lit thing is the durian. Didn't use the night mode.. so could not capture the beauty of the durian in this pic. The night mode blurred too easily.

Ja and Jingz! Don't ask me why we bother to take pictures in front of the durian when we couldn't even see that it's that durian. I dunno why too.

K this pic by Ja the expert photographer... the Durian in all its magnificance. Seriously damn pretty. OMG it looks like a picture drawn by some reknowned artist! It's damn damn damn pretty.. anyone wants a copy? Get it from me. It's gonna be my wallpaper for now.
Durians are best served chilled.

Went to town to meet the Moogle people for ktv yesterday. I was running kinda late and was in a hurry, walking quite briskly... only to almost knock head-on with this lady standing beside the mrt station. Thinking it's one of those people giving out flyers or asking for donations, I tried to siam one side, only to be blocked again. I move left, the lady move with me, I move right, the lady ALSO move with me. I move up move down move everywhere until I juz kinda gave up and tried to tune in to what she wanted to say.
"Hi we are looking for pretty ladies to sign up as models."
First sentence she said I already wanted to rofl. OK so what do you want me to model? Kidswear? But of cos I didn't say that lar.. what?! Malu myself meh!? I juz kept mumbling, "I'm in a hurry I'm in a hurry." and tried to find a way to get out of that 铜墙铁壁 she was trying to surround me with.
"I won't take up a lot of your time. Really. I just need your number and your name. Just 5 seconds of your time!"
After like, 15 seconds of trying to no avail, I decided ahh.. what the heck.. give her what she wants and I can probably get away faster. It was after I walked like, 500m away before I realised what a dumb ass I've been. I could have given her a fake name and number!! Walau.. was in too much of a hurry, lost my common sense for a while.
Anyway if any of you meet with the following situation, just to let you know, it's probably fake. I mean, walau seriously.. who ever thinks KS looks even HALF like a model?? Hands ahem.. down. I remember Tien Fun told me last time she got stopped by someone from this "modelling agency" as well, and she went for their "audition" out of curiosity. What audition... rubbish! At that place, all they did was try to sell the girls makeup and stuff. According to TF, if I remember correctly, before they could be signed by the company, they had to buy something like 500 bucks worth of makeup products and also go for modelling lessons, paid from their own pockets too of course. Wah like that isn't an outright con lar. Dunno who will be dumb enough to believe.
Those who believe either are seriously really dumb, or seriously think themselves to be very very very chio, or they could be very very very very rich!! People like Emily!!! Chatted with her yesterday, she's into her third year at MIT! She's currently doing an attachment in Tokyo! Attachment only leh. And guess how much this girl earns.........
Dunno ah???
Guess lar!!!!!!!
Don't like that!!!!! QUICK GUESS!!!
Make a rough guess!!!
"Very little lor. Not a lot. Only slightly less than 5000 USD a month." That was what she told me. @@#^&%^&@#$!!!!!!!!! You are an undergrad on an attachment and you earn like, 5000 USD a month and you tell me it's LITTLE?! After that, sensing my buay song-ness, she said, "No lar.. minus tax minus pension, only about 3500 USD a month." Wah... ONLY about 3500 USD a month leh. 3500 USD is already like, the salary of people in the top 5 percentile in Singapore?!!
But then again, that's only something like 1/10th of a peanut of cos.
Eh why lousy KS nv blog yesterday!? Lazy?! Nah... cos she went off to byo yandaos and chiobus!!!!! Yesterday was UOC pageant bash 2005, held at Gothem Penthouse. Loads of yandaos and chiobus to byo!!!! At first a bit sian.. didn't want to go. Cos my eye candy Pin Chao declined the invitation to represent his group in the pageant mah. I kinda decided there was not much to be seen, since Pin Chao was not there. But yesterday Alex our dearest GL asked me to go. After much deliberation and negotiation, I agreed.. on the condition that he will drive me home after that. Eh not much to agree to hor.. I live soo near Clarke Quay! Not like you will waste a lot of petrol. So I managed to persuade him in the end.
Oh btw, Alex Long reads this blog!!! Yikes!!!!!! Got a helluva shock when he revealed loads of my secret fantasies told only in this blog here, to all my OG friends!!! ARGH!!! ALEX LONG!! Meifeng you better be careful.. I think he reads your blog too. The super ba gua and kpo Alex Long. Even though he allowed me to ride in his car for like, 5 seconds from MS to my home today morning at 3+am, I must still say this. Be careful ah.. next time cannot write too much of your secret fantasies inside here. Particularly not involving people he knows.
Anyway back to UOC pageant. It was surprisingly fun! Gothem Penthouse was good. And as for the pageant nominees, all I can say is, some good work to the hair and nice makeup to the face really does make loads and loads of difference! KS almost died from excessive nosebleeding. Check out some of the evening gowns the chiobus were wearing..... will post the pictures after one of the freshies Joel sends them to me. But warning - before viewing the pictures, get some tissue ready to clean up the drool and nosebleed.
Now let's talk about how KS got sabo-ed. Pageant right?! Obviously it's there for us to byo people right? So KS was checking out the guys, and deciding on who she thinks looks the best. She decided M5 looks the best, this guy from S group who looks really like Julian Hee. He has this real cute boyish smile. And being one who likes to share good stuff, KS turned to tell Meifeng about who she thinks is cutest. And her conversation was overheard by Jingle who was juz behind Meifeng. KS didn't think much of it, until Jingle told her, "Hey.. you want to know him? I can intro!!" AWW SHUCKS! SHIT! Forgot Jingle's from S group too! Some more they stay in the same hall!!!
That's not all.. after that, the kpo freshie Joel also kinda found out who my eye candy of the night was, cos the not very clever KS asked him to take more pictures of all the male contestants and not juz of the ones our group sent. Wah and he SHOUTED out my secret fantasy and made a BIG SPORT outta taking that picture of Mr Julian Hee-lookalike!!! ARGH!!! KS made a mad scramble to hide.. and found sanctuary behind fake freshie Jac Dean. A bit too late. Now the entire M group knows who I was byo-ing. Eh hello... byo only hor! Cannot issit?! Walau as if the guys didn't byo the female contestants lar! I even overheard someone saying one of the female contestants was dressed like a porn actress or something. *slaps forehead* With friends like this how is KS ever to survive in NTU.. HOW?!
Finally after a very tiring night of clubbing (the M group people danced all the way till 2+am on a weekday!! That's how mad!!!) we went on to MS for supper. Everyone was hungry. After finishing the nice bah kut teh, Alex drove me home and I finally smelled my bed at around 4am.. totally concussed. Going out to meet them for KTV later... dunno where they get the energy from seriously. The freshies especially.. they had to meet at 9+am for flag day! Scary.
Today's the first day of school!! Yippee!! So high! Man... don't we all lurve school!! The lectures, the tutorials, the school compound, the lecturers... School makes me feel great!!!!!
*pukes out today's breakfast, lunch and dinner taken at one of the top 50 universities in the world*
Even before the first lecture started, things have already started going wrong. Dragged my half-awake body from the MRT to the 179 booth at the bus terminal. SHIT! DAMNIT! Checked my watch, double checked my watch, triple checked my watch. 7.45am, correct what! I always reach school damn early cos I take daddy's shun feng car to Bukit Batok and take MRT from there. Closer to sch than Somerset, can save on tpt fees. But cos my dad starts work early, I always have to go to school much earlier than others. So normally, when I reach the 179 booth, the queue there's always damn short. No need to stand and wait very long for the bus.
But today, first day of school and already everyone's sooo eager to start!!!!! Miss the dear profs and assoc profs right?! PUI like real lar! Muz be cos they miss the chiobu or yandao they always byo at Lee Wee Nam! Argh!! How can the bus be soo crowded at such an early hour!? *slaps forehead in despair* How I live on if it continues to be like that?!
Never mind.. first day of school.. we all LURVE school remember?! Never never NEVER let the little things get us down! Go on to school and the joy of mugging will all come back to you! Wowee!!! I happily endured the 15 plus minutes of standing on the bus and getting jostled around by impatient students and aunties. Finally alighted at my beloved hangout, canteen A!!! WOW I MISS the coffee lady there.. gotta go get my daily dose of caffeine before the day starts!!! I happily bought my kopi tapao and trudged on to my next fav destination, SBS (School of Biological Sciences)!!
At SBS, I sat at the benches outside and sat down to enjoy my kopi and breakfast while sitting in the cool morning breeze. NTU is seriously a kampong.. early morning get surrounded by ethereal mist while la-ing my kopi.. feel like a princess in heaven. *coughs* ahem. Usually the resource room where I print my notes opens at 8.30am, and since I'm so early, I usually have quite a lot of time to slowly la kopi and enjoy myself. However today, suddenly, as I was halfway through my kopi, I heard a someone cursing and swearing while walking towards me. I looked up and saw Edward, this guy from BS (Bio Sci, not BullShit).
"Shit I dunno what the hell they are doing.. the bloody resource room is CLOSED! CLOSED! ALL THE WAY TILL 30th JULY!!!"
WHAT?! FREAK! I walked ALL THE WAY FROM CAN A HERE YOU CLOSE THE RESOURCE ROOM!? PUI! Now I have to walk ALL THE WAY BACK to library 2 to print my notes and then walk BACK to SBS for lecture! Perfect. Just the perfect way to start the term. Well done. Give us all a pleasant surprise. They trying to train the guys up for IPPT or what?!
Anyway since we already have to go all the way to library 2, I thought I might as well join this Breakfast Club composed of a lot of the BS FOC (Bio Sci Freshman Orientation Camp, not BullShit, Free Of Charge) people at Can A. Bad choice. It was at Can A sitting at the table filled with the BS FOC people that I suddenly realise... I'm sitting at a table filled with familiar faces.
But un-recallable names. Shit. My memory's failing me. "Uh hey you.. hi! Long time no see! So how did you spend your hols?" "Hi! How're you?! Uhh... so how's life getting on?"
Managed to bluff my way thru the morning. *wipes sweat*
Halfway thru the first lecture, I decided I really couldn't make it any longer.. I need another dose of caffeine!!! During the 10 minutes break, I rushed to the vending machine at the BS lobby to get Nescafe canned coffee. And the vending machine swallowed the 2 one dollar coins I inserted, without excreting the canned coffee I so desired. ARGH!!! First day of school!!! You are testing my patience lar!!!!! I stormed to the office to get Irene, the person in charge of the miscellaneous stuff in BS, and asked her to call the company to get me a refund. And she refused.. asked me to do it myself. Never mind.. I have a VERY high level of tolerance. Very. Though it's already stretched DANGEROUSLY to the limit. I went and called Coca Cola maintenance.. and asked them to come and dig out the coins and pass them to Irene. I would collect my money from Irene later. *evil laughter* Try to evade your duties some more lar! Try some more! I will personally make sure you do everything you are paid to do, and make sure the job's well done!
Whee! Victory to KS! That settled, I went for lunch with Kayan, Shiqin and gang, at the new (but also not say very new) Cafe Quad. After entering the cafe, I thought I saw a familiar face... but weird.. she's not supposed to be here. Think maybe cos I lack sleep I'm starting to hallucinate. Rubs eyes... tadaa! She's STILL there! Ms Cheong! My geog teacher from RG! I went up to her, knees quaking (another childhood.. ahem.. I mean teenhood phobia of this teacher), and asked in a tiny mousey voice, "Hi.. are you Ms Cheong?"
Cheong: Yes. And your name?
KS: Kah Suan.
Cheong: Oh I remember you. You really look different. You used to be quite fat right?
(cheong ah cheong.. the correct word is plump hor)
KS: Yes. Haha
Cheong: So what happened?
KS: Uhh.. I just grew up I guess.
Cheong: Wah... grow up can grow like that one ah? Haha. So what course are you doing now?
KS: Bio sci. You? How come you are here?
Cheong: I'm lecturing at NIE now. For 2 years. After that I will probably go back to Chinese High. A lot of my RG girls are asking me to go back to RG you know? *smirks* But I kinda prefer the Chinese High guys. (WHAT?! The laosai coloured shorts school?! You gotta be kidding me!!!)
KS: HUH?! Oh.. uhh.. ok. But RG better lar. But it's your choice ultimately. Haha *laughs nervously*
Cheong turns to her colleague: I remember this girl. She used to love to ask me lots of questions! Lots of interesting questions! (yeah right) Last time I think a lot of you think I'm very fierce right?
KS starts fidgeting: Uh... no lar. You were really a nice teacher. (no you were a nightmare). We all liked you a lot! (We all dreaded your lessons). Really!
KS tried to squeeze out a smile.
Cheong: So today's the first day of school.. how's it?
KS, dripping with sarcasm: HAHA oh we all LURVE school don't we! I've been looking forward to this day for the entire 3 months of holidays!
Cheong: Yeah! RG girls are all like that! That's my girl! They all look forward to school!
Someone needs to train her to look out for sarcasm when she hears it.
KS starts to look for an escape: I gotta go look for my friends! Hope to meet you some other time! Cya around!
After surviving lunch and slacking for a few more hours, time for the next lecture! As the saying goes, chi bao bao, shui hu hu.. eat so full, how to stay awake during lecture!? I tried to lor.. seriously. Not my fault lar! The prof can do an introduction to the topic for like, 2 whole hours?! Faint... After 15 minutes, my lids started to feel real heavy. Dug around in my bag for toothpicks to pry my eyes open.. SHIT! Forgot to bring my trusty toothpicks! Argh! Too bad lar. Went to meet uncle Chow. At uncle Chow's I met like, 90% of the people in the lt. Poor Priezer. First lect already kena condemned like that. Yawnz. Woke up as the lect ended and went home for tuition. There ends my very nice first school day. *grinz widely*
What do you usually do when you are scared? Frightened outta your wits? Usually the best cure is to get others frightened as well!!!! *evil laughter*
Yesterday night, or rather today morning at about 2.30am, I popped by Kenny Sia's site.. and got a hell of a big fright. Wah it's damn evil to put up such scary stuff to scare innocent parties who might be visiting your site in the middle of the night!!!!
With a thumping heart, adrenaline pumping, I got real jumpy. Every single rustle the air con made had me turning my head 180 degrees to check my surroundings suspiciously. At that moment, 2 suay people decided to chat with me thru MSN. One of them was poor Tie, the other was Jiaming, one of the programmers during the camp.
The inner evil KS gives an evil laugh, and the gears of her sick mind started turning.
KS: Hey Tie! You know Kennysia? The real funny Malaysian blogger?
Tie: Yes of cos I know. He's from Kuching, I was from there too!
KS: Oh issit? Haha he just posted this real interesting entry!! Go read it! Now!!!!
5 minutes later
Tie: Freako.. now I don't dare to go to the toilet anymore.
KS feels 100 X better after hearing that she was not alone anymore. *evil laughter*
Next victim.
KS: Hey you know this blogger called Kenny Sia?
Jiaming: Yeah he's quite famous right? Read about him somewhere in the newspapers before.
KS: Oh issit? He's really funny! He just posted this really entertaining entry! Go read it!
Jiaming: Ok.
5 minutes later
Jiaming: Uhh... are those things real?
KS: I should think so?
Jiaming, still trying to comfort himself: Err... I think it's maybe cos that motorcycle was going real fast, causing the lights to have this reflection.
KS: If that makes you feel better.
KS, really freaked out now: Let's change the topic..
So now.. you guys know what to do when you are scared in the middle of the night right??
Oh btw, I changed the skin a bit. To be more precise, I added in a picture of myself! This is the only one of the coolest pictures I've ever taken! So proud of it lor. Funky KS. Cool hor cool hor?! Quick! All say cool!! Let me have something to feel high about less than 12 hours before the new school term starts!! QUICK!!!
I think it's really time I start behaving more like a girl. Lesser and lesser guys are treating me like one!!! In the course of a day, I had 2 MSN conversations that normal males would NEVER say to someone they treat as a normal female. A normal demure, pure and innocent female! Eh and KS is SUPPOSED to be normal, demure, pure and innocent k?! Walau.
First one involves this guy, let's call him Mr B. We were talking about yandaos and chiobus and ourselves.
Mr B: Stop dreaming of all the cute freshies you met at camp! Stop scaring them! They see you they will run away!
KS: No lor I even found a chance to talk to my Guo Pin Chao-lookalike. Though it's only cos I needed to brief him. Haha
Mr B: Oh man.. stop dreaming. I'm more yandao can?
KS: Uhh.. now YOU are dreaming.
Mr B: Not of YOU.
KS: Oh please.. I wouldn't wanna be in your dream!
Mr B: Neither would I wanna be in yours. But I guess it's not possible is it? You can't help dreaming of me right? Just try not to have wet dreams of me.
KS: WET DREAMS?! Now you are really dreaming.
Mr B: Nah I would never wanna have wet dreams of you.
KS: Any dreams of you would be called a NIGHTMARE!
Mr B: A wet nightmare?
KS tries to gek innocent: What?! What's a wet dream?! I dunno lor! I really don't! How come dreams also can get wet one?!
Ahem.. pure and innocent proper young ladies are not supposed to know what wet dreams are hor. *coughs* KS is a pure and innocent proper young lady.
Next one, let's call him Mr A. This is someone I only knew not too long ago.. and damnit he's already not treating me like a proper demure young lady! @#%$%@!!!
I forgot what we were talking about that led to this first sentence here, but it was REALLY something proper and had nothing to do with this sentence at all. Really lar. I dunno what happened. Really. Forgot.
Mr A: I like to think dirty things, surf porn, byo chiobus etc etc.
KS: Uhhh oh ok. But don't all males do that? Haha. Unless they are monks lar.
Mr A: Who told you monks don't think dirty things? Just that they cannot do anything about what they think.
KS: No lar I don't think they do. They are supposed to be monks leh.
Mr A: Ha.. monks also sure think about such things one.. unless they got no nuts.
The tea KS was drinking spewed from her mouth onto the table.
Ok I give up.. life is too short to gek demure and not enjoy the joy of such humour! You see ah, you gek demure you still have to pretend you dunno what they are talking about and then cannot laugh out loud!! Like, "Huh? Nuts? What nuts? Macadamia? Or peanuts?" And as the saying goes, um cheo too much will get nei shang (internal injuries).. some more still have to um cheo and at the same time think of some innocent words to say to pretend you dunno what they are talking about! Like that use up too much power.. even wulinmengzhu also cannot tahan.
K so from now on.. come ah come.. tell me anything under the sun. Wulinmengzhu bio student.. you make any mistakes anywhere also she can correct you. No need ke qi hor. Got any questions about human anatomies can also ask her. She will try her best to provide you with information. But don't ask her which is the best porn site around or which is the best AV movie around lar.. that one she's still trying to find out.
The blogger EVERYONE'S talking about... Mr Verce's introduced him, brother Fox has asked me to read his blog, Miyagi's talked about him....... He's Rockson Takumi Tan!! Walau seems like after we gave Jing an uber cool christian name TMD Patty Lim, the whole entire world's adopting these funky names. I should get one myself. OK from now on I'm called Avril Naruto Lim!! Walau.. damn cool rite?! Remember ah.. from today onwards see me outside muz call me Avril Naruto Lim! I'm sooo funky I'm proud of myself!!!
Oh sorry.. we were talking about Mr Rockson Takumi Tan. Read his latest entry... damn freakin funny!!!
I also read today the newspaper that they wanted to change the Marina Bay name. Gahmen call some overseas new name expert people to think of new names. You know how much they pay these fuckers? $400,000!!!!
And you know what is the name they choose in the end?
KNNBCCB!!! Spend $400,000 of Singapore people's money, and in the end come out this kind of fuck thing? Marina Bay change name to Marina Bay!!!
The minute I read that I was laughing so hard my guts and liver were spilling outta my mouth. Walau!!!!!! The government seriously makes me lose trust in them sometimes. I dunno if it's really true that they spent so much for nothing.. but in any case, I guess that $400,000 was what? 2/3 of a peanut am I right? Blardie hell.. if I knew peanuts were going to cost so much I would have stocked up more last time. Now no chance.. always go NTUC the salesgirl tell me, "Sorry peanuts sold out." See lar! Who let out the heavenly secret that each peanut costs $600,000?
Anyway, for more peanut stories, go to Rockson Takumi's page:
Brace yourselves though, he's a real foul-mouthed smart ass trying to gek beng.
Recently, due to my lobster-red-peeling skin and scalp, I had been forced to adopt this movie-star look whenever I wanted to hit the streets. After I took a picture, WOW I discovered it was my chioest picture to date!!!!! Cos cannot see my face but then that's beside the point. *coughs* OK I've decided.. I shall put this picture into my blogskin!!!! I will become the next chio blogger around!!!! YAY!!! Awww stop going to pinkshoefetish.. come wulinmengzhu!!! She chioer!!! *coughs harder*

Anyway since we are on the topic of fashion and beauty, let's talk about the Balenciagas EVERYBODY is raving about these days. Paris Hilton carries them, Lindsay Lohan too. EVERYBODY who's SOMEBODY carries the Balenciaga these days. As I was telling my aunt about this amazing trend yesterday, she went, "Huh? You mean all those youngsters these days like my type of fashion? Let me see if I still have those Balenciagas I bought like, 20 years ago when I was still working in UK. Finally the auntie-look is in fashion!" My sentiments exactly. You mean that chiobu Lindsay Lohan who's like, 1 or 2 years younger than me, wanna look 10 years older than me?! Ahem.. being matured takes on a whole new meaning altogether.

Another really off trend... wedges. This time my aunt was like, "Oh well.. they were in fashion 20 years ago when I was in my teens. Everything's going retro these days isn't it. Shoot.. wouldn't have thrown away any of my bellbottoms, wedges etc if I had known they would make a comeback 20 years on."
They kinda remind me of those shoes my mum goes marketing in.

The right way to dress, Bohemian!!!! I had this bohemian skirt 5 years ago, when I was still in sec sch, and I thought it was really hard to match that skirt with any top so I threw it away. At least, I passed it to my mum and asked her to do the job. Thank god she didn't!! Imagine my joy when I found that skirt in her cupboard!!! Those minority tribe fashion necklaces and bags my grandma bought for me when she went to China last time came in handy to complete the Bohemian look too! And of cos the handy hoop earrings. Now for that scarf... need to find one from some flea market. Cheap cheap, good good!

According to our dearest Tie, the fashion analyst, the Bohemian look's gonna be out soon. The next trend is gonna be the "pirate look". PIRATE LOOK??! Like, wth?! You mean, like HIM below??? *shudders*

Ok maybe like this.. the pirate look will be more acceptable. It's kinda like an evolved version of the bohemian look. Like the headscarf. What else do we need? A tunic, loose pants, and a pair of boots. No problem about those. Lastly, the pirate's hook. Anyone has any idea where you get them in Singapore? Finally, guys, brace yourselves for hordes of young pirate wannabes roaming the streets next season!

The alternative pirate look. I'm still not very used to it.. Tie, you were kidding when you said it's the next season's fad right? You WERE right? Yes? Yes???

Day 5 of UOC.. the Amazing Race!!
Chartered buses fetched everyone back to NTU and the race started from there. There were a few stations, with programmers stationed at each. Each group will also have a programmer attached.
Gosh, you won't believe how much energy the freshies have left after like, 4 days of camp. Next year must make it more tiring for them. It's either they die or we die. I was attached to Moogle, and like 5 seconds into the race, I was already horribly regretting my decision, they were like the most siao on group there!! There was no more Amazing Race, it became the Amazing SPRINT! They sprinted ALL THE WAY from src to the NIE canteen, and then from there all the way to Lee Wee Nam!!! Machiam shooting an ad for Milo you know.. the poor old ladies and gentlemen (the programmers and M grp SAs) following behind still haven't eaten breakfast, spare a thought for them can?! Moogle set off last, 40 minutes after the first group, but by the time we were done with the first station, we were already the third last group, meaning we had already overtaken 2 groups. Old lady KS lost half her life chasing after her geenahs there.
Run around in school still ok... at least the people there understand we are having an orientation camp not so paiseh... wah biang these freshies their skin machiam 1 inch thick rubber... they can even run around, like kids playing catching, IN TOWN!! At that moment, KS really wished she could become an ostrich, find a drain to dig her head into. If anyone think you spotted KS running around like a siao geenah on the 15th July in town, no you got the wrong person. Wrong person hor.. remember. KS was NOT in town on the 15th July. No. She was... uhh... having a rendezvous on Mars.
We went to several places that day, NTU to opposite Beauty World for prata and Milo Dinosaur, to Harbour Front for a meal of total gunk (think baby food plus wasabi plus chilli sauce plus sardine plus thousand island sauce plus a whole load of other shit), to City Hall area for some picture taking, to Lau Pa Sat for dinner, and finally back to Changi Village to see transvestites *coughs* I mean, to drink lime juice.
Now let's talk about that meal of total gunk. As if it was not bad enough that it was total gunk.. and the freshies had to complete every single drop of that gunk. They had to choose to do it outside Raffles City!!! Onlookers saw a bunch of crazy fellas (probably juz released from IMH) tearing open wasabi packages, chilli sauces, baby food etc, mixing them altogether, and fighting to swallow all that gunk. Without close inspection, you might even think it was sharks' fin, abalone or birds' nest they were fighting after. But since loads of people seem to be curious enough to inspect closely, KS decided to play safe and stood 100 meters away from her fellow M grp friends. TO be doubly safe, she quietly puts on her shades and cap and prays no one will recognise her.
After that, the few old ladies decided they were too damn dead beat to carry on with the freshies, they left the old gentlemen to do the job while they sat down for their mahjong session, thinking the picture taking session would most probably take an hour since they had like, 11 pictures to find. Less than 30 minutes later the old gentlemen rang us to tell us they were done and the old ladies nearly fell off from their seats and broke their brittle bones. As we looked thru the pictures on the way to Changi Village, many old brittle jaws dropped and nearly couldn't be fixed back. The freshies took only like, 1 or 2 minutes to take pictures and get from one picture destination to another and take ANOTHER picture... even when the places are like, quite a great distance apart! (think like, Marina square and suntec city). The old ladies start saying grace and thanking god they decided on the mahjong session instead of accompanying the siao freshies on their photo-taking spree.
By the time we reached Changi Village, we were already the second group. From last to second. And yet they were still not done!! Immediately after they finished their lime juice, they were supposed to carry their GL back to the chalet (WHAT?! No ah gua to byo?!) And even with a GL on their backs, they could sprint. And sprint they did, from Changi Village ALL THE WAY back to Changi Aloha. Old lady KS sobs, "Eh I bribe the programmers put u all as the first group lar. Please stop running. I forgot to bring grease to oil my joints. Buay tahan liao lar." They turned a deaf ear. I mean, 20 deaf ears. By the time we reached the chalet, KS collapsed to the floor in one heap and could not stand up anymore. Mad freshies. Mad. Seriously mad. Someone must have fed them Red Bull in the morning.
The heavens cried for poor KS that night. It rained so heavily the bbq could not be started. In the end, cool Oakley Shades decided to show off his hidden skill.. he cooked for us! As he donned the apron and took out the wok, KS overheard someone exclaim, "You mean other than swearing and smoking and drinking, the man can actually COOK?" Oh well, the world is always full of surprises. Finally, at about 3am, the rain subsided. The bbq fire was started. But by then, none of us could fit anything else into our tummies. Despite running around all day and missing dinner. So we kinda sat around the fire, chatted, and played some bo liao games.
Now let me tell you about the programmers. OK Meifeng will agree with this, we were probably the 2 luckiest girls around during the entire camp. Though for the camp, the total number of females outnumbered the males by 1.5 times, for programmers, there were only 2 girls and the rest were all males. And like, 90% of them were manhunt material!! *ting ting!! Stars appear in KS's eyes* Ok I'm exaggerating. But seriously, by NTU standards, union camp has some of the best guys I've seen. In terms of looks. (You kidding?! Who the hell cares about character these days??) Cos we were the only 2 females there, they tended to look out for us more. A bunch of real entertaining guys. Never failed to make us double up with laughter. Of cos, it's an added bonus many of them were real kakkoi! Ok think I better not continue... I can go on and on forever. If one day they ever made boy-craziness a disease, I think they will probably name it the Kah Suan syndrome. Did I ever say I wanted to go les? Uhh.. let's shelf that plan for the time being.
Day 4 of UOC, the beach games day at Sentosa! The day I got my lobster red sun burnt skin.
We woke up very early and a chartered bus sent us to Sentosa. Breakfast was hurriedly gobbled up on the bus again.... someone help me sue the chief programmer for ill-treating his subjects!! Managed to catch some shut-eye on the bus.. good thing.. cos I only slept a grand total of 1 hour the night before. Who wanna see how a super-sleep-deprived KS looks? I'm gonna sell the pics of a zombiefied KS for 1000 bucks. Any takers?
We reached the beach that the UOC people rented and started to set up our stations. 15 minutes later, all our stations were nicely set up and we were all ready to take a break before the freshies arrive. We laid down our beach towels, changed into our beach wear, took out our shades and caps, lied down on the towels hands behind our heads, left legs bent, right feet propped on our left legs (commonly known as the lie-down-and-kiow-ka pose), and we started relaxing under the nice morning sun. Suddenly, a lady's voice woke us up from our wonderful day dreams. She was from the Sentosa management. "Hi. Uh.. sorry, we need to use this beach for an event today. We need it now. Is it ok with you if we provide you with Siloso beach in exchange instead (Siloso beach was the more ex beach, rental was double that of the beach we laid on)."
@$%^%$^@@^!!!!!! Wah biangz!! Tell us only now?! Could she have like, told us 15 minutes earlier and saved us all the trouble of loading and unloading and RE-loading the equipment from the lorries, and the travelling from one beach to another?! Thank god we had 2 lorries available, one for equipment, another for programmers. But after we all loaded ourselves into the programmers lorry, everyone started to kb again. That $#@%$# lorry had a screwed up suspension!!! With every tiny bump and ridge in the moon-surface-like-road, the entire lorry load of people bounced up and down and got thrown left and right.. In the midst of that roller coaster ride, I managed to squeak to Teddy, "How does it feel to be a Ba***** for one day???" He just gave me a pained look. Oh come to think of it, actually, I think all that bumping up and down cause more hurt to guys than girls........
When we finally reached our destination, poor energizer bunny, who was the driver, got thrown into a gunny sack and beaten up like crazy by a bunch of dishevelled programmers. From the sack, his weak voice protested, "Eh not my fault lar... I see hump I already stepped on the brake to slow down... but those bumps and ridges on the road I can't possibly see right?" Which is quite true.. but what the hell.. we need a scapegoat to vent our frustrations on!! So.... sorry energizer bunny. If not dunno how to answer to my sore bum?? *rubs bruised bum gingerly*
Time to set up station. We basically just used raffia strings to mark out the courts for the handball and frisbee games. Next we filled up the water bombs, using sea water. Seriously, I never understood why they bothered to fill water bombs for beach games. Just throw the people into the water lar!! Same result.... except u get to save the plastic bags. Never mind.. union camp.. heavily sponsored, too much money. Must waste a bit here and there. Next time make sure they use some of that money to pay the programmers for their work.
Met 2 rather cool programmers while preparing for beach games (ask Meifeng, she was totally smitten. I still prefer my ahem.. Guo Pin Chao-lookalike freshie of cos). They were these super beng type, ok.. u can call them the ang moh bengs. Every single sentence that flies out of their mouths was laced with vulgarities, but yet they do have that very cool "seh". Tanned, muscular, good-and-dangerous-looking, blond spiky hair (for one of them)... both were in board shorts and beach slippers and one never ever takes off his uber cool Oakley shades. Both were topless *wipes drool* and both have great bods.... so sad I never did manage to catch their names.... eh wait.. why the hell am I raving on and on about them??? Back to water bombs.
Anyway one of the 2 cool guys decided that juz plain filling the water bombs with sea water was juz so bbbbboooooooooring. So he mixed in some flour and spit and snot and ear wax and started to fill his special blend of water bombs (uh... actually I was kidding about that spit and snot and ear wax thing.. but the flour was for real). I betcha... after you see those water bombs, you will never ever wanna drink soya bean milk again. Ever.
Beach games day was the first day the thing known as "programmers welfare" came into place. We finally got drinks!! After 3 days of desert survival training, they finally decided to grant us some water!!!!! No not sea water. At first I thought they would probably ask us to quench our thirst in the Singapore Straits (is that what they call the sea bordering Sentosa). But after a while, Weiyao the darrrrlingg lugged a HUGE ice box filled with canned drinks and ice and let us help ourselves with it!!!! I saved the first four digits and the last four digits of the serial number of the first drink I took in my phone, and went to buy 4d. Haven't struck yet. Win liao tell u guys. No.. I mean.. win liao won't tell u guys.. wat u think I am!? Dumb!? Later get extorted to buy u people a meal how!?
Anyway, after a meaningless morning sitting under the hot sun cheering Moogle on, finally it was my turn to run my programme, we call it Secret Number, better known as zhong1 ji2 mi4 ma3. The only special thing about this game is that it was played in the sea, and the person who guesses the number correctly will get muah chee-ed. OK for the sake of those who have NEVER been through army or went for any camps (u losers!)... wat's muah chee? Noooo not that thing you buy at the hawker centres to eat. Basically you throw a person into the sea to get him/her totally wet, then you throw that person into the sand and roll him/her around till he/she is totally covered by sand. Hence, the name, muah chee. Wakaru?? Understand??
Yep so anyway, first groups to come to our station was T grp, Yixiang's group. T grp was the grp my ahem... Guo Pin Chao-lookalike shuai ge was in!!!! Damnit.. even before the game started, I kena dunked by Yixiang and a few of the guys in his group. Thank god Pin Chao was not one of them, if not I swear.. I will never forgive him.. NEVER!!! OK.... like he gives a damn.. haha. Eh.. let KS be delusional for just 1 minute can?! 1 minute only wat... let her dream for a while!!
Anyway, it was all in all a super booooooorrrrriiiinnng game lar. Meifeng had a bad sore throat and couldn't help me out except in giving me numbers (for the game as well as ideas for next week's toto). So I was the only one shouting the numbers and giving orders for people to be muahchee-ed. Tried to tease a few people here and there to make the game more interesting.. but guess there was no point.. nothing can save the boring game. Nothing. Except dunking the programmers and muahchee-ing them. WEIYAO THE MONSTER PROMISED US WE WOULD BE SAFE!!! He promised us we would at most get wet up to our chest lar!!!!!! Nothing else! THE MONSTER!!!! Cheated us! Throughout the course of the entire game, got muahchee-ed close to a zillion times by the ultra bored freshies and GLs who decided to self-entertain, at the programmers expense. No point in running. Seems like they have ambushes everywhere on the beach. Run left also die, run right also die, run straight also die, don't run also die. Wah biangz, only 2 female programmers also they must bully... I gonna write a letter to AWARE I tell u... I'm gonna sue all the UOC males till they lose their last pair of pants. First guy to bring to the panel.. Weiyao!!! If I EVER meet him in school, he's sooooo dead!!!
By the end of the day, the my skin turned lobster red. Baked alive under the sun. Or you could call it barbequed, whichever you prefer most. Well done, not medium rare. When I saw myself in the mirror in the toilet, I screamed like a pig in an abattoir. There goes my snow white complexion (I apologise for the food that juz got emptied from your stomach into the toilet bowl). The Moogle people were such nice darlings.. they insisted that I look cute with those "pink" cheeks... it was nowhere near pink my dears, more like ang-ku-kueh red!!! And cos my eyes were kinda sunken.. ahem I mean deep-set.. that patch surrounding my eyes remained fair. Now everywhere I go people laugh at me for going suntanning with "sunglasses" on. Let me clarify once and for all... I did not have any eyewear on at that time!!!!! Does KS really seem like such an idiot to you people?! *smacks head in despair*
After beach games, Teddy, Jason, Meifeng and I had quite a lot of free time on our hands, so we decided to explore the Dragon Trail. Our dear Mr Weiyao the MONSTER told us the freshies were gonna go there on a night trail later on, so we could go check it out before they do. The dragon trail looked kinda spooky from the outside, plus the only lights we had at that time were a few pathetic thin light sticks and our mobiles, I was REALLY VERY reluctant to enter. But the 2 guys wanted to act garang.. pulled us inside with them. In the end, they were more spooked than us. Inside, you really can't see your fingers even if you stick them in front of your face. It was that dark. We walked around the trail many many times, we followed the arrows and directions, we got led here and there and even to the dungeon that we wanted soo much to avoid, but we juz could not get out!!! Just as we were getting hysterical, we finally decided to follow a directionless trail (they didn't say where it will lead to).. and guess what?! We managed to escape that place!!! Whoa.. one hell of a spooky night. I could hear the chattering of Teddy and Jason's teeth, and could feel the cold sweat on their palms. Act garang some more lar!
Finally met up with the UOC people after that. Weiyao the BIG monster decided to cancel the night walk last minute and left us to die inside dragon's trail. Thank god we escaped safe and sound. After that there were no more activities, we retired to Aloha Changi for the night.
OK as promised, day 3 of union camp. BTW, Meifeng, if you have time to read this, please give some response.. UOC is NOT boring lor! Walau.. Tell the guys shooting me down in my tag!!!
K anyway, day 3:
Spent the first half of the day lazing around in bed, cos we worked on fright night till the wee hours of the morning. Chief programmer decided finally that this bunch of overworked coolies deserve some rest and granted us the day off. Not that they had much activities on that day, except for the war games in the morning.
Wah war games.. sounds kinda fun right?! Originally wanted to go join in the fun.. but of cos, KS the pig could not wake up on time. Worked till the wee hours of the morning.. the WEE HOURS of the morning REMEMBER?! And seriously, I was kinda kissing my pillows in joy, thanking god that I couldn't rouse myself from bed early enough, after I saw the people who were involved in the war games. Burned joss sticks to thank my ancestors. OMG you could smell the people like 10 miles away. All that mud and gunk on them.. I really don't wanna know what happened during the war games. No, seriously. I heard they prepared a mud pool, with like, 10 kg of flour thrown in, and also some other stuff like... uh.. oh never mind.. let's spare ourselves the graphic details shall we?
Anyway, after war games, next up is what every freshie looks forward to most in the whole entire camp -- SP (secret pal) night! I looked forward to it last year too... until I met my SP. But that's another story altogether. First a short intro into SP nite, before people who don't understand anything start shooting me down again. SP nite is kinda like a staple event in all heavily-SDU-sponsored university camps. In union camp, we pair up males and females from different groups and then let them interact for a few days, without knowing how each other looks like (for e.g. through letters). Then on SP night, their mate is revealed. The male will take the female out for dinner and the entire camp will go clubbing together after that. But firstly, for the male to take the female out, we have a sorta wayang show set-up... we call it the Mamasan. The male will have to do a lot of funny stuff to entertain the seniors of that group before they decide if he's worthy of getting the girl. "Funny stuff" includes things like pole-dancing, performing tricks etc. The seniors get the greatest kick out of this. Too bad I had to rush home for tuition before Mamasan started... damnit. But never mind, I kinda got an idea who got which guys in my group.
OHHH before I forget.. this year there was this freshie who looks soooo like HIM
Too bad he was not the SP of any of the girls in my group. But never mind.. he's the best eye candy you can have in the entire camp. And guess what?! I managed to speak to him not once, but TWICE!!!! Ummm.. the first time I was briefing him about fright night (as I had to brief all freshies) and the second time I was playing a game with his OG (orientation group) and it was his turn to play in the game. Uhh.. okok I know.. these are not really counted lar.. but hey.. lemme feel a bit of high can or not?! And I can bet a million bucks he noticed me. A million bucks. Bet. Cos rite... don't think anyone can ever forget some siao char bor who can play beach games till a pool of nosebleed+drool collect at her feet. Seriously, it's not my fault lar... I swear. It's HIS fault.. for going topless and letting me go ga-ga over that perfect hot bod. His fault lar.. really his.
OK enough of crap. Back to SP night. After tuition, I rejoined the camp people for some chilling out at Coccolatte. Convenient for me, cos it was damn near my place. Can get free transport back to school. Anyway entry was free. Finally got to know the Moogle people that night. Moogle is kinda like my OG. I was from M group the year before, so strictly speaking I'm their senior. Got pulled in by Jasmine, Sze Sen and Uncle Dinosaur to play the guessing game. A few freshies joined us later on... including a few who really can kb, like the fake freshie Mr Tey Jac Dean (he's going on to year 2 already). Very nearly got punished to drink like, quite a lot of the strong brew. If I drank that, sure to get drunk. And when I get drunk, I BET the people there will trick me into blabbing out my secret fantasies involving Edison and Shawn Yue and god-knows-wh... eh wait.. forget I ever told you about those secret fantasies. Did I say secret fantasies? No.. no secret fantasies.. ok? KS has no secret fantasies. None at all. Really.
After a while, the scene at Coccolatte got kinda boring for the UOC people, so they decided to shift to Madam Wong's. The scene there was much better, it can be easily seen with just the size of the crowd alone. No more booze there, just plain dancing. KS can't dance for nuts, unless the DJ decides to play Linkin Park. The exception is made, only for my idols.
Sometimes I really hate clubbing. OK to be fair, the feeling is relative. Clubbing involves loads and loads of bodily contact with the people around you. Many guys tend to like using this chance to explore the girls' bodies around them. Cos usually under these circumstances girls don't really mind. Or more like, they can't do anything about it cos everyone's doing it. Of cos, if it's a hunk or some real hot guy dancing next to me, I don't mind. Serious! I can even return him the favor.... maybe like, help him get outta that skin-tight top to get the crowd more high.
But get a 150kg fatty to dance next to you??? Firstly he's taking up another 2 person's space in the already super packed dance floor, secondly he sweats like a pig and stinks like two pigs, thirdly cos of the first 2 factors, he stinks up everyone standing within a 20cm radius of him. Add to that a super humsup fatty who touches every girl within a 20cm radius of him.. and you get a really nauseating combination. Oh well, I managed to siam him soon enough, but only to turn and get held around the waist and gently pushed around by other guys.
You see, one thing about being small sized, lots of guys you never met before in your entire life get so worried about your safety, moving around in the crowded dance floor, they take it upon themselves to ensure you are able to get to your destination. How do they do that? Holding you here touching you there. But of cos, if they look like Edison, I don't mind lar. Seriously. I might even move back to my original position so he can help me move to my destination again. Better still, I can reciprocate... I can........ uh........ oh shit.. this discussion is getting into censored territory!! *alarm bells ring* Let's go back to Madam Wong's.
We stayed there for slightly less than an hour, but within that time we had much more fun than the hour plus we spent at Coccolatte. You see people in a different light... literally. A lot of people you thought you knew just kinda transformed on the dance floor. The shy boys-next-door turned into hot Aaron Kwoks, girls-next-door turned into hot Jolins. Like I always say, viewing is definitely much more enjoyable than joining the dance floor. Got no choice that day though, got pulled in by Meifeng, Sam and Jason. Nonetheless, managed to get a full eye feast. Man.. I LURVE chionging.
Finally, at around midnight, the exhausted UOC got onto chartered buses to get back to NTU. Each year without fail, there will be guys challenging each other to an alcohol downing competition. And each year, these fools will get totally wasted and start throwing up all over and blabbering nonsense. An entertaining sight for those clear-minded smart ones. Then there will also be those high on alcohol, but not near wasted yet. These people will start doing things slightly out of the norm... doing things they normally have no guts to do. They might talk louder than usual, go around picking up girls, start talking some nonsense etc..
Here, let's bring in another entertaining personality, we named him the energizer bunny. All the way home on the bus, the entire bus was snoring away from fatigue, with the exception of 2 guys and 2 girls. One of the guys was Mr energizer bunny, who was yakking away excitedly about many many things. The other guy and the 2 girls (Meifeng and I) were being kept awake by his non-stop yakking. Meifeng and I didn't know him well then, but Meifeng was very entertained by his endless energy. So we started chatting with him. All the way back he never stopped talking, except to catch his breath. Unbelievable. Even after we reached NTU, he was busy running around helping those wasted drunken fools call cabs and bringing them to the toilet to throw up etc. I seriously suspect his body metabolism runs on alcohol, even though till today, he refuses to admit that he was slightly tipsy that night.
Anyway, after we reached NTU, programmers had to help load up stores from the Logistics room. Though they asked the only 2 female programmers (Meifeng and I) to go get some sleep and let the guys do the work, displaying a rare show of gentlemanly behaviour in NTU guys, we decided to stay and help since there were not a lot of programmers available. That night, a bunch of guys and girls dressed up nicely in clubbing wear were spotted carrying chairs and tables and other stuff onto a lorry. In the end, we had only about 3 hours of sleep, of which I spend 2 hours tossing and turning, not able to get a queue number to play chess with Uncle Chow. That left me with just 1 hour of sleep before we set off for Sentosa the next morning. Programmers slept latest (cos we had to help carry stores) and woke up earliest (cos we had to go Sentosa to set up the beach games station). Nice life.
Stories about Sentosa tomorrow... stay tuned.. for those who are interested.
OK I know a lot of the people reading this have no idea what the hell I was blabbering on and on about in the previous entry. Probably only those who had attended university orientation camps with fright nights will understand. And those are the ones who will appreciate how hilarious the things I had experienced were. Sigh.. but since I'm such a nice soul, shall explain a teeny weeny bit about the tradition.
Every year in NTU orientation camps, freshies will get told loads of scary tales passed down year by year, seniors to juniors, about certain creepy places in the school. After that, the freshies will be taken on a night walk, to let them have an other-worldly experience. The programmers will of course, make sure that other-worldly experience is worth their while. This entire event makes the camp a very very memorable one. OK. Fright night explanation done. Will update more about the events after fright night soon, after my tv break.
Aku is blardie sick now... fever and runny nose and delirium and god-knows-what... must be all that after-effect of the blardie sun during the camp finally acting up. As I told a zillion year mates and ex seniors and juniors today during the RGSRCY 3 years gathering, I stood on the beach from before the blardie sun started work till after it knocked off for the day. How not to get sick liddat sia?! But as I guess most of you guys are probably falling asleep from the lack of activity on the wulinmengzhu blog these days, I should risk my health to entertain you people. Damnit I really need rest... argh.. never mind after I tell you what happened during the second day of camp.
Second day of camp.. the long awaited fright night!!! It was one of the highlights of the camp, and we started preparing for it from like, early afternoon till night... What programmers welfare.. what... what's that?! Come again?? We had to eat lunch on the van and in the Popular in school while buying props to scare the freshies silly. 2 girls, gobbling down mixed veggie rice while picking out plasticine, crepe paper, markers etc to buy.. very nearly kena indigestion... and that was not even half as bad as the total loss of image as the Popular staff stared dumbfounded at these 2 siao geenahs.
Anyway, Meifeng bought lots of makeup and also loads of cloths and stuff and we sat down to make the props. How the hell do u make a dummy from newspapers and a piece of red cloth and some garbage bags??? Ans: Roll up the newspapers and dump them into the garbage bags to make a body and a head. After that yours truly shredded some crepe paper bit by bit to make the hair. Damnit.. shredding paper with a shredder is easy.. shredding paper with just a pair of scissors and a pair of bare hands is pure torture. And guess what.. to make it as convincing as possible to make it look like real hair.. you have to, like, shred the crepe paper into real thin pieces and shred a helluva lot.. a mountain worth of shredded paper. OK results were still not very convincing.. how close can a garbage bag dummy get to looking like a real person?!? But wth I dun gif a damn anymore.. too much other stuff to do. Surprise! The freshies were still scared silly by the totally-unconvincing dummy... leaves me scratching my head in wonder still.. will post the pics later. Check out the difference-how the dummy looks under the light and how it looks in total darkness lit by a single light stick. Bet the freshies will be damn dui... like.. WTH I got frightened outta my mind by that obiang garbage bag?! Oh well.. too late for regrets now.
We also got some dolls.. Meifeng kinda dismantled the doll.. remove the head and stuff.. and the silly girl didn't dare to sleep in her room alone with that headless doll... like.. you know.. maybe the head will float up to her bed and start saying to her, "Where is my body.... WHERE IS MY BODY!??!?!?!" OOPS! OMG sorry girl... I promised I must start to accumulate kou3 de2, right?? Shucks.. nvm I shall start after tonight. Haha. Anyway some of the helpers were quite creative. One of the dolls, the headless one, had a voice box thingee that could be pressed and will give some baby crying noise. So they used it to make some baby noises to scare the freshies. If these freshies can even be frightened by a filled-garbage-bag-dummy, you don't wanna know what some freshies did after hearing those cries.... thank god that doll thing was placed in a toilet. But nothing can be done about their shorts of cos.. oh well.. too bad. Haha.
Next, the make-up. Not just for the pseudo-ghosts, also for the dolls. I was the official make-up artist.. lucky this kinda make-up no need skill. Anyhow whack also can. Actually, more like, anyhow whack even better. So basically, standard make-up: 10 zillion tons of white powder slapped onto their faces and then reddish lines running down from their eyes, mouth, noses, etc. Another essential make-up item.. eyeliner. I drew eyelines thick enough to make even Avril proud of me. The thicker the better right? Tadaa!!!! Done! I heard some "ghost" actually screamed her head off after accidentally spotting her reflection in the mirror. This make-up artist pro hor?! Somehow, the more I stare at the ghosts that I made up, the more I don't understand why some people simply adore goth makeup. But anyway, that's beside the point.
There were also a few black-faced ghosts.. Jonathon and Thong Lun and another guy... I forgot his name. Those few, we just passed them the face paint and let them DIY. In the end, the face paint couldn't be washed off.. oops!! Oh well, at least they can't blame me. Haha. Hey they should be thankful I stopped Meifeng from using that left-over paint the hall people used to paint the hall!! Though I think we do have some turpentine in the Union room. I mean, taking the paint without asking is no good right?! Oops!! Sorry revealed another secret I shared with Meifeng.. eh don't hoot me hor gurl! Yingjie very reluctantly got pulled by a few hot guys (hot by Yingjie's definition) to help out in fright night. I personally made sure she got some real nice makeup..wahahaha!! Gotta send the pics to the entire class when term starts. Unless she is agrees on a considerable bribe, enough to make me forgo the thrill of having the entire class laugh their heads off.
After tons and tons of preparation and hurriedly gobbled meals and no drinks (what programmer welfare?? What sia?!) we were finally ready to set off. Dropped off the "ghosts" stop by stop, while Junxiang and his 3 helpers, Alex, Edgar and Kelvin went to set up the stations. The stations included a female toilet outside LT1A, the slope outside LT1A, a secluded walkway outside an engine lab, a lift, a staircase, a few tutorial rooms... did I miss out any? Dunno.. wait till the pics come.
The stations were hell to set up.. When did they changed the lights in like, the entire NTU to those automated ones that will turn on whenever movement is sensed. Lights so blardie bright.. how to be scared?! We had to go wrap up the motion censors one by one, to prevent motion from being sensed to trigger the turning on of the lights. If it can't be done, we had to use black paper to cover up the lights. Wah damn xiong.. programmer life no fun right? Killer life right?! Wrong. Programmer life fun. Damn fun! The fun comes in later, when our efforts pay off!
The first station we got this real cockster to help out.. great guy he was.. really scared the hell outta the freshies without a tinge of makeup on his face. Till now I'm surprised by how he did it. Edgar, Alex, Kelvin and another guy who joined in later, Jiaming, took turns to deploy the freshies pair by pair to the first station. From there, they followed a trail of light sticks to finish the walk. With that cockster in the first station, the freshies were off to a thrilling start! Hearing their screams while waiting outside the toilet is damn satisfying. I never had such a great time! Tell you more later. Now let's start on how we did the briefing for fright night. Fright night leh.. even briefing you have to squeeze your brain juices dry to think of lines that will leave them in cold sweat.
"K tonight, you will be going on a night walk. You will be going in pairs, and you will be on your own. No seniors will be accompanying you. Follow a trail of light sticks all the way to the end of the walk. The first station is a female toilet downstairs, and one of the seniors here will walk you down. You will enter the toilet on your own and the night walk starts from there. Do not stay at the door of the toilet, GO ALL THE WAY IN! ( There was a puddle of "blood" at the door of the toilet and a helluva lot of freshies kinda freaked out and refused to go in. And I thought I was a humster.. ) There is a task for you to complete in the toilet, you can't leave till its done. From there on, there might be tasks for you to complete at other places along the way, just follow instructions. Along the way, do not talk too loudly, but you can scream. Please do not disturb anything that you see.. what you see might not be what you think it is... take my word for it."
Scary or not?! Walau took me the whole entire night to polish my speech lor. Of cos the SAs (seniors attached) did a good job of telling them interesting stories about the school before that too lar. K never mind. Let me tell you about the more interesting and memorable freshie pairs.
First one came from S grp. Cocksters. Seriously. They went in FOURS lor.. not PAIRS.. cos there was not enough time. And they were so blardie freaked out. Firstly the one of the guys in that grp (made up of 2 guys 2 gers) decided he just had to answer nature's call like, before the first station. There was a male toilet beside the first station, so the deployers (think it was Alex and Jiaming) asked them to use the toilet there. The humster freshie asked if there was anything in the toilet. One of the deployers told him there was nothing, but the other deployer decides to have some fun and told the guy in a very soft voice, "I don't know." Humster freshie freaks out even before walk starts, and gotta be accompanied into the toilet by the other male in the group. Wait.. these guys had supposedly been through NS right?? Aww never mind..
After that, they finally started out at the female toilet. They were told they had to get "something" from the toilet (it was supposed to be a chinese talisman), and they were so blardie freaked that they just ran in and grabbed the first thing they saw -- a toilet cleaner trolley. The deployers told them NO go ALL THE WAY IN don't HUM! So they ran in and replaced the trolley........... and came out with the headless doll. Walau wrong again! Bet they didn't even dare to look up, just grabbing anything they could find. They repeated the procedure 2 more times, coming out with the voicebox of the doll next, and later the doll head. In the end, the cockster "ghost" got so tired of them, he just passed them the talisman and chased them away. Walau! 2 guys and 2 girls also they hum!!!
Next cockster grp of four.... again from S grp. This grp of 4 lagi best... they ran in and grabbed somethng without thinking as well (guess is a common trait in S grp people) and walau guess what they came out with... the blardie SANITARY BIN!!! Wah piangz.. the deployers kinda just fainted on the spot...
Another grp of 4.. not from S this time. Another grp, I forgot which. I deployed this grp. At first they were damn happy, telling me they were how lucky they got to go in fours and not in pairs. I gave them a chilly stare and asked," You sure you gonna be much safer in fours than in pairs?" Suddebly all diam diam.... look at each other... I see the look on their faces I decided at that moment all that hard work in the morning was worth it. This grp another humster grp. Told them go all the way in, they kept standing at the door. Even after I used elephant strength to push them in, one girl was still using her leg to hold the door open. Finally, the cockster "ghost"'s voice boomed out from inside the toilet, "Why don't wanna let the door close?? You sure there's nothing outside?!" His speech was coordinated perfectly with Junxiang jumping out from beside the door outside. Girls scream, leg finally releases door. Door takes like, 10 seconds to close, and finally closes with a BOOM. Girls scream again. Inside the toilet, broom drops. Girls scream again. Wait.. I think I heard a masculine scream too... oh well.. let's not deflate anymore ballooning male egos here shall we? After like, 10 zillion more screams, the four finally emerged from the toilet, with a sorta wild look on their horrified faces. Now finally understand why I say being a programmer is fun?! Shiok feeling sia!
Shared a few more jokes with the other deployers.. tell you more about it tmr. Now seriously gotta stop torturing my deadbeat and sick body.
OK finally... guys... I'm BACK!!! From camp! Although I really really REALLY wanna blog abt it today, sorry guys, my fingers are protesting. So is my tired weary deadbeat body. Slept too bloody little the entire camp. Ok I shouldn't complain, there are others who slept less than me, and most of the time when I'm not sleeping, I was not doing something absolutely essential.. maybe like kinda talking cock and having supper, or going clubbing when we were sorta advised against it cos we had to wake up early the next morning. But hell.. this is a CAMP and I'll be damned if I don't enjoy myself to the max!
After we finally broke camp this morning, joined the Moogle people for lunch. Finally went home for a very very well deserved and long awaited rest after that.. but not for long. My tuition kid called me to cancel tuition cos he's ill.. so decided to accompany Jingz to watch KYL perform at Toa Payoh.. I slept a grand total of like, 2 hours... wonderful. OK I mean, it's most probably my fault again... for not taking the time to rest.. but hey.. today's Saturday night.. who the hell stays at home on a Saturday night!? What kinda life is that?! Nah.. that's for no-lifers. Shit.. all that stress is finally taking its toll on KS. Desperately crave my bed.. that's all for tonight folks.. stay tuned for the most exciting adventures during Union Camp tmr!!
Nothing much to post today... only this..
My new hair color!! Ok doesn't look like much diff I know. But I wanted a lighter color! That hairstylist cheated me!!! ARGH!!!
Anyway, union camp has started!!! Today till Saturday! Originally didn't really look forward to it.. thought it would be a hassle. But after the games today, I changed my mind! It's sooo fun being a programmer torturing those freshies! Wahahaha not that having a fun and cute co-programmer didn't help lar.. but that was not the main point! Anyway it was sooo fun!!! Will be staying over for the next few days... will try to sneak a few hours off here and there to update. K for now, tataz!!!
The typical Singaporean auntie
Went shopping with daddy and mummy again. No.. sorry. I mean, mummy went shopping with daddy and me as chaperone again. So she went inside the OG beside Centrepoint at Orchard while daddy and I sat on the seats outside.
The lady sitting to my right starts fidgeting. She turns to her right and asked the lady to her right," Mdm, what's the time please? My husband has been shopping for a long while and he's still not back!"
The lady to her right shows her the time.
After 5 minutes, the lady to my right starts fidgeting again. This time, she turns to her left and asks me," Hi girl. May I borrow your phone to call someone? OH no I mean, you call! I just need you to pass a message! I wanna call my daughter to ask her to go ahead for dinner without my husband and I."
Nice nice KS helps her dial the number. The minute her daughter picked up, I passed the phone to her. A long talk ensues.
"Girl ah.. I tell you.. daddy is taking a long time shopping for his stuff! He took the phone! Kept calling him just now he didn't pick up! You are gonna be late soon.. go ahead for dinner without us ok?"
More motherly nagging ensues.
Meanwhile, KS starts counting the minutes she spent yakking away using up her precious talk time. 1 minute passed. 2 minutes. 3... 4.... no 5...... Argh! Ok... never mind. It's ok. Motherly nagging. I must put myself in her shoes. I might be a mother some day too.
Finally, she passed my phone back to me. Phew. But she was not done with me. No way.. her preaching was far from over!
She turns to me," Thanks for your phone girl! Aiya you young teenagers are like that. Always make the parents worry about everything, your meals, who you are out with, where you are... it's like that. Oh and you know, next time people wanna borrow your handphone, don't lend them ok? A lot of people like to snatch handphones like that. Especially those teenagers. Don't think they won......"
Her words were cut short by some driving-buay-pass driver emergency braking behind us. That kinda sound u hear a lot in the initial D movie and anime.. ya know? That sound when they are drifting. Only this time, the driver was not Takumi, and he was not drifting either.. it was juz plain lousy driving that almost resulted in an accident.
That auntie's maternal instincts jumped into place again," AIYOOO this type of driver!! Tsk tsk tsk... anyhow drive on the roads! What if there are kids around?! So dangerous!!!!"
Mind you.. she was facing me, and she was talking damn loudly.. the entire walkway of pedestrians stared at us.. like I was chao hee lang and she was some fishmonger at the market. I wanted to stand up and shout," Hey.. uh.. I dunno her! I really don't! Really!!! No connections! She was not talking to me! Really!" But later I figured that would only make things worse.. so I didn't.
Thank god.. at this moment, my saviour, her husband, arrived!!! Finally, the very motherly auntie was led away still nagging incessantly with her booming voice, by her husband. Of cos, this time the subject of her nagging was her hubbie.
Somehow, when she shouted," Darling!" when she spotted her husband... a bit too loudly.. it sounded not right. Hmmm.. auntie calling uncle "darling".. so loudly.. on a crowded Orchard street. This is just a bit wrong...... teeny weeny bit.... oh never mind.
There was an F3 and B4 outing yesterday!!! It was the most happening thing to happen in town since.. ummm... David and Victoria came to town! It's kinda like, a 5566 cum SHE outing!!! WOW! Oh by the way, F4 were missing one member cos our dearest Miss Ja decided that Energy was more important than her groupmates, and she just HAD to go catch their last concert... in my opinion, it's just a waste of money... oops!!! You didn't hear me say that! No please don't tell the papparazzi! Don't tell them that KS of F4 are at loggerheads with Energy! Noooo!!!
Above and below are my shuai ges number 1 and 2. Since that Dr Zhang below is taken, now the only shuai ge left is Mr Yan, above!!! Quick quick! Someone teach me how to cheat him and make him mine!!! Wahahaha!! Shit.. sounds kinda scary hor.. Ahem... forget I ever said that.

Yum yum!! Nice Vietnamese food at Holland V! I didn't have any... a lot of beef in their food. I don't really like beef... unless it's that kinda hamburger beef patty, or the steak kind. Okok.. I'm juz plain picky. Hiakz!!

Dr Chow!! The perfect husband material guy!!! He cooks, does household chores, is smart, is in NUS Med, studies hard, is a nice guy, and most importantly, he has a big butt!!!! Good to please the in-laws! Umm... wait.. oh... sorry I made a mistake. That big-butt trait was only good for girls? Oh... ummm... sorry..

Chan! Eh wait.. wat's she doing with her chopstick??
Round 1 @ Harry's Bar! Dr Chow and Mr Yan fights it out with the booze!

Wah so pretty all our cocktails.. can't bear to drink them.

Chan's Sunrise! Or was it Sunset? Never mind.. something like that lar.

Presenting.......*drumroll* the B4!! From left: Kx, Kw, UY and WH!

Whose drink is this?! Think it's ah Jing's Seabreeze! Or was it Seaside? Seawind? Sea-anemone??? Sea-something lar.

That's Hannie's drink... I think. It tastes like some milky orangy thing.. not too bad. Forgot the name. Totally. Not even half of the name.

F3!! Picture by request of a fan! We autographed it for him after that. Even the live band singer at Harry's kept staring at us.. I think he recognised us!!! WHEE!! F4 are famous!

Whoa!! Kakkoi ne!! Umm... ok lar.. that's the best u can get from HCJC 02S78.. mai hiam!

"Look! Am I pretty? I've got green leaves in my hair! Aren't they beewwwteeful???"

Hide-and-seek!!! Guess where JX is!?

BOO! There she is!!

Round 2: Wala wala!!!
Big cup, small cup. Big beer, small beer. Big Hoegaarden, small Hoegaarden!!! Jing insists that Hoegaarden is nice... where got!? I don't like beer... never did like beer. Taste just so coarse! Not nice at all!

Jing thinks to herself evilly," Heeheehee... who am I gonna make drunk tonight???? Choose from the B4!! Wait.. lemme call Hotel 81 to check their rates for tonight..."
KS runs for her life as Jing's secret fantasy is revealed!!
Wah won't you just check out that hum sup look on her face...

Xiao shuai ge!! Umm.. the one on the right I mean. Wahahaha KW wan me to say u shuai too?? Bribe me bribe me!! QUICK!

Househusband Chow and his new cookbook!!! From now on, he will be able to make Shanghai Xiao Long Bao for us!!!! YAY!!!

Mah boh xiao shuai ge... see lar.. ask u go easy on that booze dun wan.. drink so much! Want to know what happened to him after he was totally knocked-out? What Jing did to him?!!! Pay me some cash and I will tell u on MSN!!!!