Been MIA the past 2 days.... Sorry man... Damn tired... surviving on too little sleep these days. The exam panic is setting in, a bit too late.
Oh yeah.. but I gotta blog about this!
On Sunday, I was mugging with Jing at Central Library. They have those discussion rooms there. And there are these sign boards stating that the discussion rooms were "not totally soundproof, please keep your volume down".
Think NUS must rethink their policy. HOW COME THEIR STUDENTS SO JIALAT simple English oso CANNOT UNDERSTAND?!
There were these few girls and one guy in one of the discussion room. Jing and I took our usual seats, which were sadly, damn close to the room they were in. They were YAKKING away creating SUCH a din...
Finally, Jing and I COULDN'T STAND IT ANY LONGER! We decided to go talk to them and ask them if they could lower their volume. So we mustered our courage, and walked towards that room. Then we asked them, very nicely, if they could lower their volume.
One of the girls said, "Sorry, we will try to keep our volume down."
Satisfied, Jing and I walked back to our seats.
The minute the door of the room closed, we heard another of the girls say, "If u think we are too noisy then just GET LOST la!" She RAISED her voice, knowing FULL WELL we could hear her! WTF!
Then at first I was still quite oblivious, cos I was thinking of what to msg JL, cos at first I thought we were meeting her. My mind was on the phone msg. Then when I sat down, Jing put on her earphones cos she was already damn pissed. But I was still quite oblivious. It was then that I heard, LOUD AND CLEAR. That girl again. She SHOUTED, "Library 里面不可以讲话 meh? 谁讲library 里面不可以讲话的? 觉得我们吵就搬啦!"
Cos I was still busy msg-ing, I didn't bother about her, just shook my head.
Then she continued, "那个在摇头的,不要摇头!觉得我们吵 Just get lost!"
I was thinking WTF! FUCK THAT BITCH!
But at that time, it was 2 of us against 4 or 5. And I was not an NUS student. So I just stared at her. (Actually till now I dunno exactly which one it was. I'm sure it's only one of them. Not all. Cos we only heard one voice all the while). Anyway cos none of us responded, she sounded kinda crazy, shouting to herself. Her friends just kept quiet.
After a while, another group of guys came to mug at that area. I damn pek chek alreadie.. mug till wanna die liao still got pple cackling away in that room so loudly. Wanna have an idea of how they sound like? 有听过乌鸦叫吗? 反胃啊!
I think after a while, those guys oso buay tahan liao. One of them stood up and walked towards that room. The minute he stood up, Jing and I started smiling at each other. 终于有人可以为我们出这一口气了!
The brave guy walked up to the room, and started off peacefully, just like us. But this time, the bitch didnt allow her friends to say anything. She started off with something like "But we are already in the room!" And so ensues a long argument. The guy said something like, "What do you mean by this?"
The bitch said something like, "But we are DISCUSSING!"
The brave guy, "But I heard you all LAUGHING! You know we could hear you ALL THE WAY OVER THERE?" *points to a remote corner of the library*
Argument ensues. But I couldn't hear anymore. Jing and I were busy laughing at them. The girl could see us! AHHHH SWEET REVENGE!
But I think in the end the guy oso toolan.. 拿他们没办法... you know.. that bitch, her skin thick like elephant hide.. keep 强词夺理. The entire library was staring at her and she could still say those stuff... wah biangz. DAMN THICK SKIN LA!
But I think in the end, her friends oso paiseh to stay on. After a while, they decided to leave.
*note the ones the black arrows are pointing at. I dunno which is the girl in qn, but this is the entire group in that discussion room*

Before they left, the bitch was still shouting in her SUPER LOUD fishmonger voice, "我们要走了哦!你们听见了没?我们要走了噢!"
Again, she was the only one talking in the entire library. This time, no one even bothered to look at her. Picture yourself in that situation... imagine.. WAH BIANGZ! Machiam some mad woman ranting away. After they walked a distance away, I whipped out my trusty toy, the 6680, and snapped the above pic! The brave guys looked at me, and smiled a knowing smile. Wahaha.
I saw the brave guy switching on his lappie and going to blogger after being that bitch scolded him. Presumed he was blogging about the incident! Tried google blog search to find that entry yesterday, but couldnt. Sian.
Anywayz, i'm damn tired. Gota go sleep
Remind me to blog about the top 10 ways to keep urself awake during exams tmr.. someone. Thanks!
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