The Legends of the Pugilistic Leader

This is a record of my everyday life, my thoughts and feelings, and my favourite topics. Read it if it's of interest to u!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

What kind of girl are you?

You are a City Girl!

Whether you live in the city or not, you've got the heart of a city girl.
You're up on the latest trends - what's hot in music, food, and fashion.
And you love to be on the go. Your perfect day is filled with tons of fun.
Your perfect guy is a city guy, so head to LA, NYC, Sydney, or London to find him!

So i love city life. Haha i see.

Actually, to put it more accurately, i love glitz and glitter. All the bright and cheery city life. That is the kinda life I wanna lead. All bright and cheery. Happy always.

But then of cos, life is never a bed of roses.

There are ups and there are downs.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

HAHA dunno if this is true

You'll Find a Boyfriend Within 3 Months

Maybe you need a bit more time to get over an ex
Or maybe you need a confidence boost to talk to new guys
Either way, you'll find a boyfriend in time...

As long as you keep getting out there and meeting new guys
When Will You Meet Your Next Boyfriend?

HAHA ehhhh serious not! If buay zhun rite.. go whack this site owner! HAHA

OHHHH before we continue.... SHow u all something INTERESTING!!!!!!!

GUESS WHAT?! I spotted a CROC in the canal beside Great World City juz now!!!! OMG OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!


I took a 50 sec vid...



Click for a larger view! It's that thing in the middle of the pictures!!!!!

HAHA okok it's not a croc... it's just this HUGE komodo dragon that looks like a croc la HEEE got tricked!!! HAHA but it's really a sight to behold!

What hairstyle is right for u?

Your Ideal Hairstyle:

Layered Bob
What Hairstyle Is Right For You?

Walau u sure? Never mind.. I still prefer my current hairstyle. Eeyerrr....

But I'm thinking of coloring my hair purple.

NO no.. not that bright bright kinda purple. I know I used to tell pple I wan that kinda color la.. hell.. I even thot of coloring my hair hot pink once.. what's purple?!

But no la.. KS has mellowed. Now she's thinking of the blackish kinda purple. The hairdresser said it would go well with my skin color. Hmmm.....

And now they have this kinda new rebonding... u can do it together with the coloring. GOOD! Hmmm... ok I shall do it during the coming hols. Get ready for a BRAND NEW KS! When year 3 sem 1 starts la!

Gawsh.. year THREE sem 1... sounds SCARY! We are AGING damn fast la!!! KNS the GUYS of our batch are GOING to uni alreadie! Faint!

Oh ya... hahahaha I was MSN chatting with mah neighbour juz now. Upstairs neighbour... haha some indo kid.

It's DAMN FUN chatting with ur neighbours lar!! Why?! Cos u get to do helluva lot of crazy things! AND u learn of a helluva lot of CRAZY gossip!

Cos u see ah.. I dunno for others, but before I moved to condos, long ago I used to live in those flats... everyone chatted with everybody else and everybody was nice to each other... and of cos! Gossip flew like nobody's business... which unit just changed hands, who got married, who gave birth... Walauuu how I miss those days. Everyone watched out for everyone else. Everybody knew everybody.

But it's different in condos.

People greet each other with their noses hanging in the air... most of them. Ok actually, most of them don't even greet each other. My next door neighbour is an exception.. he's damn frenly and he disciplines his kids well, so yea. We like him. But like I said in one of my previous entries, some of the ang mohs here are atrociously rude. Not just unfrenly, they're RUDE! Yucks pui! Of cos there are nice ang mohs here... oh and the japs are generally nice.. just that the most they can say is mostly Hi... Good morning.. or Sayonara HAHA. And loads of horrid Singaporeans of cos... but again, there are nice ones. Like my tuition kid's family.

Anyway, my point is, communication is SO limited when u get to gossip with ur neighbour.. on MSN some more.. it kinda gets outta hand. HAHA

He told me about how the gays in my block once picked him up at Zouk... oh wait.. he hasn't told me if he accepted or rejected them... damn....

And also... he told me about how he once caught these Vietnamese teens (I used to think they were Thais, but he said they were Viets) peeing in the bushes... YUCKS! OMG I used to think the most horrible thing those teens do was run around topless... I NEVER expected it to be THAT bad! And u know what? There are some of those medicinal herbs in those bushes. I think they can be used to make liang teh.... and I once saw those herbs being cut! I think someone must have taken those herbs to brew liang teh.... oh well... at least the colouring is there.... *pukez*

And I have reason to believe the parent/guardian or watever of those teens works at the Embassy here.... cos they are driving a car belonging to the Embassy... sigh.....

He thought they had moved out.. but according to my dad, they're still around. He just saw them a few days ago... *horrors*

Of cos there is more than the gossip to make it fun.

Like, you can do CRAZY things with neighbours!

Like we chatted halfway thru MSN then I asked him to say hi!

So we ran to the balcony and I bent up and he bent down and we waved to each other! HAHA (he lives on the 21st, I live on the 19th floor)

And other crazy things.... we've proposed but not yet done. Haha waiting for him to complete the "telephone cord" consisting 2 plastic cups and a string. Then we can talk to each other! YAY! Haha but this must be done LATE at nite.... in case the family living on the 20th floor thinks we're mad asses. So must wait till they're asleep. Haha

And YAY if we find more pple next time we can organise late night suppers and movies and errr.... dunno.. haha can brainstorm.

OK enough of my madness... go sleep... BYE!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Are you confident?

You're Confident...Sometimes

You can seem confident when the occasion calls for it
But inside you may be experiencing a bit of self doubt
A little more inner confidence could take you far...
And convince others that you're as confident as you try to seem
Are You Confident?

I am? Never knew...

I'm still thinkin over wat the hell possessed me to tell my story to 2 people in the short span of one night.

But never mind.

Oh yea.. I met Took's wife again today.... poor girl. She can't be much older than me. Rocking her kid in the stroller, standing under the merciless sun, enduring the sweltering heat, outside 四马路观音庙. I went there to pray with my grandma and aunt... and of cos, who were the greater ones? The volunteers there helping her garner petitions. Took was no kith or kin of theirs.. yet they willingly sacrificed their time and energy suffering under the hot sun for his family.

When they asked for my help, I hesitated. My aunt and grandma were alreadie walking a distance away. Should I catch up with them? Or should I sign it?

It took me a few seconds to make the decision.

I took the pen and wrote down my name and identification number, and gave my signature.

I looked up, and I saw my aunt walking up to me.

She too, took the piece of paper over and signed it.

After that, my grandma too, came up and signed it with us.

I am glad. I know this is probably not going to help much, but we did what we should do. We offered warmth to humans in desperate need of it. I glanced at Took's wife as the volunteers pointed her out to me.. she smiled weakly at me and nodded her thanks as she continued rocking her child. It was one look I would never forget. I stopped to give my petition for that weak smile. But what was exchanged was far more than that smile... it was the warmth and love of mankind.

If I hadn't stop, I may not have a chance to do anything for their family. Because I stopped, my aunt and grandma stopped to wait for me, and in turn, I helped get 2 more signatures for them. It was a small gesture on my part, but it was all I could do. And of cos, I gotta say this.. my grandma often scoffs at such things... she's a non-believer of petitions and wat not... but she stopped to sign for them. And even chatted with the volunteers for a while to offer her sympathies. I am proud to have such a grandma. If she didn't mean to help, even if I stopped, she would never have signed the petition.

Someone asked me... don't I feel that I'm falling trap to their actions to evoke sympathy?


But it doesnt matter. I don't have anyone to answer for in this world other than myself. I feel happy after doing this one thing. Not for Took, but for his family.

According to the volunteers there, they need 40,000 signatures at least. Currently, they only managed to garner about 10,000 despite their efforts, cos many people shun them.

Oh well.. I dunno man.

My grandma has an incredible source of tips and stories from her Chinatown gossip gang. According to the lady hawker there, who meets everybody from all over Singapore, Took was the scapegoat of the real murderer.

Well well.

My grandma's sources also told her that the Holland Cloze murder was cos the wife was an extreme gambling addict, and the unborn baby was not fathered by her husband.

And also, the Serangoon murder was due to some debt collector tiff, commonly known as the Ah Longs.

Believable or not?

My grandma firmly believes in her sources.

As for me?

Well, take everything with a pinch of salt my friends. =)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Are you attractive?

You Attract A Good Amount of Guys

While you may not get the most offers in the room,
You've got a good thing going - dating wise
You could flirt more and dress up a bit to attract more guys
But in general, you are doing just fine!
Are You Attractive?

HAHA big joke! But never mind.. I still got mahself a cheap thrill heeee

Monday, February 20, 2006

Where will you find love?

You'll Find Love Where You Least Expect It

You're the type most likely to find love... surprised?
You shouldn't be! You're a fun, independent woman who is always out and about.
And you're smart to sometimes leave your girlfriends behind and go it alone.
Men love to approach you when you're out by yourself - including Mr. Perfect!
Where Will You Find Love?

Maybe I will find it here..... HAHAHAHA Check out this HOT GUY!

台北市长马英九!! WAH aint he absolutely SWOONWORTHY?

认 真的男人最有魅力. Never mind he's older than my dad... like... HELLO is ur dad half as good looking and as smart and suave and gentlemenly and....... everything! as he????

The way he gives speeches.. magnetic. Draws the audience with him.

And aww shucks.. I got love rivals! On top of his wife and 2 daughters.....

There's ELLA!

And newly turned mum 小 S!

Now... agree that this is one irresistable man? Need more convincing? Read this touching poem he wrote in memory of his late father...


父亲一生,官虽不高,权虽不大,但他一身傲骨、两袖清风、满腔热血、全身活力。他 留给我们子女的不是有形的家产,而是修身、齐家、治国的理念与价值,这些才是我们子女 最值得保存的资产.'

Read more here.

Anyway... think it's just about his looks? Yea I noe... 成熟的男人最具吸引力... but.. its his clear smart political stand that truly attracted me.

Rather than be like that crude and crass 阿扁.. always talking in his hokkien-tinged mandarin that sounds suspiciously like the mandarin those 老混混 speak in those hawker centres... he just sound like some crude uneducated 老 uncle trying to 煽动人民 by his hokkien peppered speeches that are most probably written by advisors.

What 投票表决, what 台独..... all rubbish. Trying to stir up trouble in a last ditch attempt to hold on to his crumbling power.

Now my idol has stated his stand... finally. After my LONG anticipation... he's anti-扁!!! YAY! I mean.. u just put them 2 together. One speaking like any other 老混混 uncle at your neighbourhood hawker centre... like raring for a gangfight VS another standing straight with a PhD and speaking clear Mandarin and most importantly... TALKING SENSE!

For the good of all Taiwanese... I seriously hope.. the 扁 days are gonna be over soon. It's the time for the Horse.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

HAHA this is farnie

Your Pick Up Line Is

You've been a bad boy! Now go to MY room!
What Pick Up Line Should You Use?

Anyway, I was watching those trashy Taiwanese tv programmes again.. as usual u noe... on Friday nights when I got nothing to do.

Actually right.. u noe.. don't 小看 those shows.. got loads of things to learn. Got a lot of 八卦 news... like yesterday there was Cecilia Cheung. She chatted a lot about life and herself. I always thought she was a sorry fella. The HK media always made her out to be some crazy gal doing crazy things on the streets. But she's just someone who lives life the way she likes. Unpretentious. I like. Live life the way I do. Haha. Especially after the interview yesterday. A character to be admired.

Of cos on top of all those 八卦 shit.. oso got other nice stuff to learn.. like... beauty tips!

Last time Makiyo taught us all about how to enhance ur... ahem.... boobs.

And then Linda taught us how to use this device to pinch our noses to make it sharp... and another device to wrap around your face to make it smaller and slimmer. That one.. sounds like shit la hahahaha... but then again.... there are some that are really useful.

Yesterday that 身体密码 taught us how to choose the correct undergarment and how to wear it right for your health and beauty.

And then 小猪 also taught us how to clean our faces after cleansing... to make sure you do not clog your pores. And also how often to clean your pillow case to ensure you do not clog your pores when u sleep.

OKOK today, KS, the 美容天后 shall teach u all some tips. Hee next time I must copy 大 S and Makiyo to write a book about beauty! Ok let's start.. without further ado.

1. What is this lil thing? This, is a face massager! It can make your face slimmer after massaging... just use it around the areas you wanna slim! Could also activate your acupuncture points to improve circulation around your face area and renew your skin! Sounds marvellous rite??

2. Next up... this! I'm sure you all are familiar with this rite!!!! The slimming belt!!!!! Ok till now I've onli tried it a few times. They say it will make the area affected itchy and hot.. but it's a sign that the fats are burning off. So it's a good sign. I sure hope that's true.

3. Next.. the facial cleansing regime! This Ginvera exfoliating cream removes dead cells and promotes skin renewal. Use it every week before cleansing your face!

4. Another thing you can't do without... a scrub! Every week.. u gotta use a scrub at least once. BUT take note... NEVER use a scrub when u have pimples on your face! Or you are gonna make your face condition worse!

5. Mask! Every week, u gotta use this once. To get rid of the dirt accumulated each week. It can also make your face smoother and tighten your pores!

6. How can u miss out your hair?? This is from Lucidol.... to make your hair shine! For that added glam factor. =)

7. Not to forget.... the moisturizer u gotta use EVERY NIGHT for smooth hands and legs!

HOW? Pro not??? HAHA shiok rite? KS the beauty expert HAHA. But u noe why I still look like shit? Cos I onli noe how to say, dunno how to do. Haha.

Oh yar... one more thing I learned after watching all those tv shows..... DANCE! Wah yesterday I saw Jolin dance, I saw Rain dance... I saw so many dances... all damn nice!!!!! OMG Ok.. it's my new resolution to learn dance! Hip hop dance! Pop dancing! Good form of exercise too yea??? Good good ok... anyone got any place to suggest where to go learn?????

Friday, February 17, 2006

Kopped this quiz from Mabel's blog.

Proves that I chose the right course.. hahahaha

You scored as Biology. You should be a Biology major! You are passionate about the sciences, and you enjoy studying cell growth and evolutionary concepts which enable living organisms to survive. Pursue that!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

How well do you understand Men?

You Have Your PhD in Men

You understand men almost better than anyone.
You accept that guys are very different, and you read signals well.
Work what you know about men, and your relationships will be blissful.
How Well Do You Understand Men?

HAHA if onli this is true.

OK maybe it's true.

I think... cos I behave and think like a man. OOPS

But then again, no leh... somehow....... ah nevermind. Will think thru that another day.

Anyway right, I was watching 律政新人王.... and then there was this episode with that Le Bin guy.. he became a lawyer cos he had a great sense of righteousness and a kind heart, and he wanted to help people everywhere he went.

However, cos of his kind heart, he never once doubted what people told him, and he got cheated by people who took advantage of his kindness many times. He got really disillusioned. Should he continue helping people? Or should he start getting more cautious and get more stingy with his help?

In life, I guess many things happen the same way.

Sometimes, you can treat people really nice with an open heart. Never doubting everything they say.

Or you can have many many friends. Though they may not all be extremely good pals of yours, if any of them need help, you will try your best to help them. Even if it may inconvenience yourself, or it may be disadvantageous to yourself. Because, you believe they are your friends and when friends need help, you should help. Simple.

And then it gets complicated.

One day, you find yourself in need of a lot of help. Something had gone terribly wrong, and there is no way you could handle it all by yourself. You try to look for your friends.

Suddenly, you turn around and you find that all your friends, those you had given your all to help, are no longer available to help you! He is busy with other things, she feels it is disadvantageous for her to help you.

Then you realise true friends are only those handful still sticking around you. What can you do?

I thought thru it a lot.

I gave it a lot of thought.

I got really disillusioned.

But then I recovered.

I realised, I'm just me. I ain't gonna change mahself for anybody or anything. I CAN'T change myself for anybody or anything. If this is what I'm gonna get, so be it.

I will continue to be friends to all who need me to be. I will continue to help all who need my help. Hopefully, one day they will be around when I need help. If not, so be it. It won't change how I treat them. Cos they can do whatever they want to their lives, but only I get to decide how I live my life. And this is how I choose to live it.

I stand by my beliefs.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Which city do you belong in?

You Belong in New York City

You're an energetic, ambitious woman.
And only NYC is fast enough for you.
Maybe you'll set yourself up with a killer career
Or simply take in all the city has to offer.
What City Do You Belong In?

HAHA this is fun rite?

Oh anyway, in this season of love, let's share this love with people who really need it.

Was just browsing thru the papers, and saw that convicted criminal Took's family going around asking for people to petition to get him off death row. I think they just don't understand the Singaporean government... that just won't work. But anyway, I guess they must be pretty desperate. I guess it should hurt quite a bit knowing that from this minute on, your loved one's days are numbered. Literally.

And then I read about these Singaporeans asking his middle aged dad, desperately amassing help for his son, to go die with him. I dunno if these were the exact words used, but oh well... it's just terrible.

And then at TBP mrt station just now, I saw Took's wife. She looked worn out. Seemed like everyone was staring at her.. she just looked down and away from the curious gazes of people around her. That sight alone drew pity from deep within of all our hearts, a huge contrast from all the brightly colored hearts hung around the shopping centre and the beautiful flowers being sold just a short distance away. Makes one wonder how anybody could bear to rub salt onto their wounds.

Admittedly, Took was at fault.

But I'm definitely anti-capital punishment. I understand the reasons why sometimes there is no choice but to implement it, especially for a small country like us, to maintain law and order. But from a humanitarian point of view, it is definitely no go.

Two wrongs do not make one right.

You could choose to lock him away, give him a life sentence to prevent him from harming others again. I see no reason why he should be put to death when this is a good alternative. A life sentence is arguably as good a deterrant as a death sentence. Agree?

I dunno where Mrs Took was going, but she disappeared after a while. I tried looking around to see if I could find Took's dad. If he came up to me with that petition, I would sign it, look him in the eye and smile at him, and let him feel the warmth a fellow human being SHOULD offer to another in times of devastations.

Everybody should learn to put themselves in other's shoes. Could u understand the hurt and pain he must be feeling at this point in his life? So much hurt it numbed him to the extent that putting down his dignity to ask for petitions could become an everyday routine. It is not easy to ask for strangers to sign for a clemency plea for your son, who is a convicted criminal. Especially considering his age.

Those who could still give him those biting remarks should be ashamed of themselves.

He did no wrong. He shouldn't have to suffer for the wrongs of his son.


Happy Valentines! =)

Monday, February 13, 2006

Shit Week

Every goddamnnn shit ass thing is goin' on this week... tuts reports quizes.... on top of the neverending tuition cycles

and everyone's tryin to destroy my plans for workin out how the week should be mapped out nicely and neatly. Fantastic. Wasted six whole hours today doing shit. When I thought I could make use of the time for better things.. since I aint gonna have more time the next few days due to tuition.

alternatively, I could leave my tuition kids high and dry and all alone to fend for themselves. Which is what I'm really tempted to do... for one of the days anyway... not all 3 days of cos. I seriously got no friggin time.

and then even my physiological self is making fun of me. Got a tummyache that lasted me one entire day... came in spasms and then stayed till now. Really tempted to skip tuts tmr. No point having to suffer from a constantly contracting peristaltic intestine, or it could be my stomach or any other organ in that area for that matter.. I dunno. At this point in time I really wish I could segment myself into 2 halves and remove my middle portion and then rejoin my top and bottom again. Never mind that I'll look really weird. I'm desperate.

It is no fair that some lucky chaps and lasses can go have candlelight dinners on tuesday while I content myself with the moolah I'm gonna receive. Yea.. the mun-nee. Guud. It's a guud direction to start thinkin in to make mah week a betta week.


ks is a depressed kid

Friday, February 10, 2006

Ear hoops fetish... =D

Recently got this new addiction. Some may call it a fetish. Yea I guess... in a way.

EAR HOOPS!!!! In all colours and sizes!!!!!!

It started with a silver pair I got during my JC days. And then later, I got another pair, the orange pair... wah sooo nice...

and then later I went to Taiwan and got the white pair... and then that sealed my love for them.

And then in a short period of one week, I bought the baby blue pair, the black pair, the purple pair... and now I'm waiting for the correct bright yellow pair to buy!!!!! HEEE

And then suddenly, I realised.. WAHHHH shit.. I got a lot of earrings liao!!!!! WALAUUU see one entire box!!! And I will keep buying and buying.. whenever I see nice ones... its a fetish.... it's a fetish I tell u!!!! AHHH!!!! SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS ADDICTION!

Scary hor.. hahahaha

Oh yar.. some trivial things about Fearless...

You know.. when I was watching it, the entire theatre was filled with non-chinese? No la not the entire, but close. Beside me were 2 ang mohs, in front of me were a group of Malays, behind me there were another group of ang mohs.. hahahaha and guess what? Those ang mohs beside me were smarter than me! When that guy drank and spat out that drink his fren gave him in the movie, I was still wondering.. wat the hell his fren made him drink. I THOUGHT POISON!!!!

And then TADAAA!! That ang moh beside me.... juz said very very calmly.... "Coffee."

WAHHH so smart!!!!!! HAhahaha okok time to go..

My shifu 霍元甲asking me to go 练功 liao.. 迷宗拳!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


My boyfriend!!!!!!!

Heee sooo cute rite!!!!! HAHAHA happy!!!

Oh yar my bf loves Winnie the Pooh stuff. Today I saw a lot of those things being sold in school. Wait tmr I ask him if he's gonna marry me if I buy those for him. If he agrees, then I buy immediately! YAY!!!!


Oh yea I watched Fearless alreadie!!! These are the clothes they wore inside!!! The left one was worn by the Japanese warrior, the right one was worn by Jet Li!

Oh ya.. the right one, walau! The back all yellow yellow! I think if u stand closer, u can smell sweat smell!!!! YUCKS hahahaha but cos it's Jet Li's sweat, so I like! Heee

Oh btw rite... U NOE WAT?! WAH BIANG! That Singapore version of the movie was cut by DAMN A LOT LA! U noe Michelle Yeoh and this Thai boxer also acted in this movie?! Do u see them at all!????? No rite?!?? WALAU how can censorship board do this?!?????? Wad sia?! Irritating!!!! And it's an impt part of the movie lor! The fight with the Thai warrior part was where Jet Li is supposed to come up with his famous Mizong fists (Missing fists)!!!! WALAU!

OH and btw.. the movie is not accurate one..

Read this for more info.

HAHA the fights never occurred lor! Actually, some did, some never. Plus, the fights never occurred together.. so there was nothing unfair. And he was not poisoned during a fight. And his disciple DID take revenge for him after he died. But yes he was poisoned by the Japs. Hee wan noe more abt the inaccuracies? Can ask me on MSN! Haha

Friday, February 03, 2006

霍 霍 霍霍 霍 霍霍 霍!!

霍霍 霍霍霍 霍霍霍 霍家拳的套路招式靈活
活活 活活活 活活活 活著生命就該完整渡過
過過 過過過 過過過 過錯軟弱從來不屬於我
我我 我我我 我我我 我們精武出手無人能躲

霍家拳正式成立, 招生!

在下林某决定放弃本派, 投靠霍家拳, 为咱们中国人打倒外国人!! 徒儿们, 快来拜过霍元甲霍师父! 为师无能, 决定将徒儿交由霍师父代为教导, 体会武术真谛, 习武的真正精神! 为师将由今日起, 誓言打倒所有欺负中国人的外国鬼子! YEAH!


以上疯疯癫癫的言论, 都不是我的错... 都是周董那首歌搞的鬼, 听了令人热血沸腾.. 忍不住, 以我武林盟主的身份说出那些话.


1. 周董这首歌, 写得意境十足, 未看就已让人感觉振奋异常... 也是他第一次尝试以女声演绎一首歌.

2. 霍元甲乃是民族英雄, 而影片想说的是, 暴力无能, 无须一味寻求报复. 这样永无止尽的报复报复再报复, 毫无意义, 只会落得两败俱伤. 这, 就是武学真谛.

3. 李连杰收山之作, 势必令人叹为观止. 种种武打场面, 拳拳到肉, 没有半分电脑特技. 这就是所有武打电影应该有的, 这才叫武艺! 武学之艺术!

4. 没有太多婆婆妈妈的男女感情戏... leave those for those wimps who dig romantic movies. 这是一个民族英雄, 武学就是他的人生... 这也是所有武打电影应该有的.. 武打电影就该全武打!

5. 在一个已经渐渐遗失民族精神和观念的族群难得一年一度大肆庆祝传统节日时, 企图唤醒人们的民族精神.


自强不息! That's why I dig 武侠片.
总觉得, 某所中学的创办人应该和我有同样喜好吧. 所以校园草地上, 才有大大的四个字:


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Goldfish langgah face

One day Chan and Jing and I went out for CNY clothes shopping. Those 2 silly gooses waited till 2 days before CNY to get new clothes. SIAN force me to go shop with them..

Anyway, we were shopping halfway.. and then we felt tired.. so we decided to take a timeout at Mos burger. That was when Chan suddenly went crazy. She just learned a new stunt... it's called the fish-langgah-face! Let's see it.

HAHAHAHA how's that stunt??

Oh yea. I just realised, my tolerance for alcohol is really quite low. On CNY eve, my uncle opened his aged gin for my brother and I, to wash down our sumptious reunion dinner. I had just a lil less than half a plastic cup, mixed with tons of coke. And then after that, I drank some red wine.

And after that, shit... i started to feel a headache setting in. I would call it the pre-hangover. And then after that, at my maternal grandma's place, I started to feel really groggy.. so I took a nap in her room. And then........ no one could wake me up!!!!! My mum told me, they kept shaking me and shaking me and calling me and I juz kinda grunted and never woke up till much later. HAHA that was the first time I got drunk.

Later my mum told me, they tried asking me wat my ATM pin code was. But of cos.. I onli jus mumbled and grunted. WALAU lucky. Later next day i go check, they use all my money to bao ang pao!!!

A lil interesting thing happened today. We were having mass tutorial today, it was a virology tutorial. The prof was telling us something about Tamiflu. And this girl went out to get coffee. Midway thru tut. Attitude.. I dont like that. Anyway, cos she was obviously not listening, when she came back, she was really lost. But she was not satisfied with being lost. So she gei kiang, go raise her hand and ask the prof, "Sir, what do u mean by Tamiflu? Do you mean like, tummyflu?" HAHAHAHA walauuuu that is classic!!!! I mean.. which bio student dunno wat Tamiflu is???? AIyooo!!