The mosquitoes around me getting more and more power. One day, I found that I have this mosquito bite on my BELLY BUTTON!!!!

Like, OMG!!!! ARGHHH it was DAMN itchy!!! I dunno why!!! Maybe belly button area skin too thin... DAMN ITCHY! I kept scratching it, and my mum complained that it looked real obscene... WALAU that was at home la!! When I was outside it was worse... can u imagine this girl scratching her belly button in Orchard road???? No lar!! OF COS I didn't do that. WALAU whaddya think?! I got some etiquette leh!!! That's why jialat.. cos I gotta 忍忍忍忍忍 all the way!!!!!
U think that's the worst it can get?! Wait till u see that mosquito bite on my BUTT! Seriously... don't ask me how the mosquito managed to bite. I DUNNO!!!!!!
NAH don't even think for one second I would take a picture to show u.. HAHAHAHA NO WAY!
Yeah I seriously hate talking about exams here.. but ARGHH it's been confirmed... I HATE STATS!!! And stats don't really like me either... ARGH!!!
You know.. there are some parts of the syllabus u will juz skim thru... cos u think it's not really important. Like, for example, usually for stats, you will juz memorise the formulas and the mathematical stuff, and u will juz skim thru the less important parts that are wordy.
And SOME profs will just go about sneakily, knowing this weakness of students, they will come up with new formats of the exams to include MCQs and then they will ask all these skim-thru parts in the MCQ... and like HELL it's NOT EVEN a simple question... u need to like seriously read all those fine-print and all to be able to answer those!!!! ARGHHHHH
And while some nice profs will give 2 marks per MCQ, other EVIL profs will give ONE ONE ONE friggin mark per MCQ while making u CALCULATE TONS TONS TONS of stuff for a ONE MARK MCQ!!!
Don't ask me why I always have time to write funny stuff on my exam papers.

混水摸鱼... that was EXACTLY my feeling as I was tearing my hair out over that FIVE mark question I spent TWENTY friggin minutes on.
In the end, VOILA! With a stroke of GENIUS the answer kinda FELL on my head!!!

Oh well.. I dunno if I got this right... but.. fine.. let's look forward shall we...
THREE MORE MODULES TO CLEAR!!!!! And OMG OMG!! These are the KILLER THREE!!! I'm SOOO gonna die.. paiseh if I blog less often in the next few days.. will make it up after 21st!!!! YES LOOKING FORWARD TO THE 21ST OF NOVEMBER!! YIPEEE!!!!
hahaha! i totally agree. stats sux and the profs like to let us prove the eqn when we thought we r only suppose to know how to use them!
hahaha! i totally agree. stats sux and the profs like to let us prove the eqn when we thought we r only suppose to know how to use them!
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