OK as promised, day 3 of union camp. BTW, Meifeng, if you have time to read this, please give some response.. UOC is NOT boring lor! Walau.. Tell the guys shooting me down in my tag!!!
K anyway, day 3:
Spent the first half of the day lazing around in bed, cos we worked on fright night till the wee hours of the morning. Chief programmer decided finally that this bunch of overworked coolies deserve some rest and granted us the day off. Not that they had much activities on that day, except for the war games in the morning.
Wah war games.. sounds kinda fun right?! Originally wanted to go join in the fun.. but of cos, KS the pig could not wake up on time. Worked till the wee hours of the morning.. the WEE HOURS of the morning REMEMBER?! And seriously, I was kinda kissing my pillows in joy, thanking god that I couldn't rouse myself from bed early enough, after I saw the people who were involved in the war games. Burned joss sticks to thank my ancestors. OMG you could smell the people like 10 miles away. All that mud and gunk on them.. I really don't wanna know what happened during the war games. No, seriously. I heard they prepared a mud pool, with like, 10 kg of flour thrown in, and also some other stuff like... uh.. oh never mind.. let's spare ourselves the graphic details shall we?
Anyway, after war games, next up is what every freshie looks forward to most in the whole entire camp -- SP (secret pal) night! I looked forward to it last year too... until I met my SP. But that's another story altogether. First a short intro into SP nite, before people who don't understand anything start shooting me down again. SP nite is kinda like a staple event in all heavily-SDU-sponsored university camps. In union camp, we pair up males and females from different groups and then let them interact for a few days, without knowing how each other looks like (for e.g. through letters). Then on SP night, their mate is revealed. The male will take the female out for dinner and the entire camp will go clubbing together after that. But firstly, for the male to take the female out, we have a sorta wayang show set-up... we call it the Mamasan. The male will have to do a lot of funny stuff to entertain the seniors of that group before they decide if he's worthy of getting the girl. "Funny stuff" includes things like pole-dancing, performing tricks etc. The seniors get the greatest kick out of this. Too bad I had to rush home for tuition before Mamasan started... damnit. But never mind, I kinda got an idea who got which guys in my group.
OHHH before I forget.. this year there was this freshie who looks soooo like HIM

OK enough of crap. Back to SP night. After tuition, I rejoined the camp people for some chilling out at Coccolatte. Convenient for me, cos it was damn near my place. Can get free transport back to school. Anyway entry was free. Finally got to know the Moogle people that night. Moogle is kinda like my OG. I was from M group the year before, so strictly speaking I'm their senior. Got pulled in by Jasmine, Sze Sen and Uncle Dinosaur to play the guessing game. A few freshies joined us later on... including a few who really can kb, like the fake freshie Mr Tey Jac Dean (he's going on to year 2 already). Very nearly got punished to drink like, quite a lot of the strong brew. If I drank that, sure to get drunk. And when I get drunk, I BET the people there will trick me into blabbing out my secret fantasies involving Edison and Shawn Yue and god-knows-wh... eh wait.. forget I ever told you about those secret fantasies. Did I say secret fantasies? No.. no secret fantasies.. ok? KS has no secret fantasies. None at all. Really.
After a while, the scene at Coccolatte got kinda boring for the UOC people, so they decided to shift to Madam Wong's. The scene there was much better, it can be easily seen with just the size of the crowd alone. No more booze there, just plain dancing. KS can't dance for nuts, unless the DJ decides to play Linkin Park. The exception is made, only for my idols.
Sometimes I really hate clubbing. OK to be fair, the feeling is relative. Clubbing involves loads and loads of bodily contact with the people around you. Many guys tend to like using this chance to explore the girls' bodies around them. Cos usually under these circumstances girls don't really mind. Or more like, they can't do anything about it cos everyone's doing it. Of cos, if it's a hunk or some real hot guy dancing next to me, I don't mind. Serious! I can even return him the favor.... maybe like, help him get outta that skin-tight top to get the crowd more high.
But get a 150kg fatty to dance next to you??? Firstly he's taking up another 2 person's space in the already super packed dance floor, secondly he sweats like a pig and stinks like two pigs, thirdly cos of the first 2 factors, he stinks up everyone standing within a 20cm radius of him. Add to that a super humsup fatty who touches every girl within a 20cm radius of him.. and you get a really nauseating combination. Oh well, I managed to siam him soon enough, but only to turn and get held around the waist and gently pushed around by other guys.
You see, one thing about being small sized, lots of guys you never met before in your entire life get so worried about your safety, moving around in the crowded dance floor, they take it upon themselves to ensure you are able to get to your destination. How do they do that? Holding you here touching you there. But of cos, if they look like Edison, I don't mind lar. Seriously. I might even move back to my original position so he can help me move to my destination again. Better still, I can reciprocate... I can........ uh........ oh shit.. this discussion is getting into censored territory!! *alarm bells ring* Let's go back to Madam Wong's.
We stayed there for slightly less than an hour, but within that time we had much more fun than the hour plus we spent at Coccolatte. You see people in a different light... literally. A lot of people you thought you knew just kinda transformed on the dance floor. The shy boys-next-door turned into hot Aaron Kwoks, girls-next-door turned into hot Jolins. Like I always say, viewing is definitely much more enjoyable than joining the dance floor. Got no choice that day though, got pulled in by Meifeng, Sam and Jason. Nonetheless, managed to get a full eye feast. Man.. I LURVE chionging.
Finally, at around midnight, the exhausted UOC got onto chartered buses to get back to NTU. Each year without fail, there will be guys challenging each other to an alcohol downing competition. And each year, these fools will get totally wasted and start throwing up all over and blabbering nonsense. An entertaining sight for those clear-minded smart ones. Then there will also be those high on alcohol, but not near wasted yet. These people will start doing things slightly out of the norm... doing things they normally have no guts to do. They might talk louder than usual, go around picking up girls, start talking some nonsense etc..
Here, let's bring in another entertaining personality, we named him the energizer bunny. All the way home on the bus, the entire bus was snoring away from fatigue, with the exception of 2 guys and 2 girls. One of the guys was Mr energizer bunny, who was yakking away excitedly about many many things. The other guy and the 2 girls (Meifeng and I) were being kept awake by his non-stop yakking. Meifeng and I didn't know him well then, but Meifeng was very entertained by his endless energy. So we started chatting with him. All the way back he never stopped talking, except to catch his breath. Unbelievable. Even after we reached NTU, he was busy running around helping those wasted drunken fools call cabs and bringing them to the toilet to throw up etc. I seriously suspect his body metabolism runs on alcohol, even though till today, he refuses to admit that he was slightly tipsy that night.
Anyway, after we reached NTU, programmers had to help load up stores from the Logistics room. Though they asked the only 2 female programmers (Meifeng and I) to go get some sleep and let the guys do the work, displaying a rare show of gentlemanly behaviour in NTU guys, we decided to stay and help since there were not a lot of programmers available. That night, a bunch of guys and girls dressed up nicely in clubbing wear were spotted carrying chairs and tables and other stuff onto a lorry. In the end, we had only about 3 hours of sleep, of which I spend 2 hours tossing and turning, not able to get a queue number to play chess with Uncle Chow. That left me with just 1 hour of sleep before we set off for Sentosa the next morning. Programmers slept latest (cos we had to help carry stores) and woke up earliest (cos we had to go Sentosa to set up the beach games station). Nice life.
Stories about Sentosa tomorrow... stay tuned.. for those who are interested.
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