The Legends of the Pugilistic Leader

This is a record of my everyday life, my thoughts and feelings, and my favourite topics. Read it if it's of interest to u!

Friday, December 30, 2005




鄭元暢的五官並不一定是最完美的,但是有一種獨特的吸引力. 他的葵絕對是《薔薇》中最亮麗的一道風景.

看《薔薇》,牽動我的心的卻是葵,有的時候甚至忘了 男女主角的存在.(不知如此奪目的配角對整個劇而言是好是壞?)或許葵真的是一個很討好的角色,然而這也是個內心複雜較難詮釋的人物.

不得不說鄭元暢是天 生的演員,鏡頭下他散發著的那種耀人的光彩映得其他人黯然失色‧

葵 最特別的是他的那雙眼睛. 沒有見過有哪一雙眼睛可以率真得這樣晶瑩剔透,卻又可以陰沉得那樣深不見底;葵是這樣的一個矛盾體. 可以溫柔綿密得像三月的和 風,卻也可以銳利冰冷得如出鞘的利刃;前一秒還脆弱纖細得讓人想把他擁入懷中,後一秒卻又凜冽壓迫得咄咄逼人,陽剛中直透著一股"邪惡"得令人窒息的性感 ‧

鄭元暢的表演是放得開的,《薔薇》中處處感覺得到他的爆發力和熱情. 印象最深的是葵為保護百合而向堇告白的那一幕.

忘不了那個嘴角淌血的絕美少年,他微微 仰起的頭顱,他眼中交織著的沉淪與放逐,他淚光中閃爍著的掙紮和解脫‧在那一剎那,我仿佛真的看到一株向日葵,正在驕陽下任性地昂著頭,遍體鱗傷地綻放 著……


一大堆乱糟糟的关系, 兄弟恋, 姐弟恋, 同性恋... 却因为鄭元畅精湛的演技而变得美丽, 不恶心.

一个看似任性的小男孩, 其实只是渴望得到兄长的关怀. 一个嘟嘴, 一个撇嘴, 任性的小孩, 实在惹人怜惜...

就连于哥哥接吻, 都如此动人!

我想, 我已经迷上了阴柔形美男子.... 还有... 姐弟恋!

开始觉得, 乱伦其实也并非如此不可思议, 如此难接受. 甚至, 可以很凄美.


超梦幻美男子.. 觉得我疯了吗???

看了《蔷薇》, 就会明白. =)

Thursday, December 29, 2005

On 偶像剧

Been living on DVDs and VCDs these few days.. all on those Jap and Taiwan and Korean idol dramas. So I would wake up at 12 or 1pm... and then turn on the tv and pop in the disc, and then I would forget I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch. And then I would watch and watch and then I would forget to eat dinner as well. That's why I say I had been living on DVDs and VCDs.

The collection I'd been watching included Pride (yes that one I borrowed from JL with Kimutaku inside) and then 王子变青蛙, starring 明道 and 陳喬恩... and oso watched halfway 蔷薇之恋, starring 鄭元畅 and Ella.

Anyway, I just realised something about all these idol dramas. They are generally made for those teenage 发花痴的小妹妹. I mean... ok let's take a look at the general formula for a successful idol drama.

One or more cute guy(s). DEFINITELY. I mean, how else do u cheat those 小妹妹 to continue watching those dramas everyday?! So we have Kimutaku, 明道, 鄭元畅, etc etc.. and OMG just their looks are enough to get those adolescent girls a HIGH derived from raging hormones.

One or more girl(s) to let the cute guys serenade. These characters are not important, as they are generally just there to let these adolescent girls imagine themselves to be in that position. Thus they need not look very chio. However, as generally girls from Japan and Taiwan and Korea look really goddamn chio, these characters generally all look quite chio. However, these characters are usually the object of hatred for those adolescent girls. Not hard to understand why.. if u are female that is.

3. The character of the guy... has gotta be a lil 坏坏的. 俗话说,
男人不坏女人不爱. In Pride, Kimutaku was this character who never goes into serious relationships because he wants to focus on his favourite sport, ice hockey. In 王子变青蛙, 明道 was this guy who was totally haughty and 目中无人. He despised 陳喬恩's character cos she was poor. But he later fell for her. SEE? The sure-score plot.

4. The family background of the guy... he's DEFINITELY gotta be
blardie rich.. like got gold mountain silver mountain to let u spend. They call people like that 金龟. Golden tortoise. Either that, or he's gotta be DAMN successful in his career. Like world famous. Yeah. In Pride, Kimutaku became this world famous ice hockey player. In 王子变青蛙, 明道 was this freakin rich 凯子 who happens to be conveniently very good-looking as well.

5. The plot will need to have this
童话故事 element! To let those adolescents fall into the "magic" of the drama. Aiya in short.. just to 骗小妹妹 lar. In Pride, there was this Ice Goddess only the VERY good hockey players could see. And it takes the shape of the women the hockey players love! In 王子变青蛙, ok well... as the title suggests, the whole show was inspired by this storyline about how a 王子落难 and became a 青蛙.

6. The drama will contain TONS of
琼瑶 style dialogue! Dialogue like these in 王子变青蛙:

"不要随便爱上我的肩膀, 因为我只是暂时住在这个地方.."


"我走了.. 你会想念我吗? 我想.. 我应该会很想念你..."

etc etc. WALAU with dialogue like these peppered thru'out the drama.. how to not 骗到 those 小妹妹?? Especially if the words are spoken by this really cute 白马王子. =D

Anyway, why do I say these dramas are used to 骗小妹妹? Cos onli 小妹妹 can get cheated by these dramas.

In real life.. how to find guys like those in the dramas?! Please lah.. u find me one.. I marry him right away! Provided he's agreeable la that is.. if he's not, I'll knock him unconscious and then 点 his 穴道 and then drag him to the altar. Or maybe ROM. But anyway, that's beside the point.

Ok u see ah.. let's start from the basics.

Firstly... how many guys are there in this world, who are both RICH and CUTE?! Ok actually, u noe that Li Ka Shing's son, he's ok looking. Not fantastic, but ok. Acceptable. Hmm.. actually come to think of it, offhand, I can think of just one rich and not bad looking guy. But shan't tell u all who he is WAHAHA cos I duno him well. OH and actually, there's oso EDISON! But other than him, no one else. And Edison's not like, fantastically rich. Just, comfortably rich.

And then, ok let's say, for example, u really find this uber cute and fantastically rich guy. And OH ME OH MY he likes u too! But come on man... face it. Which guy will actually speak in 琼瑶 lingo?! WALAU PLEASE LOR! U ask any guy on the road to say things like what my 明道 said in 王子变青蛙, I think they would rather die lor!

Another point.. Come on girls, face it. To guys, we are just not that important. There are always more important things, like.. that can-die-but-cannot-miss soccer match. Like his never-ending computer games, warcraft and maple story and gunbound. And now I heard there's this new game called Monster and me! And oso, the guys love their cars and 武侠小说 and what not. But since I love those too, I can't complain hahahaha.

Anyway, my point is, NO guy will be as nice as to treat their girls as important as the world. Cos there is just no point spending so much time and attention on girls when it could be spent on games and soccer and I dunno what not. Yes? Correct? Yes agreed.

And anyway, most of the dramas are illogical. Like hello... what Ice Goddess.. I'm sure lar! Where got such things one?! And in that 王子变青蛙, WALAU my darling 明道 got hit on the head dunno how many zillion times. First few times he got hit, he lost his previous memory and became a nice guy. And then later when he got hit again, he lost the memory after he got hit, i.e. he forgot that he had become a nice guy and went back to his old ways again. According to the doctor, he lost his short term memory and got back his long term memory. OK maybe that is still possible. But somehow after that, he regained his short term memory! WALAU how the hell is that possible?! Nehmind. 偶像剧, meant to 骗小妹妹, not meant to make sense.

And anyway, that's why it's not just the 小妹妹 who got cheated.. even 大姐姐 like me oso can get cheated by the dream-like 偶像剧. And presently, my dream beau is this at times 温柔 and at times 坏坏的....

TADAA.. 明道!!!


WAH I thot he 原著民.. how come got Chinese name?! Same surname as me some more! And oh yes.. he loves cars! ME TOO! And he loves the guitar too! ME TOO! Never mind that I only know the C chord and the D chord and I can't play chords that require 5-finger-coordinations. Those things are not important. HEE HEE I love 明道! Ok not gonna waste time here typing rubbish anymore..

Tonight my bro's going to Genting!! YAY! I can watch my own 蔷薇之恋 DVD no need to watch his favourite 王子变青蛙 DVD! Mai tu mai tu.. going to switch on the DVD now! Then later I will go watch Bleach on my com.. wah my schedule very packed ah.... GOTTA RUN! CYA!!!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Went to Jac's place for a cookout lunch yesterday! We were supposed to meet at 1pm at her place to prepare lunch... so well... we had lunch... erm.. if u could still call it that.. at 4pm. No actually 4.30pm. And then they proceeded to prepare dinner...

Dinner was this broccoli broth... Gillian prepared it. It was made of tons of broccoli and onion and potatoes boiled to a pulp and then blended with a blender into this icky green cream soup. Everybody loved it.. except me. I never liked broccoli. I never liked cauliflower too for that matter.. To put it simply, I never liked any type of veggie that looks vaguely like a tree.

Anyway we had tons of fun at Jac's place! TF and her Prince William came as well.. and gawsh.. the guys actually prepared some of the food! Pictures later... when I get Huimin to send them to me.

Anyway, so we had the Ah Beng bible last time.

And then, people complain that I'm not fair.. cos they dont juz like ah bengs. They like metrosexuals as well!!

And then, I kept thinking... how the hell am I gonna come up with a metrosexual bible?!

OK but since I absolutely ADORE guys.. I think it's not gonna be that tall a task after all.

The KS's idiot's guide to identifying a metrosexual!

1. EARRINGS!!! No this is not the ah beng chunky and spiky type... it's the discreet sparkly type.... and it's not everywhere.. it's just in one ear! Remember ah.. this is different ok! Metrosexuals go for discreet display of taste and affluence. Not like the ah beng type of big big loud loud in-your-face type of dressing!

2. PERFUME! Metrosexuals ADORE perfume! I mean.. ok let's illustrate it this way. You see, I have these metrosexual neighbours. Actually, they are gays. But since almost all gays are metrosexuals, its the same.

But back to metrosexuals. You know... these metrosexual neighbours.. I absolutely HATE going into the lift with them. The minute they step into the lift, their odour fragrance will permeate even right thru my pores and into my pulmonary alveoli... OMG!! Finally I will walk out of the lift, staggering... faint from over-inhalation of toxic fumes.

3. MAKEUP! YES that is not exclusive to females... they have these male-targetted makeup as well! I was watching that show 男人帮.. or was it some xmas program?! Forgot! Anyway, they were teaching these male makeup skills. So how do males put on makeup?!

First, the indispensable foundation! Find a shade closest to your skin color and use it to blot out all unsightly scars and pimples! And then, to make your eyes look more alert, you could use...

MASCARA! YES! Not the black black colored ones of cos.. and most definitely not those pink and purple ones I have stocked up in my drawer. Use those colorless gel types! They are the saviours of all sleepy-eyed males in this world!!!

And how could u leave out lip gloss! The colorless gel type as well! OMG yes yes.. to make those lips look uber kissable and ultra yummy!

4. MANICURED NAILS! Yes yes... the latest trend ALL metrosexuals follow religiously.. at first it was juz simply manicured nails as in, nails with cuticles removed and shaped into a neat square shape. And then some guy called David went to a soccer match with orange colored nails. And then everybody followed suit! And now these punk rockers in Japan swear by their black as hell nail polishes.. and now metrosexuals all over the world are following suit! Now now.. aint that the easiest way to identify a metrosexual?!

5. BRANDS! Metrosexuals can't live without branded goods. From head to toe, they are all decked out in brands. However, it seems like one brand they all swear by is GUCCI! I dunno why.. Gucci shades, Gucci bags, Gucci leather shoes... everything! Next is LV. Yes they adore LV bags too! And Hugo Boss Parfums. Definitely. I mean, just look at that football player David.. the epitome of all metrosexuals. He's like, a walking luxury brand himself!

6. HAIR! Metrosexuals have perfectly trimmed and sculpted hair. Gelled and sprayed to perfection.. they walk out of their homes looking like they are ready for a model photo shoot everyday! Not one strand or bunch out of place! It all contributes to the perfectly-groomed metrosexual look!

7. HAIR! No this time.. it's not the same type of hair. U noe.. did u watch that show.. 40 year old Virgin? That part where they put that hot wax on his hairy chest, and then peel it off with great sadistic pleasure.... YES I bet all metrosexuals do that!!!! And I doubt they will feel as tortured when that wax strip is peeled off. I think they might even secretly enjoy it!

OWW!! OUCH!!! I LOVE IT! Come on baby... let's do it again! Peel that other strip off as well! Peel peel peel! OUCH OUCH OUCH! One more time!

Oh oh sorry... I got carried away again. Let's move on. Hahahaha

8. HAIR!! this time.. yet ANOTHER type of hair! EYEBROWS! Yes! ALL metrosexuals pluck their eyebrows! NO no no.. they dun make it pencil-thin.. like those ah mahs with embroidered-eyebrows. They make them just nice.. clean and tidy. But thin enough to look like they are plucked. YES that's metrosexual style for u.. the super-clean-cut and well-groomed type!

YEAH that's all! Aiya.. metrosexuals not very hard to identify la... and oh man.. its a growing breed in NTU! I can feel it in the air I can feel it in the atmosphere I can feel it in the canteen I can feel it in the library.. I can feel it everywhere! HMMM maybe... it would be the ultimate antidote to my ah-beng-addiction! YAY! I love metrosexuals! =D

Sunday, December 25, 2005

WEEWEECAT tagged me... ARGHH I got tagged twice since I got this blog... BOTH it was by my dear yearmates!!! SOB I feel bullied!

1) Post 5 weird/random stuff about yourself.
2) At the end, list the names of 5 people whom you want next to do this, and leave a comment ''YOU ARE TAGGED!'' in their blog and tell them to read your blog for rules..

1. I have a poster of a chiobu in my room.. so I can drool at her everyday. Her name is Utada Hikaru. She had been my idol since I was 14 and I still love her. =) I think she is real cool!

2. I have like, 10+ bottles of shampoos and conditioners.. all of different brands. So I use one on Monday, another one on Tuesday, another one on Wednesday....... oh oh sorry haha I kinda got carried away.

3. I ALWAYS get hungry like, somewhere between my breakfast and lunch.. sometime during morning lectures. So.. yeah I'm sorry.. lecture mates.. that was my stomach growling all the while. I'm sorry! =D

4. I have this weighing machine in my room right where I can access it everyday and whenever my weight goes up 1 kg I will get a panic attack and start my diet plan until I lose that kg again. Whenever my weight goes down 1kg I will get so happie I will celebrate by binging until my weight goes back to normal... and then I will curse and swear at my stupidity.

5. I have numerous idols. Male idols I mean. Last time, whenever I watch a movie I like or a drama I love, I will fall head over heels in love with the male lead actor!

There was once Nic Tse.. when in my foolish teenage days I was obsessed with the Gen X Cops movie. Then later, there was his successor Edison.. when I was obsessed with the Gen Y Cops movie. Then later, some idiot came up with the idea of idol dramas. And the entire batch of yearmates were obsessed with F4 in Meteor Garden. And then up came Channel U.. and I got all crazy over 5566! And then..

ARGH u wanna hear more?! I can go on 10 days 10 nights talking about my idols! Anyway, none lasted more than 3 months. But during that 3 months, somehow, the possessed KS believed ABSOLUTELY that she was SO in love with these guys!

ANYWAY now it's SABO time! Aiyo this time jialat liao. I'm not left with many sabo options.. CAT!! ARGHHH!

Nehmind.. I try ok!?

2) CHAN! Do it in fantasticfour!
4) Umm umm umm ShiQIN! Heehee
5) Umm umm ummmmm Shuhui!!!

Heehee actually wanted to add Mabel... HmMM but no more space! HEY can either SQ or SH please tag Mabel?! Ms Hobbit?! PLEASE? Pretty please?? Thanks!!! Heehee!!!

HAHA Mr Fox has found the ultimate guide to Beng-ism!!


But rite.. I personally feel that the definition of Ah Bengs given in that site is a little outdated.. hahahaha.. hahahaha check out their dressing! WALAU no one dresses like that anymore la! And wat Bugis Junction.. now all ah bengs and ah lians hang out elsewhere liao! Like.. erm.. Far East!

A more accurate definition is given here...

And OH! Actually.. that definition is oso not accurate.


Walau.. u all ever heard of someone called 谢霆锋 or not?! My childhood idol! The ultimate Beng! The epitome of all beng-ism! The granddaddy of ALL bengs! YES! He was my idol since I was in primary 6! WAH actually I oso quite cool rite?!

NO I AM NOT AN AH LIAN OK! NO not RGS-lian.. not lian at all!




Pissed off by some irritating SHIT!

Today I went with Jing and Chan and UY and Wen Hann and Mingjian and Kenneth for the Xmas countdown at Orchard. It was supposed to be a happy outing! The countdown was so fun.. people happily spraying foam at each other, as a friendly action. A sign of festive celebrations. We were having so much fun playing around with strangers happily!

And then the ASSHOLES had to come spoil it all!

This was how the story went. The clock had struck 12 and the Cinderellas wanted to go home. The final countdown was over and it was time to go. But they were stuck in a jam! A human jam! It was somewhere near the entrance of Orchard Mrt station.. but Kenneth decided since there were still so many people hanging around, we should walk to Somerset to take the MRT so they could have some more fun.

I didn't really feel like walking so far anymore.. cos it was so crowded, it was getting a lil scary. But the guys will never understand how girls feel in such situations.. so I thot, maybe I shouldn't spoil the mood.. juz walk with them.

And then a few minutes into our walking, somewhere a short distance from Orchard MRT, the terrible things began.

It first started with the pushing. It was a really confined space. And there were 2 groups of them.. they came from 2 different directions. On hindsight, it seems like everything was a pre-worked-out scheme. No Singaporeans did any pushing. All Singaporeans were really fun and polite. It was only them.. these asshole fuckers.

So they kept pushing and pushing.. it was really scary.. I was pushed so hard from all directions that my feet were literally lifted off the ground. I was balanced between the two people pushing me. I was so scared! Later, when I could touch the ground again, I tried really hard not to fall.. cos I thot, if I fell in that kinda situation, it would be a stampede and that would be the end of me.

And then later they pushed so hard.. Chan couldn't stand any longer. She fell! I was DAMN SCARED! I blocked everybody around her from getting close to her in case they stepped on her.. until she managed to stand up. It was that bad. The fucking assholes.

In the midst of all those pushing and squeezing, the fuckers started their groping! FUCK THEM! They were putting their hands everywhere and groping and I dunno doing what.. if it were juz me, it could have been just one person. And I can acknowledge that this was juz an isolated incident. But WTF they even groped the GUYS?! Seems like the entire group of us got harassed. So I can definitely say this was a pre-planned action.

We were so disgusted.. There was this person who kept touching my skirt. I slapped his hand away.. but after that I thot, I should have BITTEN his hand HARD and then pulled him to the police. OH THE NERVE! Did I mention that the police were juz stationed a few steps away?! FUCKERS!

We were so traumatised we immediately tried to look for a space to hide.. where there's nobody. Seems to us, from our angle, the only available space was to go up a few steps in front of the Ngee Ann City or Wisma area.

And guess what?! When we went up, Chan overheard these people saying, there was a lot of space around those fuckers.. they juz kept squeezing us! OMG the very nerve! FUCK THEM! They did this right under the noses of the police!? MY GOD!!

At first I couldn't get up the steps. It was SO SCARY! I was scared outta my wits! Then later, this lady saw me and she pulled me up. OMG she was like an angel to me! My heroine! I think she witnessed what happened.

After that, the guys commented that we looked traumatised. I can tell u, this is far worse than simply traumatising. Do not blame us for wanting to go home immediately... try putting yourselves in our shoes and you will understand why.

I think next year, I would never wanna go back to town any more. We should go cheong or go some nice pub for xmas countdown, like wat we did 2 years ago. Or maybe, just go someone's place and get some alcohol.. that will make the guys real high wont it?! Haha actually, just the group of us sitting down and chatting would make the best Xmas eve ever alreadie. That is all I ask for now.

OMG I LOVE MY DARLING 78-ers! But oh ya that reminds me... today the BATTLE rite.. where were my dear 78 warriors when we needed them most huh?! HUH?? Useless warriors! Fire them! Hahahaha

For another account of what happened in town at the xmas countdown, please refer to our group blog.

Friday, December 23, 2005

It started with Sylvester. Oh no.. maybe even way before that. But Sylvester made it popular again.

Yes.. it's the Ah Beng Generation! HAIL AH BENGS! *winks*

Ahem I don't particularly have this taste for bengs. Yeah really. YES BELIEVE ME! Ok fine.. I mean.. I like guys in general. So yeah. That may include those bengs. MAY only.

But right.. walau I got these frens.. they very anti-bengs lor. They will go scan thru my friendster for bengs and then condemn this condemn that... walau... eh not my fault that I'm in an Ah Beng Uni can? I can't possibly tell people, "Hey man.. wassup.. u look kinda like a beng.. erm.. can we not be fwenz?" Liddat not nice mah. And com'on.. dunch pray pray wor... these people.. AH BENGS LEH! Later they bring all their Ah Seng and Ah Hway fwens to hoot me how?!

Ok but I can't liddat. I cannot ostracise them. Cos they are oso humans. We practise racial harmony and religious freedom. So we oso cannot ostracise ah bengs. Yes? Ok HAIL AH BENGS! EMBRACE THEM!

But wait a minute wait a minute... u wanna embrace ah bengs rite... yes? U gotta first identify an ah beng! How to identify!?

Ok KS, being a nice ger stuck in an Ah Beng Uni, shall give u all this bible:

The Idiot's Guide to Identifying an Ah Beng!

1. Hair color! Ah bengs rite... always have these colored hair. Blonde la, ash la, brown la.... yeah. Always. By default. Dunch believe ask Jing and JX. And Tie. The first thing they see about the Beng is the hair.


No need say anymore.. confirm beng! You see that Sylvester.. last time oso he had that light blonde ang moh colored hair for Singapore Idol. Rite?! Yes!

2. Floppy fringe! Usually accompanied by long hair (around shoulder length).

The Ah Beng breed in my school is kinda special. If u stay in my school halls, it should be a prettie common sight to see these ah bengs holding their floppy fringes back using hairbands (yes HAIRBANDS) as they watch TV in the TV lounge, or have their meals in the hall canteens, or study in the study room.

Oh actually guys wearing hairbands look really cool... *dreamy look*

Oh shit sorry.. COME BACK TO EARTH KS! Ahem.. sorry for digressing. Here's more!

3. The ULTIMATE is this... the official language of Beng-land... HOKKIEN!

I can still remember that scene.. when I first entered Ah Beng Uni.. In the library...

I heard these bengs discussing their tutorial in Hokkien!!!

WALAU at first I thot my uni came up with this new course teaching Hokkien! But then 少见多怪,多见不怪. Now my Hokkien skills are so polished I can even join in their tutorial discussion! Wah nang ai ah nee kuan zoh gah eh sai.. ah nee kuan gah dio. (We need to do this question this way.. liddat then correct).

Being able to converse in Hokkien is so cool *smilez* how about discussing all our tutorials in hokkien in future?? =D

4. Oh actually.. being able to converse in Hokkien is still not the ultimate. There was once... when I was still staying in Hall, I had this Hall outing. They call it 9 to 5.. so we hang out 9pm to 5am, doing all the 夜猫子 stuff. One of them being KTV. That was when I seriously start to 崇拜 these ah bengs.

Ever heard Tan Lui sing? Geen ah eh hong jin tow... tow kay eh been chao chao.

That one.. is chicken feed.

WALAU wait till u hear these ah bengs sing in hokkien.. Tan Lui will go to the toilet to cry in shame!

Oh actually.. one of those hall people look a bit like 孙协志.. now come to think of it. 孙协志 used to sing in Hokkien rite? I think ah.. he 偷偷 come NTU to study u noe.. now staying in hall!

5. Oh then oso.. one place Bengs hang out most frequently.. those POOL outlets!

Wah over there u can find all sorts of bengs u wan!

Got golden hair beng la.. brown hair beng la... hokkien beng la... floppy fringe beng la... WALAU seriously ALL BENGS you wanna find.. u can find here!

I used to hate going to pool places in Sec Sch I rmr.. cos I used to hate bengs then. But I rmr got this fren of mine.. walau she long since that time alreadie embrace bengs u noe?! She always drag me go pool! WAH I hated it man!

But now.. I realise.. to pick up a beng, first place u go is to go play pool!!! =D

6. Another distinguishing feature about bengs.. Tattoos!


Those hostelites will noe. In sch u see these people.. look quite decent. Even studious.

Then, they go back to hall. WALAU Singapore weather very hot.. take off their shirt.


Say hi to Mr Dragon! Yes.. Mr Dragon on his chest! Or maybe his arm! Or back! Or maybe, some prefer Mr Tiger! No no.. not that Winnie the Pooh kind.. that's Tigger. This one.. is the fierce fierce kind. Tells u... "I'm Beng. Dunch pray pray ok!" YES!

7. Bengs oso tend to love this bad habit.. smoking!

My sch has gotta boast one of the highest smoker concentrations in unis all over the world. No la.. erm.. maybe.. all over Asia.

You see these people with colored hair and floppy fringes holding a cig between their index and middle finger.. yes those are the bengs!

But rite.. smoking no good.

I got this fwen ah.. his name is Mr Brian. He used to smoke a lot leh! But rite.. one day, he found that he had a sore throat (or was it a cold? Cant rmr haha) and he found he had this lump at the side of his neck!

WAH he scared!

So he quit smoking.

And after a while, that lump went away.

Moral of the story??

Study bio, immunology and anatomy. Cos that lump is not a tumour, but a swollen lymph node. HAHAHAHA!

But of cos. It's most impt to quit smoking early if you can.

8. OH ya! Bengs rite.. walau I tell u.. they can really drink!

They drink Tiger Beer and Guinness and Heineken when they 手头紧.

And sometimes when they 手头 not so 紧, they go club and get high they drink these drinks KS has never heard of or seen before!

WAH got fire in the drink! One long long trail of fire!! I think rite.. it's named after my favourite car. Flaming Lamborghini! Machiam those magicians performing.. yes.. rite. I think bengs love these stunts!

9. OH YES! One more things bengs love... PIERCINGS!

Cos you see.. bengs rite... they like to act like they very hero they very man.

So they will 敢敢 go pierce one hole in their ear, one hole in their tongue, one hole thru their eyebrows, one hole in their lips, one hole in their noses, one hole in their nipples, everywhere!

Cos they think like that, their ah lian girlfwens will think they very brave... and they can oso look very fierce!

Piercings still not fierce enough... I think now the latest ah beng trend is to get the snake tongue! Or loop ears!

Like, they slit their tongue thru the centre so their tongue looks like a snake's tongue (Y-shaped), and they keep enlarging their earholes until their earholes look like a basketball hoop! I think they call it ear plug. So cool rite?! Wah these ah bengs very brave hor!

10. There's oso this trait common in all ah bengs. They all love techno!!!!

You know.. I got this ah beng fren. One day, long ago, he chatted with me on MSN and he told me excitedly, "I got this nice song to intro u.. I send u, u go listen!" Then I agreed.. and stupidly went to listen.

WALAU the minute I clicked play.. I regretted.

TECHNO! Like those disco that kind! You know that one Sparks or something.. they like to play this kind of music!

Then I looked at the title of the song... I think is some Crazy Tadpole or Crazy Toad or Crazy something one.. Oh NO it's Crazy Frog! Ya I think so.

Then he told me, it was the soundtrack of dunno what cartoon movie... he said, "Walau why you never go watch!" Deep inside my heart, KS was telling herself "Wah biang! Lucky I never go watch!" PHEW!

11. Finally... one last tip on how to identify an ah beng... an unbuttoned shirt!

YES I tell u.. ah bengs ALL THINK their chest very sexy wor! Doesn't matter that they dunch have any chest hair. Doesnt matter too, that they dunch have any pecs. No worries! All that is important is for him to don this ah beng shirt and then unbutton it!

But rite.. also cannot unbutton all.

They very smart. They noe unbutton all will look like coolie.

So they unbutton until the last two or three buttons. Then they purposely let the shirt hang loose. Then when the wind blow, they will stick the cigar into their mouths and then 大摇大摆地 walk down Queensway Shopping Centre.

Oh did I mention Queensway Shopping Centre sells a lot of those cool and funky ah beng accessories? Those thick thick chains they hang on their necks, those thick thick chains they hang on their jeans or belts... yes those! OMG so cool!

So now.. follow the above
11 golden rules in identifying an ah beng and you can't go wrong. Print it out and bring it everywhere. Chant it in your sleep. Sing it in the shower. Read it out in the kitchen. It's the AH BENG GENERATION! ALL LOVE BENGS! =D

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The series I'm currently watching.. Dae Jang Geum. It's a Korean period drama about this girl Jang Geum who eventually grew to become the first and only female physician to the Emperor ever in Korean history. It is based on a true story by the way, Jang Geum is not a fictatious character.

After watching, I understand why this drama caught Asia by storm, claiming fans hailing from all walks of life, including the Chinese Premier Wen Jia Bao and I think even the Jap PM Junichi Koichiro.

It was all about politics... and power... in the palace. Unavoidable.

The story starts from here.. Jang Geum's mum. And her dad... who is not shown in this picture. But her mum was the main reason she went into the palace.

Her mum was this palace kitchen maid, but because she saw this other kitchen maid hailing from a powerful family adding harmful stuff to the Emperor's food, she was framed and the powerful family even attempted to kill her. They thought she was dead, but she was saved by Jang Geum's dad.

Jang Geum's dad was an official who was implicated in the execution of the then-emperor's mother. So he was also on the run, just like Jang Geum's mother. They married and Jang Geum appeared! Haha.

Then tragedy struck. Jang Geum accidentally blurted out that her dad was a fugitive from the emperor's army and landed her father into trouble. He was probably executed. Then Jang Geum's mum brought her to the capital hoping to see her father one last time, but in the capital, she ran into her enemy, from the powerful family who tried to kill her last time, the Choi family.

She was killed by the Choi family, but before she died, she told Jang Geum to go into the Palace as a kitchen maid and work her way up to become the 最高尚宫 (dunno how to translate that). That is the top position in the imperial kitchen. In that position, she will be able to access the book only accessible by the 最高尚宫 and then record her mum's grievance inside.

Eventually, the emperor was overthrown by his brother. The new emperor got his position thanks to Jang Geum, who passed a message to him. So he got her into the palace as a kitchen maid.

These are the young ones in the kitchen! The one on the left is Young Saeng, Jang Geum's good friend. The 2nd one from the left is Jang Geum.

That's Young Saeng when she was young. DAMN CUTE RITE?! Walau the entire show I was drooling over her.... There was this scene where she was telling Jang Geum this older girl was mad.... OMG that scene she was SO CUTE! Hahahaha I can't help but drool over her!

Anyway Young Saeng will grow up to be this pretty lass who will become a concubine! They call her rank 淑媛娘娘. That's just a bit lower than the Empress I think.. cos she got pregnant and had a lil princess hence the rise thru the ranks.

That's the grown up Jang Geum and her boyfren Min Jung Ho. Think he looks familiar? Yes he's that guy you see in those Perhaps Love poster. His name is Ji Jin Hee. And tho he looks kinda cool and man.. he's married. Sorry girls.

Anyway, he followed Jang Geum thru her hardships as she was forced out of the kitchen and the palace to Jeju island as a palace maid. And where she started all over again and studied hard to become a female physician, they call it 医女. That was the only way she could enter the palace again. Yes the evil powerful Choi family brought this upon her again of cos.

Of cos, she became a very good female physician and got into the palace again! And yes Min Jung Ho followed her all the while.

In the end, she saved many people with her fantastic medical skills. And earned the trust of the Empress, the Emperor, and many many people. Such that the Emperor wanted to make her his personal physician. But this was against the Korean tradition. Because they follow the Confucian teaching, females can never be court officials.

Anyway, muz watch la. U learn lots of TCM skills, and on top of that, learn to cook a lot of nice stuff. And learn a lot about palace politics.

However, I feel, if this is seriously the type of palace politics the Koreans used to practise, walau then I gotta say, 比起中国人, 他们还差得远呢! U watch those 雍正 and 康熙 and 乾隆 and 顺治 etc shows... walau u see how they play with their ministers.. that kind is wat I call 刺激, that kind is wat I call politics. You see this.. is chicken feet la..

And then u compare those 后宫佳丽 of China and Korea.. walau Korea ones.. KNS lor.. u take a look at that Lo Fatt Yeh 老佛爷... aka 慈禧太后... walau the kinda politics she play then is wat I call 精彩. BTW.. she's not even prettie lor! I tell u.. I was reading this book with all those 妃子 pictures... walau all look like shit.. got one even look like transvestite!

Actually got one quite prettie one.. the book says that is the Emperor's favourite. And its not hard to see why. I forgot which 妃 she is alreadie.. but anyway 红颜薄命... when she was still a young girl she was pushed into the well by the emperor's mum.. 被推下井.. died. That well is now named after her. So if u go Beijing, got this well in 紫禁城 named after this something 妃.. yeah that's her.

Ya and oso... u see ah.. last time Korea really quite jialat. The royal family go anywhere rite.. all by foot. Walk here walk there. You see us 中国 there.. is all 抬轿子 one can?! Where got walk!? Even the 官 also got 轿子 lor! Then the emperor got 龍椅.. sit high high up in the court. WALAU the Korean ones.. the emperor sit with the officials lor.

And then later u see our China 紫禁城... the Emperor got one 宫 (one area in the palace for his use), the Empress got one 宫, the Emperor's mum 太后 got one 宫... everybody got one 宫. And our one 宫 is got a house for the Emperor or Empress etc.. a few houses for the maids and servants, and then kitchen, blah blah. Just the house for the 主子 i.e. the Emperor or Empress etc is huge enough... like.... at least a few times the size of one Korean 宫.

And then ah... this was the most amusing one. The emperor gets to meet the cooks when he's eating leh... u noe.. like.. chat with the cooks? HUH? In China, I bet the emperor dun even noe how the cook looks like, or how many cooks there are. All he's worried about is his 满汉全席.

And then the Korean court seems to have only 6 main officials, 3 on on each side. HAHA liddat in China, the Emperor no need work anymore. Can go eat shit liao. You watch those 康熙王朝.. walau u see how many officials he has in court?! 这样才象皇上嘛!

Ok enough of crap. Gonna finish watching soon. My mum is going mad.. always forcing me to watch with her.. hahahaha she's crazy. I wanna watch my fellow 中国人, 少年张三丰.. she dun let me watch. Force me to watch this Korean 大長今 with her.. haizzz.. where got mum liddat one.. even wanna control wat show u watch...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

OK so we got back the results. I should be thankful I didn't fail any. But my results were not fantastic. In fact they were rather terrible. I would need to work harder next sem.

It is my dream to go into research. If I don't work harder, I can go eat shit. It's not cos of any reason.. but a dream. If I wanna realise my dream, only I can do it myself. Maybe it's too idealistic.

Anyway I'm not gonna dwell on those shit..

Gonna talk about the trip to Goodwood Park for those nice food the other day! It was a hightea buffet. And we saw Tay Ping Hui and Jeff Wang.. think they were filming that 男人帮!

Chedck out all the nice food.. OHH! Yummilicious.

The highlight of this picture is the mini xmas tree in the middle.. and not my glutton of a brother! That mini tree is damn kawaii!

Nice fruits! Check out the prettie red watermelon! YUM!

Nice coffee! YUM!

There was even Movenpic ice cream!! (Did I spell it correctly?)

Ok that's all for today.

Next semester, I might take a break from the cyberworld. Maybe quit blogging for a while.. need to concentrate on my studies. Be a good girl rite? Yes. SIGH

Monday, December 19, 2005

Today shall be the chronicles of the KS shopping spree!

It's scary I can assure u..

It started from the Changi Airport DFS. Perfume.

And then the rest are not in order..

Got this shit from Shenzhen. Hahahaha.

Got this necklace from Taipei!

Got this hair clip from Ximending, Taipei.

Got these prettie eyeshadow from Red Earth, HK. One has these Xmas designs on it! So cool rite? Looks so prettie rite? Bet I will almost never use it. Buy only cos it looks prettie.

These boots from Shenzhen! Actually these are not the conventional type of boots.. but worn correctly they will look like boots.

Got this Levi's top from Taipei.

Got this bubble skirt from HK!

This black skirt from HK too!

Got this denim skirt also from HK.

Jeans from Shenzhen!

Esprit top from HK!

Berms from HK! These are all the rage in HK, Taipei and Japan right now!

Playboy sneakers from HK! You can't find them in Singapore! At least I don't think so. =D

This skirt from HK!

Tights from Taiwan! To be worn under a skirt. That's how those Taiwanese and Hongkies and Japs wear them!

Esprit purple top from HK!

This Abercrombie from Taipei! I got this from Sogo before I realised I could get it like, much cheaper at the wholesale place in Taipei :s

That's the Abercrombie top I got at the wholesale place in Taipei.

This Vivienne Westwood top from Taipei as well.

This metal wiring of my Chinese name character "Xuan" from Taipei... really nice rite?!

This cropped jacket from Taipei.

This cute dollie skirt from Taipei. I saw it at Bugis Village at S$50 bucks! I got it much cheaper.. around S$25 or S$30 I think...

Bag from HK! Dunno if it's leather though..

Abercrombie jacket from Taipei!

This punk chain from that punk shop! They imported it from Japan.. so it costs a bomb for a tiny chain. But I guess it's worth it.. cos u can't find it in here. Looks kinda classy rite??

White loop earrings from Taipei!

This keychain from HK! Very special... only found in HK. They make your names using these tiny beads with an aromatic smell.. like those soap kind..

Winter trucker cap from Taipei!

Tons and tons of DVDs from Shenzhen!!! Damn cheap! Original some more!

This is the latest look in Taiwan HK and Japan.. thick berms and boots!

And those are my yellow manicured nails from Shenzhen! Why yellow!? Cos funky mah!

No la.. cos the rest of the colors all those ahmah and auntie colors.. hahahaha dun even have pink!