My grandma juz came back from Hatyai in Thailand, and she bought A LOT of cool stuff for me!!!! Just check out the earrings she bought for me..
This one a bit blur.. tried my best alreadie haha.

WALAU where got grandma so funky one rite?! I ask u lar!! Mine lor!!!! Hahaha and it's not just the earrings can??
Check out these as well. Hair accessories!!!! SO COOL!!!! GAWSH! I LURVE MY GRANDMA! Think she had a real great time shopping away.. for all her children and grandchildren. Haha but seriously.. I wonder how she brought all the stuff back.. you should check out her luggage man! She dragged it all the way home BY BUS from Hatyai ACROSS the causeway ALL BY HERSELF! WAH steady lah!

See how I look with the black earrings?

The hair band?

NICE RITE? My mum knows what's best for her granddaughter!
Recently, a bit busy. No time to accompany my pets.. they are complaining.

OMG I just realised there's this MOSQUITO BBQ flavored potato chips available on the market!!!
Uhhh how mosquito taste like ah? Errr.. a bit salty, a bit bloody, uhhhh.. u wanna try some as well? K next time I go buy I treat you ok?

Yesterday, I was trying very hard to mug.. but I became damn sian... so I decided to blog surf!!! I just learned of a few chiobu blogs!!!! I'm SO HIGH! I lurve staring at their pics! SO CHIO! Ok there was that pinkshoefetish person... but now I don't think she's chio anymore. Cos I just found out... never mind. Haha I just don't like her anymore! But now.. I got another super chiobu to byo! This one.. I find more chio.. cos she's my type!!!!!! Clapbangkiss!!!!! SUPER SWEET! OMG! Haha my type my type!
Then suddenly, I realise on her site, there's this friendster link! So I went to link to her friendster. WAH the pictures there.... droolzzzz.. Then... I saw her profile.. WERT?! She's from RJ too!? OMG! That makes her the... ummm... second super chiobu I know who came from RJ! First one's pinkshoefetish. Second one's her. NO no no wait.. there's Yanling too!! Haha.. but that one, I know her, though not say very well, but its still kinda weird to byo rite? I don't, like, byo people I know. Sounds..... not right!!!
Anyway, I was just thinking, RJ girls all SO CHIO! WALAU I should have gone RJ man.. then maybe I would have become as chio as them!!! CORRECT?!

Oh well............
HEY HEY I'M KIDDING K? Walau I knew such a GREAT bunch of friends from Hwachong... I would NEVER exchange it for anything else in my life. Right pals? Haha 02S78 rawkz!
Blogger can't let me upload pics today!!!! ARGH I had a few pics to show you people... so sian... lazy to use photobucket... so means I'll only upload them tomorrow!!!!
Oh btw.. I got a bit sick of the intro at the side panel... so I changed it! Wahaha.. I grew sick of that intro.. I'd been using that since, like, J2? That was 2 years ago. I used it for friendster, and now for this blog. Gonna transport this intro to my friendster soon. When I'm free. Heehee.
K today no pictures.. but I learned some interesting new stuff today! I was reading up on malaria.. for my exams of cos. Then I came across this page in my textbook of microbiology...
Do you know... the first recorded biological warfare attack took place in 1346 A.D.???
It resulted in the Black Death, that killed 1/3 of Europe's population. How did the Black Death, which originated somewhere around Mongolia, reach Europe?
It is believed that during that time the Mongol army was a strong and fierce army, bent on conquering many countries. They were fighting a war at Crimea (somewhere near the Ukraine of today) when the plaque broke in the army. Disposal of the victims' bodies became a problem, because so many of them were dying and the army was always on the move. Someone came up with an idea. This idea, cost the lives of 1/3 of Europe's population at that time. What was his idea?
He decided to let the Mongol army hurl the plague-infected bodies into the besieged Crimean city they were attacking at that time. In the terrible conditions of war, many of the city's inhabitants got the disease. As these carriers fled from the Mongol army to Europe, they brought the disease with them.
It was a terrible disease. Victims were killed in a matter of 2 or 3 days.
"How many valiant men, how many fair ladies, breakfast with their kinfolk and the same night supped with their ancestors in the next world! The condition of the people was pitiable to behold. They sickened by the thousands daily, and died unattended and without help. Many died in the open street, others dying in their houses, made it known by the stench of their rotting bodies. Consecrated churchyards did not suffice for the burial of the vast multitude of bodies, which were heaped by the hundreds in vast trenches, like goods in a ships hold and covered with a little earth."
-Giovanni Boccaccio
Ok I know.. no more textbook stuff. I'm boring you people to death. No more no more! NO MORE! OK? No la.. juz letting you people know.. how scary it could get in the event of a flu pandemic. And guess what?! If calculated by the cycles in which flu pandemics occur, WE ARE LONG OVERDUE. Which means, the bird flu, if it manages to mutate to achieve human-to-human transmission, is gonna be a real horrifying thing. If you dunno what I mean, go google "Black Death" or "Spanish Flu", the 2 most terrifying flu pandemics on record.
Ok time to go back to malaria. TATAz!
Now I know.. why they say NTU students kiasu like shit. I used to think NUS students should be more kiasu wat.. NTU students always like living in kampung.. surrounded by trees and animals... everything also take it easy. Then 2 days ago, I decided.. enough of mugging at NUS library man... I'm an NTU student.. I should go back to my roots... go NTU mug!
So in the morning, as usual, I took a lift from my dad and reached school real early, about 7.45pm. As usual, I went to Can A to la kopi and have some breakfast. And get some mugging done. Cos Lee Wee Nam Library opens at 8.30am, no point in wasting time going up so early what.. right? Yes.
So after finishing my breakfast and kopi, and going to the toilet, I went up to the library at 8.30am SHARP. The minute I entered the library, I was thinking... not right leh... wrong leh... how come the ENTIRE library alreadie SOOO packed?! I shook my head, rubbed my eyes, and shook my head some more.... then I opened my eyes and checked again. The people are still there! I'm not imagining things! WALAU. I thought maybe cos it's exam time, Lee Wee Nam opens earlier, but cos I blur I never read emails so I dunno. So I went to check the opening hours.. CORRECT LEH! 8.30am leh!!!!
WALAU I can't believe I am so suay.. so I decided to go a few rounds around the library to check if there are ANY empty seats. The minute I started to walk, I saw Vinci the uncle Dinosaur. The minute he saw me, he grinned, smug and happy. He told me, "你可以回家了。人家八点就来排队,你现在才来."
WALAU siao bo?! I thought he was lying you know... like.. for the fun of it. Just to rub it in cos he got a seat and I don't. I die die dont wanna believe.
But.. just in case.. the next morning I went a lil bit earlier... at 8.15am. @$#%@$^!!!!! It's not juz a teeny weeny handful of people... it's a WHOLE ENTIRE CROWD! WALAU I wanted to take picture to show you people.. but in that bunch got a few menacing looking guys.. like those gangstas with ang gong all over their body. So I scared later they punch me for taking their pic. Walau it looked like 5566 was coming to Lee Wee Nam to give a concert or something. Or maybe OG was having a 90% off sale near some auntie gathering area.
Then I heard these PRCs behind me talking.
OMG. Can't believe it.... people start queueing at EIGHT?!!!! FREAK! NTU students are MAD!! Crazy!
I scared liao.. I push a bit further in front. Small size mah... can squeeze thru easier. I squeeze a bit more... a bit more.. then I decided to stop, and wait for the librarian to open the door. WAH the minute the librarian open the door, there was PANDEMONIUM! EVERYONE started pushing and pushing... like sometimes you watch tv.. those people stocking up on dried food and basic necessities just before some storm is gonna strike or in preparation for war. WAR! Yes that's it! That's how it's like! All the people there machiam fighting a battle liddat.. Suddenly this image flashed in my mind.. the time.. when the eggs from Malaysia were banned, how those aunties you see on Channel News Asia fight with each other in NTUC to buy eggs.
I think of that image I scared. Cos I remember last time my mum fight lose to this big fat auntie.. then for two whole weeks we got no eggs to eat. So I quickly push and push.. and run and run.. I very long never run so fast alreadie. I remember which seats were the best. DON'T TELL YOU PEOPLE neh neh ni poo poo! Later you all go fight wif me! I reach that place.. WHOA! Onli THREE tables left! The rest all occupied by those PRCs! Wah mai tu liao.. I quickly sit down at the nearest table.
Then after that I messaged my friend, the one who was going to study wif me. Tell him got seats alreadie. Then I started mugging. A few minutes into mugging, this guy approached me. Nope he didn't ask for my phone number. So sad.. all he said was, "Hey you mind sharing seats?"
I veri nice ger rite... so I said ok lor.. np. Then he said, "3 of us. Thanks."
So I cleared up the table a bit to make way for them. Kaoz. The minute his fren sat down.. I pek chek liao. OK like.. I understand now exam time... every second is precious. But... surely you can spare... like.. erm.. 30 minutes everyday to maybe just take a quick shower and brush your teeth?! WALAU that guy smelt like he hasn't been doing both since a month ago. Wah I veri pek chek.. I escaped to computer stations... also shun bian to check some stuff online. I think I made it quite obvious I couldnt stand that smell on the guy... now thinking back, I feel a bit evil heh..
After a few hours, I thot.. haiz heck la.. go back take a quick nap. Maybe I can get used to the smell after a while. When I went back, that smelly guy was gone! Only his 2 frens left! I feel a bit bad alreadie.. cos I think he left cos I made it damn obvious I could not stand his smell... but I went ahead and had a nap anywayz. Then when I woke up, the 2 remaining guys wanted to leave alreadie. Think they having lessons. The one who asked for the seat came over to me, smiled real politely, and said, "Thanks again, for sharing the table." Shucks. I think I'm really going to hell...... all the bad karma I've accumulated.
After a while, this lady came over.. wanted to share the table too. Can't have a half occupied table anywhere in Lee Wee Nam. Sian. Since I alreadie felt real bad for all the bad things I'd done earlier, I decided.. shit I better start doing more good things. So I let her have the seat. Then I regret again. Cos like, 5 seconds after I nodded, this FRIGGIN CUTE ang moh Goldilocks came over and asked if he could share the table!!!!! WALAU GOLDILOCKS!!!! HOW COME YOU NEBER COME 5 SECONDS EARLIER?! Wah biang I really damn pek chek that day... study oso cannot concentrate.
When I sian I start playing with my toy. Ok guessing game.. can anyone tell me what this pic is all about?

This one leh? It's the library alrite.. but looks.. a bit weird? WHY?
DIS ONE OSO! How come?! KS's new phone spoil?!

I went home ard 9+pm yesterday. Cos today got dat quiz... wanna study more for it. This is the bus... proof that NTU students are mad muggers.. 9pm! Still the entire school is filled with people mugging away! You look at the people getting up the bus.. this is considered one of the most remote bus stops in NTU alreadie.. and still there are people at 9+pm!

Inside the bus... all these mad shits.. mug till 9+pm.. all mad.. ALL MAD! I'm scared.. ok.. think I better go join them. Go NTU mug v good hor... the people there mug so hard.. sure to motivate you.
BTW this is the top level of the bus.. still so many people!

Mugging too much is driving me crazy. Lack of sleep is making me grouchy. I'm falling asleep anywhere and everywhere now. On the train, on the bus, in the canteen, in the library, in front of my laptop, in front of the library computer... Which is why now I'm starting to look for seats beside yandaos rather than ah peks cos I tend to fall asleep on the person sitting beside me... but then again that's beside the point.
Today I mugged one entire day at library 2. This is my study buddy for the day.. Yoke Peng! She was helping me with some stuff the dumbass KS don't understand.. people Yoke Peng in Dean's List ok!!!! Dun pray pray!
Just realised it's been a real long time since I had a chance to look at the night view in NTU. I love mugging in school till real late at night cos when you look at the school at night, you realise it's so different from how it looks like during the day. It's been this way since my RG and HC days. The days I would spend mugging till real late at nite with Ms NJL and Jingz at HC before the As. The mugging itself was a torture, but the friends there in a familiar place.. that was nice.
That's NTU at night. 灯火通明.

You don't see anyone mugging in these pictures.. but I can tell you, even the canteens were PACKED with people mugging away. I feel kinda weird and outta place taking their pictures.. so there.. content yourself with these.

Think I'm gonna mug whole day again tmr.. quiz on thurs. Freaked out. Damn stressed.. and when I'm stressed I get super depressed. It's worse than PMS I can assure you. You dont wanna know KS when she's depressed.
So here's a smiley pic of her.
Haha in case you think I'm taking nonsense pictures cos muggin has fried my brains real bad.. nah.. it's juz a picture to show you how I look with curly hair! Cos I did up part of my hair in this bun today.. and when I let it down it looked like this. Better than my perm last time rite?
Alamak I think it's not v obvious in this pic.. u focus on the hair on my left.. which is your right side. That side more curly. Then you try to copy and paste onto the other side. Then you tell me how KS looks with curly hair!
Picture for fun onli la.. I'm not thinking of perming my hair.. not anytime soon. Too much work. I still like my 懒人 rebonded hair best. Like I always tell people.. wake up alreadie can immediately go shopping. No need do anything to your hair.

K time out to go mug. Tata~
I really hate to be such an absolute biatch... but I seriously can't stand it any longer. I can't stand those who pon all the last lectures (read: revision lectures) and tutorials etc... juz cos they wanna mug. And expect others to go to those lectures and take notes for them. It's ok if you take turns.. but there are those who juz expect others to do all the work for them while they stay at home happily mugging away.
Hey.. like.. so you think those at the lectures don't have to mug? Are they like... obliged to take notes for you?! And worse.. when those lecturers SERIOUSLY didn't give any tips, these people will go, "Huh? He really didn't say anything ah? Like, did he say anything about which topics are more important? Really don't have?"
You don't wanna trust me.. then go for the lecture yourself. Don't be such a selfish brat. If it's during normal semester days, it's OK... but now when everyone's time is friggin precious, it is JUST NOT FAIR!
And this is not all.
How about all the zillion labs these people had ponned cos it's too early in the morning and cos they expect their lab partners to do their stuff for them? And in the end they share the points. I seriously don't understand... why can't they juz learn to do stuff themselves?!
It's a give or take situation. You feel the time is better spent mugging at home than coming for the revision lecture, fine. Absolutely. I respect that. But there is NO win-win situation! There's nothing like.. hey.. your friends feel the time is better spent coming for the revision lecture than mugging at home, and thus you say HURRAY LET'S GO ASK HER WHAT THE PROF SAID SO WE DON'T LOSE OUT! And after they tell you what the prof said, you go "WHAT? You sure the prof said nothing much about the exams?"
Friggin pissed off. How can there be such selfish people in this world?! But I happen to know a whole clique of them. How nice.
I'm not gonna name them.. u can exercise your imagination. Oh well that said.. world peace should prevail. Call me the bitch instead. They are nice people.
Recently, my room is becoming an animal home of sorts. Like today.... I adopted a new pet. It all started with dis.
I was having a nice lunch at Can A when......
I couldn't bear to chase her away.... So I informed those pets at home to prepare themselves for a new pal.

However... disasters do occur when pets are insufficiently tamed.

Errr... the situation will get better one day... I have trust!!!!
I NEED TO MUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
JIO-ING MUGGING BUDDIES anyone wanna mug wif me? I beri nice one hor!!!! I wun bully people one!!! Only occasionally when I'm too stressed will pinch you only. Liddat not v guo fen rite?! Stressed mah... acceptable.
Ok ciaoz. Gtg mug.
Yeah right... dating a VAMPIRESS now!!!
Yesterday, I walking towards Can A for lunch. As I reached Can A, suddenly, I saw a HORDE of SUPER CHIO girls walking towards me!!!! OMG!!!! My heart started to beat faster and faster. FASTER AND FASTER!!! Then suddenly, one of them approached me. WHOA she's SOOO CHIO my heart beat so fast my chest was bursting. OMG she's the PURRFECT figure! Hourglass, super tall, slim legs, this pixie face with HUGE eyes and sharp nose..... my drool was pooling on the ground!!!!
She opened her mouth.... she was talking to me!!!! WHOA I almost melted!
"Hi uh... we are trying to raise funds for the Breast Cancer Foundation here. Would you like to purchase this pink breast cancer pin here and donate 2 dollars to the Foundation?"
WALAU chiobu open her mouth already.... how can I reject rite?! Some more this chiobu so 有爱心.... I LIKE! So I bought it from her!!!!
I agreed so readily... she was SOOO GRATEFUL TO ME! She kept saying, "Thank you thank you!" WAH I almost melted.. she was soo sweet! And then guess what?! There was more! She said, "Hey uh.. let me check if there are any more of those vouchers for you."
Then she turned to another super chiobu. "Hey do we have any of those vouchers left?"
Chiobu 2 said, "Yes!" and passed chiobu 1 the voucher.
Chiobu 1 gave me the voucher with the sweetest smile and said, "There you go! A voucher for you! Thanks for donating!"

WHOA!!!! The happiest I felt after doing charity.... must be this time!
After that, I was browsing thru the brochures that came with the pin.. and I found this!!

OMG! They were the competitors of the Elite Model Look!!!! No wonder so chio!!!!!! WALAU if not for the exams I would definitely go support my chiobu!!!!! SO CHIO!!!
Was reading Dicky's blog yesterday.... OMG had a laughing fit!!!! Can't believe somebody can be that cock... use party popper to scare a hamster out from behind some cupboard!? Wahahaa the best laugh I had that day. Was laughing like a lunatic to myself in the resource room.
A little info about Dicky. He was the cockster of my JC class. Forever doing dumb things. Last time during bio labs, he would pour ethanol into the sink, and then throw a lighted match inside!!! Then a group of the Band of Brothers made up of the guys in my class would form a circle around the sink in question, to block my Bio teacher so she couldn't see what they were doing!
But there was this once... the fire got TOO BIG!! Think the cockster poured too much alcohol. My bio teacher saw!!!! She ran over immediately and used this cloth to try to extinguish the fire.. and only succeeded after many tries! Wah biang.. from that day onwards, my bio teacher never forgot Dicky.
Other cock things he did... when we had to dissect this rat. Dicky the cockster used the instruments and instead of following instructions, he started playing with the poor dead lab rat himself. He cut out the brain of the rat, and the internak organs, and the eyes, the tongue and I dunno wat shit... and he started to mix them around in the boiling water bath. His secret recipe "rat soup". *puke*
How do you know the exams are REALLY drawing near?!
When the floors of my BEWTEEFULL fac gets this fugly green canvas laid on top of it. That green thing was a prequel to these ugly partitions that will soon be set up to shut us off from the rest of the world during our exams... ugly ugly ugly! Exams turn the entire school into an ugly place!!!
This morning, when I saw the ugly green stuff on the ground, I was so depressed. So I went into the resource room to take my regular morning nap. Cos there was no morning lecture today, I had a LONG SWEET game of chess with Uncle Chow. There was no one else in the room except for the photocopying auntie and the cleaner uncle.
Just as I was about to shout, "将军!" to Uncle Chow, suddenly........... I heard this ghostly whisper in my ear.... "Sssiiiiaaaooooooo zaaaaa boooooorrrrrr....."
WAH BIANG I tell u I very nearly JUMPED OUTTA MY SKIN in fright!!! When I opened my eyes, who should I see but Edward... guffawing madly. He found it sooo surprising and amusing that I was sooo frightened. But I seriously dun understand why.
You see... there was no one in the HUGE room except for one auntie and one uncle, both of whom were FAR FAR away from me the last time I managed to open my eyes to check. So when there's this GHOSTLY whisper in your ear when u least expect to see anyone around you, what's the natural reaction!? JUMP LAR!!!! I was rudely drawn outta my game of chess... uncle Chow sure wasnt happy!
But of cos, ever the gentleman, Edward made up for it by offering me sweets I dunno his mum or aunt brought back from either the States or Taiwan. Not sure. But dun care lar, the sweets were nice! Haha. And in any case, I desperately needed someone to wake me up... if not I will go on snoozing forever! KS is SUPER sleep deprived.
After a while, mabel the hobbit arrived to entertain me! She insisted I take a picture of her with my phone.... so there.. can see or not?! That's the hobbit for you. Haha
Today I went to NUS Central Library to mug with Jing and JX. Or at least, I tried to mug. But of cos, JX was more interested in flipping thru my Microbiology textbook and looking at the INTERESTING pictures of diseased body parts inside. Hindering with me trying to mug. On top of that there was the increasingly cold temperature.... the place was morphing into a "POLAR BEARS ONLY" zone. After two hours of trying very hard to mug, we decided, that's it man.... We've had enough of this freezing shit place...
To get to the engine canteen for lunch, we walked from level 6 of the Central Library, where we were mugging, and passed thru level 5, then went on to the Chinese library, and walked from there to the canteen. As we transited from level 6 to the level 5 mugging area, JX noticed something....
"WAH BIANG this place so COLD!!! Even worse than level 6!!" Then she points to those scholarly-looking people mugging there, "Wonder how they can stand it!"
Then I told her, "You know last time Jing and I used to mug at level 3 right. Think that place also quite cold. I think so far level 6 the warmest already.. though it's still damn cold."
The act-smart KS even came up with her own suggestion to the reason why that is the case.
"Cos right... you see ah... warm air rises mah... So that's why level 6 warmest lor!"
SEE? My Physics still damn power right?! Haven't return to ah Chiam rite?
But then JX proved me wrong.
"NO. That's NOT the reason."
She proceeded to give her own version of the explanation.
"The reason why level 6 is sooo warm is because..... *drumroll*..... there are LOTS of HOT GUYS there!!!"
At the beginning of the sem, I was kinda curious... how come this sem, JX SUDDENLY had this change of habit and prefers mugging in school to mugging at home??
Now I think I know the reason.
One day, I saw Bad Badtz Maru book buddy selling at Macdonald's!!!! I see my Garfield like a bit lonely.. so I decided to get him a fwen!!!! The minute I reached home, Bad Badtz Maru was sooo tired that he threw himself onto the bed before I could formally introduce him to his new fren.

Juz for laughs. BTW, Bad Badtz Maru is still living happily and peacefully with Garfield ok!
Playing with my NEW TOY again!!!! Just discovered that I can take sepia pictures with it!!!

And BLACK-AND-WHITE too!!!!!
And this............. 啊!!!!谋杀案!!!!鬼啊!!!!

Then the other wonders of having a cam phone handy start to emerge. The ability to take pictures as and when you wan.. whenever you see something picture worthy!
Like just now! When I went for dinner with my parents at Toa Payoh just now... GUESS WHO DID I SEE?! The HC people will know him... so will the TCHS kids. Most probably. It's the FAMOUS "Hwa Chong FaRmily"!!! Took a few pictures... plus a short vid. WANNA SEE?! Msg me on msn.. don't wanna risk putting it up here. Haha.
After dinner and a bit of shopping around the Toa Payoh Hub, my grandma and I suddenly felt an urge....... we desperately need...................... THE TOILET!!!
My grandma was going, "这里的厕所很肮脏的!"
I replied, "不会啦,这里是大巴窑中心,应该不会太肮脏。"
And so I thought.
But the minute I entered the cubicle, I regretted saying what I said immediately.

AHHHHHHH!!!!!! SPOTTED not ONE but TWO FRIGGIN ROACHES in just ONE CUBICLE!! Worst thing.. I CAN'T SCREAM or CHANGE CUBICLE! Cos by the time I noticed those scary lil creatures, I had already locked the door. VERY PAISEH TO WALK OUT AGAIN RITE!? And also not very nice to let the people queueing behind me take this dirty cubicle rite?!!! WALAU!!! SO DISGUSTING!
So on wobbly legs and hands, I quickly finished my business and still shivering, kinda ran outta the cubicle. I washed my hands and legs and EVERYWHERE I could using the tap in the toilet, not just once, but like, twice or three times. And I checked once, checked twice, checked THREE TIMES EVERYWHERE on my body to make sure those 2 lil fellas didn't follow me out!!!!
Shiok. Today is a SHIOK day. Just saw this DAMN CHIO CLK in my carpark. Not my carpark.. Sorry... though I wish very much for it to be the case.. it was parked at the carpark in my condo. Damn chio. Kept staring at it.. on my way out to get lunch. Too bad.. forgot to bring my new toy along.. if not can take pictures. Shit. After that, I kinda forgot about the CLK.
Until I had to go out again, for tuition. I was there, sitting at the bus stop, byo-ing all the chio cars that went past. BMW Z4, Mazda MX5, CLK, Celica, CLK, Integra, CLK again.... WHOA in like, 15 minutes I spotted at least 5 CLKs going past me! And guess what? All were driven by HOT CHICKS!!!! COOL!!!! I personally feel females driving fast cars are DAMN SEXY.
EH wait.. I think I spotted that CLK parked at my carpark going past me!!! OMG it's a pretty young lass driving... no wait.. it's a pretty young MUM driving, with her kid beside her! Think she must have brought her kid over to play at some friend's place.. cos that CLK was not resident at my place. Whoa... chio!!
Living in my area.. always see such chioooo cars going around. There was once, my dad and I saw this DAMN CHIO lamborghini that stopped overnight at the condo opposite ours. But it only stopped for one night.
Dad said: Mistress.
I said: Friend lar.
Dad said: Girlfriend.
I said: Erm.. buddies.
Dad said: 金屋藏娇
I said: Uhhhh... pj party?
We could not come to an agreeable conclusion.. and so we left it at that.
Another time, we saw this damn chio Nissan 350Z in my carpark!!!! It was BRIGHT ah-beng-orange, but nonetheless it looked DAMN DAMN chio!!!! When I first saw it, it was night time, real dark, and I had blurry eyes. And I did a double take when I saw that car.... WHOA.... LAMBO STOP AT MY PLACE! Then I walked closer.. and realised it was a Nissan 350z. It's THAT chio. For a Jap car to be mistaken for a lambo by a lamborghini FAN like me..
BTW, this guy staying in the condo beside mine drives a Nissan 350Z. So everyday I will go to this area where I can peek into their carpark to byo his chio baby. That car is silver. Not that bright ah-beng-orange. Seriously, sometimes, I feel, if you have the money to get that babe of a car, don't degrade it to ah beng standards lar!!! Like.. there was once I saw this electric blue lamborghini... it looks DAMN COOL. But... damn beng!!!!!! Feels juz like the next Mazda MX5 or BMW Z4. Not saying these cars aren't nice.. but... not up to the calibre of a Lamborghini yar?

These days, seeing a lot of chio cars in NTU as well. There's this CLK that only appeared this sem. You see in NTU, there's only one carpark to go if u wanna see chio cars. The one leading to Can A. Cos so many people walk there, no one dare to scratch your car mah. Back to that CLK. It has an AMG engine!!! Kayan educated me about the AMG engine. I read about the AMG once, somewhere, but I kinda assumed all merc cars have them. Seems like that's not the case.
I used to think mercs are not chio. The impression they give me is... ah pek cars. Cos most of the time, it's ah peks driving them. Until they launched this CLK, with that AMG engine.. damn kawaii and cute. And I read about it in Highway... WHOA!!! Dun pray pray hor!!! Mai 小看 this ah pek car k?! 0 to 100kmh pickup is only 3.8 seconds!!!!! Just to give u a sense of magnitude, even Ferraris and Lamborghinis need 4+ seconds!!! So it's like.. you sit inside that car and buckle up. And the driver starts the engine. Then before you can say, " Goodness gracious me!" VOILA! You are going at 100kmh!!!! Suddenly, the CLK begins to look like a SUPER chio GODDESS.
Recently, everyone's asking me... when you gonna get a boyfriend?! I very pek chek ah.. it's not that I hiam or what.. but with so many COOL 老公s, how can anyone still need a boyfriend??
The LEGENDARY Zonda Pagani!!!!!! Damn chio I tell you. I've seen it once at an auto show.. It's HUGE! Much larger than a Lambo or Ferrari. It's not just wide.. the Lamborghini and Ferrari are wide too. It's LONG! But in fact, the actual cabin is damn small.. like what my dad says, "一个胖一点的人坐下去,别人就不用坐了!" Guess the rest of that space is taken up by the powerful engine.

The Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder!!!! Unveiled just a few months ago I think. OMG won't you juz check out that beauty. Lamborghini used to be my 最爱, but that was before the Zonda came out. A Zonda cost, like, about 2 times that of a Lamborghini or a Ferrari yar?! But I still love the Lamborghini. I think it's more cool than my 三老公.
Ferrari!!!! Cos he already ranks third, frankly, I can only tell that it's a Ferrari. I won't know the exact model if I see one on the road. That one.. only real pros like KY's bf can tell. And he can even tell exactly when that model was released into the market. WHOA! 车神! My 偶像! Nonetheless, I still love my 三老公! Cos anyhow, he's still way more yandao than a lot of the junk metal burning the roads these days!
YES! The Ford GT40! 2006 edition!!! Cool not!!! It OUTRAN the Ferrari in the races of 1966!!!!! That's why it's a legend. But... it's still less established than the Ferrari, though it's real chio. That's why I would rank it after the Ferrari. Chio rite?! Go to the Ford showroom to see the display! Oh btw.. gentle reminder. This car only comes in left hand drive. So unless you got a special permit, or you are not thinking of staying in Singapore, don't even dream about driving this baby. Another reason why it's ranked 4th. Cos if I choose him, I will have to migrate.
All these 老公s, don't come cheap. Sigh. So basically I'm kinda waiting here. Two choices for me:
1. Get real lucky and strike lottery.
2. Get real lucky and get a 凯子 husband.
In the meantime, guess I gotta settle for just some nice lil flings. Attainable targets, in the near future.
Fling 1:
Like I've said before many times, this is my current aim. The honda civic hatchback. Don't 小看 my this fling k!! Whoa I can ASSURE you.. this BABY can go real fast!!! Just that it's a wee bit old. Get one more than 10 years old.. COE cheaper? But there's still the petrol and insurance... and of cos the newly implemented ERPs...... SIGH!
Fling 2 (more unattainable than the first, but damn chio):
For those who watch the Initial D anime.. this will be familiar. Nissan Silvia. Yes.. the legendary Sil80 that Sayuki drives. CHIO RITE?! Recently there's this Silvia in that carpark in NTU mentioned above. WAH it's DAMN CHIO! Kayan and I will spend our breaks walking towards Can A staring at that beauty. CHIO!!! But wonder when I can afford this?
Oh btw. I think... my fav car color will be this BRIGHT SUNNY yellow. Yes.. the Lamborghini yellow! I think it looks damn kawaii... and real cool for a sports car! I was thinking hot pink at first, but later I thought about that electric blue lamborghini.. and I thought.. shucks. I don't wanna be labelled a Lian racer leh! So yellow it shall be!!! YAY!
Say until like I seriously got the money liddat. Eh... any rich kid wanna donate to the KS-save-up-for-a-car fund or not!? Donate leh.... QUICK!!!!