My grandma juz came back from Hatyai in Thailand, and she bought A LOT of cool stuff for me!!!! Just check out the earrings she bought for me..
This one a bit blur.. tried my best alreadie haha.

Check out these as well. Hair accessories!!!! SO COOL!!!! GAWSH! I LURVE MY GRANDMA! Think she had a real great time shopping away.. for all her children and grandchildren. Haha but seriously.. I wonder how she brought all the stuff back.. you should check out her luggage man! She dragged it all the way home BY BUS from Hatyai ACROSS the causeway ALL BY HERSELF! WAH steady lah!

See how I look with the black earrings?

The hair band?

NICE RITE? My mum knows what's best for her granddaughter!
Recently, a bit busy. No time to accompany my pets.. they are complaining.

OMG I just realised there's this MOSQUITO BBQ flavored potato chips available on the market!!!
Uhhh how mosquito taste like ah? Errr.. a bit salty, a bit bloody, uhhhh.. u wanna try some as well? K next time I go buy I treat you ok?

Yesterday, I was trying very hard to mug.. but I became damn sian... so I decided to blog surf!!! I just learned of a few chiobu blogs!!!! I'm SO HIGH! I lurve staring at their pics! SO CHIO! Ok there was that pinkshoefetish person... but now I don't think she's chio anymore. Cos I just found out... never mind. Haha I just don't like her anymore! But now.. I got another super chiobu to byo! This one.. I find more chio.. cos she's my type!!!!!! Clapbangkiss!!!!! SUPER SWEET! OMG! Haha my type my type!
Then suddenly, I realise on her site, there's this friendster link! So I went to link to her friendster. WAH the pictures there.... droolzzzz.. Then... I saw her profile.. WERT?! She's from RJ too!? OMG! That makes her the... ummm... second super chiobu I know who came from RJ! First one's pinkshoefetish. Second one's her. NO no no wait.. there's Yanling too!! Haha.. but that one, I know her, though not say very well, but its still kinda weird to byo rite? I don't, like, byo people I know. Sounds..... not right!!!
Anyway, I was just thinking, RJ girls all SO CHIO! WALAU I should have gone RJ man.. then maybe I would have become as chio as them!!! CORRECT?!

Oh well............
HEY HEY I'M KIDDING K? Walau I knew such a GREAT bunch of friends from Hwachong... I would NEVER exchange it for anything else in my life. Right pals? Haha 02S78 rawkz!
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