Ear hoops fetish... =D
Recently got this new addiction. Some may call it a fetish. Yea I guess... in a way.
EAR HOOPS!!!! In all colours and sizes!!!!!!

It started with a silver pair I got during my JC days. And then later, I got another pair, the orange pair... wah sooo nice...
and then later I went to Taiwan and got the white pair... and then that sealed my love for them.
And then in a short period of one week, I bought the baby blue pair, the black pair, the purple pair... and now I'm waiting for the correct bright yellow pair to buy!!!!! HEEE
And then suddenly, I realised.. WAHHHH shit.. I got a lot of earrings liao!!!!! WALAUUU see one entire box!!! And I will keep buying and buying.. whenever I see nice ones... its a fetish.... it's a fetish I tell u!!!! AHHH!!!! SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS ADDICTION!

Scary hor.. hahahaha
Oh yar.. some trivial things about Fearless...
You know.. when I was watching it, the entire theatre was filled with non-chinese? No la not the entire, but close. Beside me were 2 ang mohs, in front of me were a group of Malays, behind me there were another group of ang mohs.. hahahaha and guess what? Those ang mohs beside me were smarter than me! When that guy drank and spat out that drink his fren gave him in the movie, I was still wondering.. wat the hell his fren made him drink. I THOUGHT POISON!!!!
And then TADAAA!! That ang moh beside me.... juz said very very calmly.... "Coffee."
WAHHH so smart!!!!!! HAhahaha okok time to go..
My shifu 霍元甲asking me to go 练功 liao.. 迷宗拳!
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