What hairstyle is right for u?
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What Hairstyle Is Right For You?
Walau u sure? Never mind.. I still prefer my current hairstyle. Eeyerrr....
But I'm thinking of coloring my hair purple.
NO no.. not that bright bright kinda purple. I know I used to tell pple I wan that kinda color la.. hell.. I even thot of coloring my hair hot pink once.. what's purple?!
But no la.. KS has mellowed. Now she's thinking of the blackish kinda purple. The hairdresser said it would go well with my skin color. Hmmm.....
And now they have this kinda new rebonding... u can do it together with the coloring. GOOD! Hmmm... ok I shall do it during the coming hols. Get ready for a BRAND NEW KS! When year 3 sem 1 starts la!
Gawsh.. year THREE sem 1... sounds SCARY! We are AGING damn fast la!!! KNS the GUYS of our batch are GOING to uni alreadie! Faint!
Oh ya... hahahaha I was MSN chatting with mah neighbour juz now. Upstairs neighbour... haha some indo kid.
It's DAMN FUN chatting with ur neighbours lar!! Why?! Cos u get to do helluva lot of crazy things! AND u learn of a helluva lot of CRAZY gossip!
Cos u see ah.. I dunno for others, but before I moved to condos, long ago I used to live in those flats... everyone chatted with everybody else and everybody was nice to each other... and of cos! Gossip flew like nobody's business... which unit just changed hands, who got married, who gave birth... Walauuu how I miss those days. Everyone watched out for everyone else. Everybody knew everybody.
But it's different in condos.
People greet each other with their noses hanging in the air... most of them. Ok actually, most of them don't even greet each other. My next door neighbour is an exception.. he's damn frenly and he disciplines his kids well, so yea. We like him. But like I said in one of my previous entries, some of the ang mohs here are atrociously rude. Not just unfrenly, they're RUDE! Yucks pui! Of cos there are nice ang mohs here... oh and the japs are generally nice.. just that the most they can say is mostly Hi... Good morning.. or Sayonara HAHA. And loads of horrid Singaporeans of cos... but again, there are nice ones. Like my tuition kid's family.
Anyway, my point is, communication is SO limited when u get to gossip with ur neighbour.. on MSN some more.. it kinda gets outta hand. HAHA
He told me about how the gays in my block once picked him up at Zouk... oh wait.. he hasn't told me if he accepted or rejected them... damn....
And also... he told me about how he once caught these Vietnamese teens (I used to think they were Thais, but he said they were Viets) peeing in the bushes... YUCKS! OMG I used to think the most horrible thing those teens do was run around topless... I NEVER expected it to be THAT bad! And u know what? There are some of those medicinal herbs in those bushes. I think they can be used to make liang teh.... and I once saw those herbs being cut! I think someone must have taken those herbs to brew liang teh.... oh well... at least the colouring is there.... *pukez*
And I have reason to believe the parent/guardian or watever of those teens works at the Embassy here.... cos they are driving a car belonging to the Embassy... sigh.....
He thought they had moved out.. but according to my dad, they're still around. He just saw them a few days ago... *horrors*
Of cos there is more than the gossip to make it fun.
Like, you can do CRAZY things with neighbours!
Like we chatted halfway thru MSN then I asked him to say hi!
So we ran to the balcony and I bent up and he bent down and we waved to each other! HAHA (he lives on the 21st, I live on the 19th floor)
And other crazy things.... we've proposed but not yet done. Haha waiting for him to complete the "telephone cord" consisting 2 plastic cups and a string. Then we can talk to each other! YAY! Haha but this must be done LATE at nite.... in case the family living on the 20th floor thinks we're mad asses. So must wait till they're asleep. Haha
And YAY if we find more pple next time we can organise late night suppers and movies and errr.... dunno.. haha can brainstorm.
OK enough of my madness... go sleep... BYE!
But I'm thinking of coloring my hair purple.
NO no.. not that bright bright kinda purple. I know I used to tell pple I wan that kinda color la.. hell.. I even thot of coloring my hair hot pink once.. what's purple?!
But no la.. KS has mellowed. Now she's thinking of the blackish kinda purple. The hairdresser said it would go well with my skin color. Hmmm.....
And now they have this kinda new rebonding... u can do it together with the coloring. GOOD! Hmmm... ok I shall do it during the coming hols. Get ready for a BRAND NEW KS! When year 3 sem 1 starts la!
Gawsh.. year THREE sem 1... sounds SCARY! We are AGING damn fast la!!! KNS the GUYS of our batch are GOING to uni alreadie! Faint!
Oh ya... hahahaha I was MSN chatting with mah neighbour juz now. Upstairs neighbour... haha some indo kid.
It's DAMN FUN chatting with ur neighbours lar!! Why?! Cos u get to do helluva lot of crazy things! AND u learn of a helluva lot of CRAZY gossip!
Cos u see ah.. I dunno for others, but before I moved to condos, long ago I used to live in those flats... everyone chatted with everybody else and everybody was nice to each other... and of cos! Gossip flew like nobody's business... which unit just changed hands, who got married, who gave birth... Walauuu how I miss those days. Everyone watched out for everyone else. Everybody knew everybody.
But it's different in condos.
People greet each other with their noses hanging in the air... most of them. Ok actually, most of them don't even greet each other. My next door neighbour is an exception.. he's damn frenly and he disciplines his kids well, so yea. We like him. But like I said in one of my previous entries, some of the ang mohs here are atrociously rude. Not just unfrenly, they're RUDE! Yucks pui! Of cos there are nice ang mohs here... oh and the japs are generally nice.. just that the most they can say is mostly Hi... Good morning.. or Sayonara HAHA. And loads of horrid Singaporeans of cos... but again, there are nice ones. Like my tuition kid's family.
Anyway, my point is, communication is SO limited when u get to gossip with ur neighbour.. on MSN some more.. it kinda gets outta hand. HAHA
He told me about how the gays in my block once picked him up at Zouk... oh wait.. he hasn't told me if he accepted or rejected them... damn....
And also... he told me about how he once caught these Vietnamese teens (I used to think they were Thais, but he said they were Viets) peeing in the bushes... YUCKS! OMG I used to think the most horrible thing those teens do was run around topless... I NEVER expected it to be THAT bad! And u know what? There are some of those medicinal herbs in those bushes. I think they can be used to make liang teh.... and I once saw those herbs being cut! I think someone must have taken those herbs to brew liang teh.... oh well... at least the colouring is there.... *pukez*
And I have reason to believe the parent/guardian or watever of those teens works at the Embassy here.... cos they are driving a car belonging to the Embassy... sigh.....
He thought they had moved out.. but according to my dad, they're still around. He just saw them a few days ago... *horrors*
Of cos there is more than the gossip to make it fun.
Like, you can do CRAZY things with neighbours!
Like we chatted halfway thru MSN then I asked him to say hi!
So we ran to the balcony and I bent up and he bent down and we waved to each other! HAHA (he lives on the 21st, I live on the 19th floor)
And other crazy things.... we've proposed but not yet done. Haha waiting for him to complete the "telephone cord" consisting 2 plastic cups and a string. Then we can talk to each other! YAY! Haha but this must be done LATE at nite.... in case the family living on the 20th floor thinks we're mad asses. So must wait till they're asleep. Haha
And YAY if we find more pple next time we can organise late night suppers and movies and errr.... dunno.. haha can brainstorm.
OK enough of my madness... go sleep... BYE!
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