There was an F3 and B4 outing yesterday!!! It was the most happening thing to happen in town since.. ummm... David and Victoria came to town! It's kinda like, a 5566 cum SHE outing!!! WOW! Oh by the way, F4 were missing one member cos our dearest Miss Ja decided that Energy was more important than her groupmates, and she just HAD to go catch their last concert... in my opinion, it's just a waste of money... oops!!! You didn't hear me say that! No please don't tell the papparazzi! Don't tell them that KS of F4 are at loggerheads with Energy! Noooo!!!

Above and below are my shuai ges number 1 and 2. Since that Dr Zhang below is taken, now the only shuai ge left is Mr Yan, above!!! Quick quick! Someone teach me how to cheat him and make him mine!!! Wahahaha!! Shit.. sounds kinda scary hor.. Ahem... forget I ever said that.

Yum yum!! Nice Vietnamese food at Holland V! I didn't have any... a lot of beef in their food. I don't really like beef... unless it's that kinda hamburger beef patty, or the steak kind. Okok.. I'm juz plain picky. Hiakz!!

Dr Chow!! The perfect husband material guy!!! He cooks, does household chores, is smart, is in NUS Med, studies hard, is a nice guy, and most importantly, he has a big butt!!!! Good to please the in-laws! Umm... wait.. oh... sorry I made a mistake. That big-butt trait was only good for girls? Oh... ummm... sorry..

Chan! Eh wait.. wat's she doing with her chopstick??

Wah so pretty all our cocktails.. can't bear to drink them.

Chan's Sunrise! Or was it Sunset? Never mind.. something like that lar.

Presenting.......*drumroll* the B4!! From left: Kx, Kw, UY and WH!

Whose drink is this?! Think it's ah Jing's Seabreeze! Or was it Seaside? Seawind? Sea-anemone??? Sea-something lar.

That's Hannie's drink... I think. It tastes like some milky orangy thing.. not too bad. Forgot the name. Totally. Not even half of the name.

F3!! Picture by request of a fan! We autographed it for him after that. Even the live band singer at Harry's kept staring at us.. I think he recognised us!!! WHEE!! F4 are famous!

Whoa!! Kakkoi ne!! Umm... ok lar.. that's the best u can get from HCJC 02S78.. mai hiam!

"Look! Am I pretty? I've got green leaves in my hair! Aren't they beewwwteeful???"

Hide-and-seek!!! Guess where JX is!?

BOO! There she is!!

Round 2: Wala wala!!!
Big cup, small cup. Big beer, small beer. Big Hoegaarden, small Hoegaarden!!! Jing insists that Hoegaarden is nice... where got!? I don't like beer... never did like beer. Taste just so coarse! Not nice at all!

Jing thinks to herself evilly," Heeheehee... who am I gonna make drunk tonight???? Choose from the B4!! Wait.. lemme call Hotel 81 to check their rates for tonight..."
KS runs for her life as Jing's secret fantasy is revealed!!
Wah won't you just check out that hum sup look on her face...

Xiao shuai ge!! Umm.. the one on the right I mean. Wahahaha KW wan me to say u shuai too?? Bribe me bribe me!! QUICK!

Househusband Chow and his new cookbook!!! From now on, he will be able to make Shanghai Xiao Long Bao for us!!!! YAY!!!

Mah boh xiao shuai ge... see lar.. ask u go easy on that booze dun wan.. drink so much! Want to know what happened to him after he was totally knocked-out? What Jing did to him?!!! Pay me some cash and I will tell u on MSN!!!!

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