OK so we got back the results. I should be thankful I didn't fail any. But my results were not fantastic. In fact they were rather terrible. I would need to work harder next sem.
It is my dream to go into research. If I don't work harder, I can go eat shit. It's not cos of any reason.. but a dream. If I wanna realise my dream, only I can do it myself. Maybe it's too idealistic.
Anyway I'm not gonna dwell on those shit..
Gonna talk about the trip to Goodwood Park for those nice food the other day! It was a hightea buffet. And we saw Tay Ping Hui and Jeff Wang.. think they were filming that 男人帮!
Chedck out all the nice food.. OHH! Yummilicious.

The highlight of this picture is the mini xmas tree in the middle.. and not my glutton of a brother! That mini tree is damn kawaii!

Nice fruits! Check out the prettie red watermelon! YUM!

Nice coffee! YUM!

There was even Movenpic ice cream!! (Did I spell it correctly?)

Ok that's all for today.
Next semester, I might take a break from the cyberworld. Maybe quit blogging for a while.. need to concentrate on my studies. Be a good girl rite? Yes. SIGH
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