The Legends of the Pugilistic Leader

This is a record of my everyday life, my thoughts and feelings, and my favourite topics. Read it if it's of interest to u!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Exams are driving everybody mad. MAD!!!!

Today, was mugging at Central Library again.

Jing can testify for this... we were all damn engrossed in our notes........ our noses buried into our texts.

SUDDENLY.... I was hearing things!!!!

I thought it was the mugging, I thought I was going crazy.

Then I looked up at Jing.... she looked at me.


Someone was SINGING!!!!! In the LIBRARY!!!!! OMG!!!! We almost died laughing. Or the trying so hard to not laugh.

Then after that, it was the showcase of the mug-too-hard-and-sleep-too-little. Nah.. not talking about me. I think this poor guy has had it rougher than me.

I was mugging away again, hard at work... when suddenly, I HEARD THINGS AGAIN!

This time... it was snoring..... SNORING!!!!! OMG!!!! Loud and clear... right in the library!!!!

I stared at that guy.... then I burst out laughing. I think many others in the library were laughing hard too. But that guy was oblivious, lost in his dream world. His friend was DAMN embarassed. In the end, his friend shook him awake. Better than letting him disturb the entire library from mugging rite?!

Been seeing so many NTU people around NUS recently, mugging away. People I know.. WALAU all copy me.. later I tell the librarian to CATCH them! Chase them out! WALAU NUS people no space to mug lor!!! Haha

Yeah OHHH I gotta thank Yoke Peng!!!! SERIOUSLY! I was having soo much trouble with my stats.... Until she taught me the concept of the Test of Significance and the Confidence Interval.... and all my doubts became CLEAR!!!! WOOHOO!!!! THANKS!! You dunno how GRATEFUL I am! Seriously!

Sigh.. people are mugging away, and here I am watching Anna and the King. It's the 2nd or third time I'm watching it... still find it damn nice. Beautifully shot movie. Gtg back to watch! Ciaoz!


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