Where will you find love?
You'll Find Love Where You Least Expect It |
![]() You're the type most likely to find love... surprised? You shouldn't be! You're a fun, independent woman who is always out and about. And you're smart to sometimes leave your girlfriends behind and go it alone. Men love to approach you when you're out by yourself - including Mr. Perfect! |
Where Will You Find Love?

Maybe I will find it here..... HAHAHAHA Check out this HOT GUY!
台北市长马英九!! WAH aint he absolutely SWOONWORTHY?
台北市长马英九!! WAH aint he absolutely SWOONWORTHY?

认 真的男人最有魅力. Never mind he's older than my dad... like... HELLO is ur dad half as good looking and as smart and suave and gentlemenly and....... everything! as he????

The way he gives speeches.. magnetic. Draws the audience with him.

And aww shucks.. I got love rivals! On top of his wife and 2 daughters.....
There's ELLA!
There's ELLA!

And newly turned mum 小 S!

Now... agree that this is one irresistable man? Need more convincing? Read this touching poem he wrote in memory of his late father...
父亲一生,官虽不高,权虽不大,但他一身傲骨、两袖清风、满腔热血、全身活力。他 留给我们子女的不是有形的家产,而是修身、齐家、治国的理念与价值,这些才是我们子女 最值得保存的资产.'
Read more here.
Anyway... think it's just about his looks? Yea I noe... 成熟的男人最具吸引力... but.. its his clear smart political stand that truly attracted me.
Rather than be like that crude and crass 阿扁.. always talking in his hokkien-tinged mandarin that sounds suspiciously like the mandarin those 老混混 speak in those hawker centres... he just sound like some crude uneducated 老 uncle trying to 煽动人民 by his hokkien peppered speeches that are most probably written by advisors.
What 投票表决, what 台独..... all rubbish. Trying to stir up trouble in a last ditch attempt to hold on to his crumbling power.
Now my idol has stated his stand... finally. After my LONG anticipation... he's anti-扁!!! YAY! I mean.. u just put them 2 together. One speaking like any other 老混混 uncle at your neighbourhood hawker centre... like raring for a gangfight VS another standing straight with a PhD and speaking clear Mandarin and most importantly... TALKING SENSE!
For the good of all Taiwanese... I seriously hope.. the 扁 days are gonna be over soon. It's the time for the Horse.
父亲一生,官虽不高,权虽不大,但他一身傲骨、两袖清风、满腔热血、全身活力。他 留给我们子女的不是有形的家产,而是修身、齐家、治国的理念与价值,这些才是我们子女 最值得保存的资产.'
Read more here.
Anyway... think it's just about his looks? Yea I noe... 成熟的男人最具吸引力... but.. its his clear smart political stand that truly attracted me.
Rather than be like that crude and crass 阿扁.. always talking in his hokkien-tinged mandarin that sounds suspiciously like the mandarin those 老混混 speak in those hawker centres... he just sound like some crude uneducated 老 uncle trying to 煽动人民 by his hokkien peppered speeches that are most probably written by advisors.
What 投票表决, what 台独..... all rubbish. Trying to stir up trouble in a last ditch attempt to hold on to his crumbling power.
Now my idol has stated his stand... finally. After my LONG anticipation... he's anti-扁!!! YAY! I mean.. u just put them 2 together. One speaking like any other 老混混 uncle at your neighbourhood hawker centre... like raring for a gangfight VS another standing straight with a PhD and speaking clear Mandarin and most importantly... TALKING SENSE!
For the good of all Taiwanese... I seriously hope.. the 扁 days are gonna be over soon. It's the time for the Horse.
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