Recently, due to my lobster-red-peeling skin and scalp, I had been forced to adopt this movie-star look whenever I wanted to hit the streets. After I took a picture, WOW I discovered it was my chioest picture to date!!!!! Cos cannot see my face but then that's beside the point. *coughs* OK I've decided.. I shall put this picture into my blogskin!!!! I will become the next chio blogger around!!!! YAY!!! Awww stop going to pinkshoefetish.. come wulinmengzhu!!! She chioer!!! *coughs harder*

Anyway since we are on the topic of fashion and beauty, let's talk about the Balenciagas EVERYBODY is raving about these days. Paris Hilton carries them, Lindsay Lohan too. EVERYBODY who's SOMEBODY carries the Balenciaga these days. As I was telling my aunt about this amazing trend yesterday, she went, "Huh? You mean all those youngsters these days like my type of fashion? Let me see if I still have those Balenciagas I bought like, 20 years ago when I was still working in UK. Finally the auntie-look is in fashion!" My sentiments exactly. You mean that chiobu Lindsay Lohan who's like, 1 or 2 years younger than me, wanna look 10 years older than me?! Ahem.. being matured takes on a whole new meaning altogether.

Another really off trend... wedges. This time my aunt was like, "Oh well.. they were in fashion 20 years ago when I was in my teens. Everything's going retro these days isn't it. Shoot.. wouldn't have thrown away any of my bellbottoms, wedges etc if I had known they would make a comeback 20 years on."
They kinda remind me of those shoes my mum goes marketing in.

The right way to dress, Bohemian!!!! I had this bohemian skirt 5 years ago, when I was still in sec sch, and I thought it was really hard to match that skirt with any top so I threw it away. At least, I passed it to my mum and asked her to do the job. Thank god she didn't!! Imagine my joy when I found that skirt in her cupboard!!! Those minority tribe fashion necklaces and bags my grandma bought for me when she went to China last time came in handy to complete the Bohemian look too! And of cos the handy hoop earrings. Now for that scarf... need to find one from some flea market. Cheap cheap, good good!

According to our dearest Tie, the fashion analyst, the Bohemian look's gonna be out soon. The next trend is gonna be the "pirate look". PIRATE LOOK??! Like, wth?! You mean, like HIM below??? *shudders*

Ok maybe like this.. the pirate look will be more acceptable. It's kinda like an evolved version of the bohemian look. Like the headscarf. What else do we need? A tunic, loose pants, and a pair of boots. No problem about those. Lastly, the pirate's hook. Anyone has any idea where you get them in Singapore? Finally, guys, brace yourselves for hordes of young pirate wannabes roaming the streets next season!

The alternative pirate look. I'm still not very used to it.. Tie, you were kidding when you said it's the next season's fad right? You WERE right? Yes? Yes???

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