Yesterday, I was supposed to meet Jialin in school. But that girl overslept. She replied my sms to her only around 10am.
Jl, "Sorry, I just woke up."
KS, "WHAT?! Yesterday I thought you asked people to wake u up at 2.15am so you could continue mugging?"
Then I started to calculate... eh... actually she slept from 2am to 10am, WALAU it's just nice 8 hours swee swee onli lor! But then, in the exam mugger's mind, it's AN ABSOLUTE LUXURY! In the hours that I slept less than her, I already bathed, had breakfast, went to NUS, and mugged quite some stuff already.
Uni students these days, life damn jialat. No wonder we are all developing dark eye circles. PEK CHEK AH! WHEN EXAMS GONNA END?!
Before exams end, our fuses are already running damn short... too many all-nighters, too lil sleep. People are coming up with innovative ways to stay awake.
There's the conventional one, coffee.

Then suddenly, the effect of coffee starts to diminish, diminish.... going, going.... gone. *POP* One fine day you wake up to find that the cup of coffee beside you is still intact, and your notes are still at page 1. Operation All-Nighter declared: Failed.
Keep-you-awake-points: 0 out of 5
Desperate people start thinking of desperate measures. In those ancient days, you see the 古代人 tying their pigtails to the ceiling when they study, so whenever they start nodding off, their pigtails will be jerked up and they will be awakened by the pain.
KS has no long hair. So no pigtail. This thing dont work on her. She came up with her own desperate measures! She decided to torture her tastebuds!

Wah BIANGZ dun 小看 this small small pack of sour Skittles. The sour coating on the sweets are powerful enough to make the hair from your head all the way to your hairy legs STAND. For the uninformed, one DEEP SUCK on the sweet. HAHAHAHA HALLELUJAH to you! CONFIRM PLUS CHOP you will wake up.
Keep-you-awake-points: 5 out of 5. FULL MARKS!
Then there's oso this trusty friend of mine, been with me all the way from JC thru to uni. The best junk food partner for an all-nighter, WASABI PEAS! I oso like this wasabi flavored rice cracker thing, but I didn't take a picture of it. The best thing is, I LURVE WASABI! So I don't mind my taste buds being STIMULATED awake by this!
But of cos, as with all things, effectiveness starts to wear off after a while. In fact, I'm kinda nodding off on the lappie now as I'm typing this, even though I juz ingested one entire pack of this thang.
Thus, conclusion, this is not as effective as the above!
Keep-you-awake-points: 4 out of 5
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