Shiok. Today is a SHIOK day. Just saw this DAMN CHIO CLK in my carpark. Not my carpark.. Sorry... though I wish very much for it to be the case.. it was parked at the carpark in my condo. Damn chio. Kept staring at it.. on my way out to get lunch. Too bad.. forgot to bring my new toy along.. if not can take pictures. Shit. After that, I kinda forgot about the CLK.
Until I had to go out again, for tuition. I was there, sitting at the bus stop, byo-ing all the chio cars that went past. BMW Z4, Mazda MX5, CLK, Celica, CLK, Integra, CLK again.... WHOA in like, 15 minutes I spotted at least 5 CLKs going past me! And guess what? All were driven by HOT CHICKS!!!! COOL!!!! I personally feel females driving fast cars are DAMN SEXY.
EH wait.. I think I spotted that CLK parked at my carpark going past me!!! OMG it's a pretty young lass driving... no wait.. it's a pretty young MUM driving, with her kid beside her! Think she must have brought her kid over to play at some friend's place.. cos that CLK was not resident at my place. Whoa... chio!!

Dad said: Mistress.
I said: Friend lar.
Dad said: Girlfriend.
I said: Erm.. buddies.
Dad said: 金屋藏娇
I said: Uhhhh... pj party?
We could not come to an agreeable conclusion.. and so we left it at that.
Another time, we saw this damn chio Nissan 350Z in my carpark!!!! It was BRIGHT ah-beng-orange, but nonetheless it looked DAMN DAMN chio!!!! When I first saw it, it was night time, real dark, and I had blurry eyes. And I did a double take when I saw that car.... WHOA.... LAMBO STOP AT MY PLACE! Then I walked closer.. and realised it was a Nissan 350z. It's THAT chio. For a Jap car to be mistaken for a lambo by a lamborghini FAN like me..
BTW, this guy staying in the condo beside mine drives a Nissan 350Z. So everyday I will go to this area where I can peek into their carpark to byo his chio baby. That car is silver. Not that bright ah-beng-orange. Seriously, sometimes, I feel, if you have the money to get that babe of a car, don't degrade it to ah beng standards lar!!! Like.. there was once I saw this electric blue lamborghini... it looks DAMN COOL. But... damn beng!!!!!! Feels juz like the next Mazda MX5 or BMW Z4. Not saying these cars aren't nice.. but... not up to the calibre of a Lamborghini yar?

These days, seeing a lot of chio cars in NTU as well. There's this CLK that only appeared this sem. You see in NTU, there's only one carpark to go if u wanna see chio cars. The one leading to Can A. Cos so many people walk there, no one dare to scratch your car mah. Back to that CLK. It has an AMG engine!!! Kayan educated me about the AMG engine. I read about the AMG once, somewhere, but I kinda assumed all merc cars have them. Seems like that's not the case.
I used to think mercs are not chio. The impression they give me is... ah pek cars. Cos most of the time, it's ah peks driving them. Until they launched this CLK, with that AMG engine.. damn kawaii and cute. And I read about it in Highway... WHOA!!! Dun pray pray hor!!! Mai 小看 this ah pek car k?! 0 to 100kmh pickup is only 3.8 seconds!!!!! Just to give u a sense of magnitude, even Ferraris and Lamborghinis need 4+ seconds!!! So it's like.. you sit inside that car and buckle up. And the driver starts the engine. Then before you can say, " Goodness gracious me!" VOILA! You are going at 100kmh!!!! Suddenly, the CLK begins to look like a SUPER chio GODDESS.
Recently, everyone's asking me... when you gonna get a boyfriend?! I very pek chek ah.. it's not that I hiam or what.. but with so many COOL 老公s, how can anyone still need a boyfriend??


The Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder!!!! Unveiled just a few months ago I think. OMG won't you juz check out that beauty. Lamborghini used to be my 最爱, but that was before the Zonda came out. A Zonda cost, like, about 2 times that of a Lamborghini or a Ferrari yar?! But I still love the Lamborghini. I think it's more cool than my 三老公.


All these 老公s, don't come cheap. Sigh. So basically I'm kinda waiting here. Two choices for me:
1. Get real lucky and strike lottery.
2. Get real lucky and get a 凯子 husband.
In the meantime, guess I gotta settle for just some nice lil flings. Attainable targets, in the near future.
Fling 1:

Fling 2 (more unattainable than the first, but damn chio):

Oh btw. I think... my fav car color will be this BRIGHT SUNNY yellow. Yes.. the Lamborghini yellow! I think it looks damn kawaii... and real cool for a sports car! I was thinking hot pink at first, but later I thought about that electric blue lamborghini.. and I thought.. shucks. I don't wanna be labelled a Lian racer leh! So yellow it shall be!!! YAY!
Say until like I seriously got the money liddat. Eh... any rich kid wanna donate to the KS-save-up-for-a-car fund or not!? Donate leh.... QUICK!!!!
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