WEEWEECAT tagged me... ARGHH I got tagged twice since I got this blog... BOTH it was by my dear yearmates!!! SOB I feel bullied!
1) Post 5 weird/random stuff about yourself.
2) At the end, list the names of 5 people whom you want next to do this, and leave a comment ''YOU ARE TAGGED!'' in their blog and tell them to read your blog for rules..
1. I have a poster of a chiobu in my room.. so I can drool at her everyday. Her name is Utada Hikaru. She had been my idol since I was 14 and I still love her. =) I think she is real cool!
2. I have like, 10+ bottles of shampoos and conditioners.. all of different brands. So I use one on Monday, another one on Tuesday, another one on Wednesday....... oh oh sorry haha I kinda got carried away.
3. I ALWAYS get hungry like, somewhere between my breakfast and lunch.. sometime during morning lectures. So.. yeah I'm sorry.. lecture mates.. that was my stomach growling all the while. I'm sorry! =D
4. I have this weighing machine in my room right where I can access it everyday and whenever my weight goes up 1 kg I will get a panic attack and start my diet plan until I lose that kg again. Whenever my weight goes down 1kg I will get so happie I will celebrate by binging until my weight goes back to normal... and then I will curse and swear at my stupidity.
5. I have numerous idols. Male idols I mean. Last time, whenever I watch a movie I like or a drama I love, I will fall head over heels in love with the male lead actor!
There was once Nic Tse.. when in my foolish teenage days I was obsessed with the Gen X Cops movie. Then later, there was his successor Edison.. when I was obsessed with the Gen Y Cops movie. Then later, some idiot came up with the idea of idol dramas. And the entire batch of yearmates were obsessed with F4 in Meteor Garden. And then up came Channel U.. and I got all crazy over 5566! And then..
ARGH u wanna hear more?! I can go on 10 days 10 nights talking about my idols! Anyway, none lasted more than 3 months. But during that 3 months, somehow, the possessed KS believed ABSOLUTELY that she was SO in love with these guys!
ANYWAY now it's SABO time! Aiyo this time jialat liao. I'm not left with many sabo options.. CAT!! ARGHHH!
Nehmind.. I try ok!?
2) CHAN! Do it in fantasticfour!
4) Umm umm umm ShiQIN! Heehee
5) Umm umm ummmmm Shuhui!!!
Heehee actually wanted to add Mabel... HmMM but no more space! HEY can either SQ or SH please tag Mabel?! Ms Hobbit?! PLEASE? Pretty please?? Thanks!!! Heehee!!!