Yesterday, I walking towards Can A for lunch. As I reached Can A, suddenly, I saw a HORDE of SUPER CHIO girls walking towards me!!!! OMG!!!! My heart started to beat faster and faster. FASTER AND FASTER!!! Then suddenly, one of them approached me. WHOA she's SOOO CHIO my heart beat so fast my chest was bursting. OMG she's the PURRFECT figure! Hourglass, super tall, slim legs, this pixie face with HUGE eyes and sharp nose..... my drool was pooling on the ground!!!!
She opened her mouth.... she was talking to me!!!! WHOA I almost melted!
"Hi uh... we are trying to raise funds for the Breast Cancer Foundation here. Would you like to purchase this pink breast cancer pin here and donate 2 dollars to the Foundation?"
WALAU chiobu open her mouth already.... how can I reject rite?! Some more this chiobu so 有爱心.... I LIKE! So I bought it from her!!!!

I agreed so readily... she was SOOO GRATEFUL TO ME! She kept saying, "Thank you thank you!" WAH I almost melted.. she was soo sweet! And then guess what?! There was more! She said, "Hey uh.. let me check if there are any more of those vouchers for you."
Then she turned to another super chiobu. "Hey do we have any of those vouchers left?"
Chiobu 2 said, "Yes!" and passed chiobu 1 the voucher.
Chiobu 1 gave me the voucher with the sweetest smile and said, "There you go! A voucher for you! Thanks for donating!"

WHOA!!!! The happiest I felt after doing charity.... must be this time!
After that, I was browsing thru the brochures that came with the pin.. and I found this!!

OMG! They were the competitors of the Elite Model Look!!!! No wonder so chio!!!!!! WALAU if not for the exams I would definitely go support my chiobu!!!!! SO CHIO!!!
Was reading Dicky's blog yesterday.... OMG had a laughing fit!!!! Can't believe somebody can be that cock... use party popper to scare a hamster out from behind some cupboard!? Wahahaa the best laugh I had that day. Was laughing like a lunatic to myself in the resource room.
A little info about Dicky. He was the cockster of my JC class. Forever doing dumb things. Last time during bio labs, he would pour ethanol into the sink, and then throw a lighted match inside!!! Then a group of the Band of Brothers made up of the guys in my class would form a circle around the sink in question, to block my Bio teacher so she couldn't see what they were doing!
But there was this once... the fire got TOO BIG!! Think the cockster poured too much alcohol. My bio teacher saw!!!! She ran over immediately and used this cloth to try to extinguish the fire.. and only succeeded after many tries! Wah biang.. from that day onwards, my bio teacher never forgot Dicky.
Other cock things he did... when we had to dissect this rat. Dicky the cockster used the instruments and instead of following instructions, he started playing with the poor dead lab rat himself. He cut out the brain of the rat, and the internak organs, and the eyes, the tongue and I dunno wat shit... and he started to mix them around in the boiling water bath. His secret recipe "rat soup". *puke*
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