Now I know.. why they say NTU students kiasu like shit. I used to think NUS students should be more kiasu wat.. NTU students always like living in kampung.. surrounded by trees and animals... everything also take it easy. Then 2 days ago, I decided.. enough of mugging at NUS library man... I'm an NTU student.. I should go back to my roots... go NTU mug!
So in the morning, as usual, I took a lift from my dad and reached school real early, about 7.45pm. As usual, I went to Can A to la kopi and have some breakfast. And get some mugging done. Cos Lee Wee Nam Library opens at 8.30am, no point in wasting time going up so early what.. right? Yes.
So after finishing my breakfast and kopi, and going to the toilet, I went up to the library at 8.30am SHARP. The minute I entered the library, I was thinking... not right leh... wrong leh... how come the ENTIRE library alreadie SOOO packed?! I shook my head, rubbed my eyes, and shook my head some more.... then I opened my eyes and checked again. The people are still there! I'm not imagining things! WALAU. I thought maybe cos it's exam time, Lee Wee Nam opens earlier, but cos I blur I never read emails so I dunno. So I went to check the opening hours.. CORRECT LEH! 8.30am leh!!!!
WALAU I can't believe I am so suay.. so I decided to go a few rounds around the library to check if there are ANY empty seats. The minute I started to walk, I saw Vinci the uncle Dinosaur. The minute he saw me, he grinned, smug and happy. He told me, "你可以回家了。人家八点就来排队,你现在才来."
WALAU siao bo?! I thought he was lying you know... like.. for the fun of it. Just to rub it in cos he got a seat and I don't. I die die dont wanna believe.
But.. just in case.. the next morning I went a lil bit earlier... at 8.15am. @$#%@$^!!!!! It's not juz a teeny weeny handful of people... it's a WHOLE ENTIRE CROWD! WALAU I wanted to take picture to show you people.. but in that bunch got a few menacing looking guys.. like those gangstas with ang gong all over their body. So I scared later they punch me for taking their pic. Walau it looked like 5566 was coming to Lee Wee Nam to give a concert or something. Or maybe OG was having a 90% off sale near some auntie gathering area.
Then I heard these PRCs behind me talking.
OMG. Can't believe it.... people start queueing at EIGHT?!!!! FREAK! NTU students are MAD!! Crazy!
I scared liao.. I push a bit further in front. Small size mah... can squeeze thru easier. I squeeze a bit more... a bit more.. then I decided to stop, and wait for the librarian to open the door. WAH the minute the librarian open the door, there was PANDEMONIUM! EVERYONE started pushing and pushing... like sometimes you watch tv.. those people stocking up on dried food and basic necessities just before some storm is gonna strike or in preparation for war. WAR! Yes that's it! That's how it's like! All the people there machiam fighting a battle liddat.. Suddenly this image flashed in my mind.. the time.. when the eggs from Malaysia were banned, how those aunties you see on Channel News Asia fight with each other in NTUC to buy eggs.
I think of that image I scared. Cos I remember last time my mum fight lose to this big fat auntie.. then for two whole weeks we got no eggs to eat. So I quickly push and push.. and run and run.. I very long never run so fast alreadie. I remember which seats were the best. DON'T TELL YOU PEOPLE neh neh ni poo poo! Later you all go fight wif me! I reach that place.. WHOA! Onli THREE tables left! The rest all occupied by those PRCs! Wah mai tu liao.. I quickly sit down at the nearest table.
Then after that I messaged my friend, the one who was going to study wif me. Tell him got seats alreadie. Then I started mugging. A few minutes into mugging, this guy approached me. Nope he didn't ask for my phone number. So sad.. all he said was, "Hey you mind sharing seats?"
I veri nice ger rite... so I said ok lor.. np. Then he said, "3 of us. Thanks."
So I cleared up the table a bit to make way for them. Kaoz. The minute his fren sat down.. I pek chek liao. OK like.. I understand now exam time... every second is precious. But... surely you can spare... like.. erm.. 30 minutes everyday to maybe just take a quick shower and brush your teeth?! WALAU that guy smelt like he hasn't been doing both since a month ago. Wah I veri pek chek.. I escaped to computer stations... also shun bian to check some stuff online. I think I made it quite obvious I couldnt stand that smell on the guy... now thinking back, I feel a bit evil heh..
After a few hours, I thot.. haiz heck la.. go back take a quick nap. Maybe I can get used to the smell after a while. When I went back, that smelly guy was gone! Only his 2 frens left! I feel a bit bad alreadie.. cos I think he left cos I made it damn obvious I could not stand his smell... but I went ahead and had a nap anywayz. Then when I woke up, the 2 remaining guys wanted to leave alreadie. Think they having lessons. The one who asked for the seat came over to me, smiled real politely, and said, "Thanks again, for sharing the table." Shucks. I think I'm really going to hell...... all the bad karma I've accumulated.
After a while, this lady came over.. wanted to share the table too. Can't have a half occupied table anywhere in Lee Wee Nam. Sian. Since I alreadie felt real bad for all the bad things I'd done earlier, I decided.. shit I better start doing more good things. So I let her have the seat. Then I regret again. Cos like, 5 seconds after I nodded, this FRIGGIN CUTE ang moh Goldilocks came over and asked if he could share the table!!!!! WALAU GOLDILOCKS!!!! HOW COME YOU NEBER COME 5 SECONDS EARLIER?! Wah biang I really damn pek chek that day... study oso cannot concentrate.
When I sian I start playing with my toy. Ok guessing game.. can anyone tell me what this pic is all about?

This one leh? It's the library alrite.. but looks.. a bit weird? WHY?

I went home ard 9+pm yesterday. Cos today got dat quiz... wanna study more for it. This is the bus... proof that NTU students are mad muggers.. 9pm! Still the entire school is filled with people mugging away! You look at the people getting up the bus.. this is considered one of the most remote bus stops in NTU alreadie.. and still there are people at 9+pm!

Inside the bus... all these mad shits.. mug till 9+pm.. all mad.. ALL MAD! I'm scared.. ok.. think I better go join them. Go NTU mug v good hor... the people there mug so hard.. sure to motivate you.
BTW this is the top level of the bus.. still so many people!

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