The Legends of the Pugilistic Leader

This is a record of my everyday life, my thoughts and feelings, and my favourite topics. Read it if it's of interest to u!

Monday, March 27, 2006


平日威风凛凛的武林盟主, 竟被莫名病情击倒了!

修炼多日, 原本以为可以让武艺有所增进... 没想到.....

竟然患上了 auto immune disease!!

她的 immune cells 和 antibodies 正在无情的攻打她的发囊, 她快成为名符其实的峨嵋尼姑了. 她的头发要脱光了!!

幸好早日觅得华佗再世, 医治了她的病. 目前正在康复中.


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Friday, March 17, 2006



武林盟主即将闭关修炼, 直至阳历五月三日. 在这期间, 她将苦练玉女心经, 易筋经, 太极拳, 螳螂拳, 豹拳, etc etc 然后自创一套超级无敌百毒不侵刀枪不入铜皮铁骨亦柔亦刚的璇璇拳. 敬请期待.

闭关数日, 诸位武林访客一概谢绝不见. 有何贵干, 请向本派弟子交代, 代为传话.

乘此机会, 向诸位武林英雄广发英雄帖, 五月三日, 请各位英雄出席位于武當山下的英雄宴. 庆祝武林盟主闭关有成, 武艺又跃进一大步. 同时于武林同盟分享闭关成果.

五月三日, 武林盟主的约会, 我们不见不散!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I will not blog about my new birkies

I will not blog about my new birkies.

I will not blog about my new birkies.

I will not blog about my new birkies.

Did I tell you how much I love my new birkies?

I will not blog about my new birkies.

Engel said I would blog about my new birkies.

Ting Feng said I would blog about my new birkies.

I told them no I won't.

I'm not a bimbo who blogs about nothing but my every shopping purchase.

I will not blog about my new birkies.

I will not blog about my new birkies.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

haha dumb ang mohs dumb ang mohs i tell u

he may look like an underwear model but he's still dumb.

HIV can get transmitted by mosquitoes. TRUE?

The tutor asked.

He was the only one who raised his hand in a class of 100.

The tutor asked again, "do u want to change your mind?"

He shook his head.

Tutor asked, "u think HIV could be transmitted by mosquitoes?"

He said yes.


but the tutor was a nice lady.

"i'm sure there is a chance of it being transmitted by mosquito.. but cos the chance is really small, we generally regard it as zero transmission."

Oh actually.. come to think of it, the tutor probably said that only cos he looks like he just walked out of a Calvin Klein undies ad. And the tutor happens to be this lady in her early 30s at most... still a target of primitive animal attraction.

SIGH i really wanted to raise my hands with him... like, support him... my yandao ang moh... my one love...


this is really TOO DAMNED DUMB!!!


How the HELL does HIV get transmitted by mosquitoes?!!!!!

God save him.

Maybe the HIV epidemic in Africa is caused by mosquitoes. Yea. A good FYP thesis.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

i really really didnt want to talk abt this here.. but i really got damn damn damn pissed off.. way past my limits.

K if u think u noe who i'm talking about, nah.. dont ask me. If u dunno, dont ask me too. I wont tell u.

So i got this groupmate.

It all started last week. She was the one who allocated the work to all of us, she was the one who chose wat each one of us did, so in a way she was the one who chose her own contribution to the final work.

We had everything planned out nicely and were going to discuss last week.

Then one day last last week she told me she's gonna do some of the work she originally allocated to us. So I was quite happy and pleasantly surprised.

And then suddenly, on the day of the discussion, when we need all of the materials from all the group members for the discussion, she told me she ONLY did the part of the work... a fraction of the work she originally allocated to us! MIND YOU it was just a SMALL PERCENTAGE of the full workload that the rest of the members had to do! I was already very pissed off cos she didn't do the original part of the work that she was supposed to do, and cos of that we cant discuss!

The thing is, she never told me she decided to CHANGE the work allocated to her (very conveniently to much simpler work) but instead she told me she did the part of the work originally allocated to us. She made it sound like she was HELPING us lighten our workload when instead, to put it very simple, she was skiving. If she told us earlier, we could have reallocated the work so we could discuss it on the day planned. But she only told us on the day itself! And the most disgusting thing is, she actually blamed her PARTNER for it.. using some incoherent reason that i dont even see the link from. Her poor kind partner just stood there quietly and shouldered the blame pushed onto her innocent shoulders.

I was really damn irritated.. like.. i spent an entire day just doing my part of the work, and so did everyone else. And u spend a few hours and try to talk your way outta it by pushing the blame around?! OH MAN this is HOW disgusting! And guess what?! Even that simple simple job she allocated herself she DID NOT complete! Instead she got someone else to go find out the answers of the parts she couldn't complete. WHAT A LEECHER!

Ok never mind. I said some things to her phrased as nice as I could, and tried to make her feel a bit paiseh. So the group discussed. Tried as best as we could to, without her part of the project. And then she looked like she was paiseh. I thought she was paiseh. She contributed damn a lot during that discussion.. as in... yea just for the 1 or 2 hour of discussion. But i gotta say she really did contribute a lot during that discussion.

And then I had to leave for lunch or something.. cant remember. She asked me to go. She said they (her partner and herself) would complete the rest of the work. I thought she was paiseh. I assumed she would complete the rest. So I left.

And then at night, I felt a bit bad about just throwing the remainder of the job to them.. especially since her partner had already done a lot. So I msged her partner asking her how was the progress of the work.

Then the bombshell.

Her partner told me... after I left, she happily told her partner to do the rest of the work cos she dunno how to do it. I almost fainted from frustration and anger. I later learned that a few minutes after I left them, they stopped discussing. I guess the few minutes was just for her to 'allocate' more work for her partner.

Like HELLO u know she already made her partner do so much work in preparation for the discussion, and then she allocated the final editing and compiling to her partner as well.. and now she made her partner do EVERYTHING ELSE! That's HOW DISGUSTING! So in effect, she only does that little part, a fraction of the work she originally allocated to us. Disgusting. Disgustingly thick skin.

I decided to take matters into my own hands.. cos her partner was way too kind to reject her work allocation. I redistributed the work and i gave her partner the least work, myself 2nd most and her most work (that was the kind of distribution i thot it was during the time of allocation.. but anyway now i am doing the most work, she 2nd most, her partner least). So that night i told her about the new work distribution. She told me she dunno how to do. HAHA big joke. HELLO we are all learning here.. we are all students. You duno u think we know?! Go online search la!!!! OMG! And what... this kinda work u do all the time by yourself. Just cos this is group work u think u can just push it off to your groupmates?!

I really got damn pissed by then already. i think she could sense it, so she left me alone.

And she went to tackle her partner.

She told her partner she dunno how to do and kept asking her partner how to do it. So like wat?! In essence wat diff is this from her partner doing everything by herself?! Can't she just stop leeching and go search for the answer by herself?!

Ok that was that. Never mind. I told her to go look for the answers herself.

And I remembered clearly we would be discussing it this week. My partner remembered too.

I spent another day doing my part of the discussion.

Only to find, on the day we were slated to have our 2nd discussion, she HASN'T completed her work AGAIN. And u know what? It's not just the discussion part that I forcefully allocated her the 2nd time round.. even the first part, where she chose the easy part of the work, she has yet to complete!!!! OMG!

And oh man i'm really damn pissed. Cos of her all the work has come to a standstill. If she doesnt complete her part of the work, her partner can't compile and edit, and my partner can't do the final abstract.. and all these take time.. and the thing is due next week!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!! She thinks cos it's due next week she can take her time?! What about the rest of the group?! She forgets that these other people will have to clean up her ass for her after she poops! She's not giving them time to do it?! WAH LAU i'm really damn pissed.... very very very damn pissed.

My nice nice partner.. super nice ger... even this super nice ger.. is asking me to "please go push her hurry her for me... i need time to complete my part of the job".

ARGH thing is, i never wanted to say this here cos even if i tell u who she is u would go 'HUH? She's like that? Unbelievable.' And anyway, i dont like to bitch abt others.

But she's really crossed the line this time..

When u are selfish to the extent u jeopardise the results of others, it is really very very wrong of u.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

On games

I never understood how guys could spend hours after hours after hours fighting virtual imaginary monsters and trying to level up and all.. and actually find it fun... even at 20-30 years of age. Until 2 days ago.

When QQ introduced me to, I thought I had graduated from the KS-era of online spongebob-collapse gaming to something more intellectual. I could spend hours after hours racking my brains trying to solve difficult puzzles of numbers. I totally understand why this game 数独 from Japan captivated so many fans worldwide. Once u open a puzzle u cant put it down till u solve it. YEA well.. at least it's intellectual yea?! Stimulates your brain cells.

I thought that was as bad as it gets in the KS online gaming world. NAH no WOW for me.. no MS too. I'm more intellectual than that.

Then damnit........ 2 days ago Mabel Tan introduced me to this game Peishan and herself are damn addicted to.....

And I can't quit it ever since.

And u know what?! It's paperdoll dressing up!!! OHMAN it's SUCH a bimbo game!!! *wails in despair* KS is not a bimbo! But u cant deny the attraction such games hold for girls!! Like.. u are faced with tons and tons of clothes and accessories as much as like, 10 Esprits and Mng added together! OMG!

And then Mabel took it one step further... she introduced me to this site.... with links to sites where u can even do manicures and make up for the paperdolls there!!!! OMG!!!!

I can't stop playing.. i'm addicted... MABEL!!! your fault!! =((

Friday, March 10, 2006

Ok i know this is late.. but he's out.


ChengXI la!!!!!! Star idol that guy.... from SRJC last time as Mabel the hobbit ALWAYS told me... HER senior. Now in NTU common engine going MAE next yr.

On wednesday, I woke up damn early.. uncharacteristic of me.. but i had to do it cos i had tuition in the morning. SIAN! the kid is having his CA and I cant believe it his chinese is not getting any better.. throw in an overly-doting dad and u get a lethal combi. So I was giving him really last minute revision.. and it was really helluva demoralising ride. For us both. But never mind.

Due to tuition, I had not much time and had to rush to school. Then when I reached... SHIT i heard my tummy growling.. alamak better go canteen grab some food before I go for tutorials. Don't wan everyone to be tuning in to mah tummy music and not the monotonous drone of the prof. So I went can A and got milo and sat down to read thru the journal of the day i needed for tut.

After a few minutes, i got damn irritated by this person chatting away happily to the pple at the table in front of me. Yea i noe they are entitled to make noise it's not da library but hell.. i'm unreasonable k!? So I looked up at that person... a bit irritated. And then i looked down at the jrnl again.

Then shit... my mind sifted thru a few images.

person in front of me
person in front of me
person in front of me

somehow the jigsaw started to fit into place.


I glanced up again.


SHIT i quickly cupped my palms over my mouth. Lucky havent shout out yet. I SWALLOWED it in.

Then ah.. in can A leh.. so many pple i noe ard.. walau eh canot be too paiseh ah.. cannot go up ask for autograph or picture or wat rite?! Wad sia.. So i bo bian. I looked down at my jrnal again. Then looked up again. Then looked down again. This occurred many many times. But he nv noticed. HAHA thank god. Think he's too used to pple staring at him. Aiya then he walked away alreadie.

I thot that was the end of it. So i settled back down to read my jrnl again.

Then after a while, i realised i gotta run for tut. So I walked out from can A. Then i saw him again!!!! At the can A carpark! In front of me! But anyway, I was in too much of a rush to try to get his autograph or something. Oh ya he mentioned something abt that chio porsche in the carpark. HELLO that porsche is driven by a female prof la! She recently upgraded her old porsche to a spanking new one. One helluva hot prof. Haha. Chio car. Sunny yellow porsche.

Anyway, as i said, i was rushing for time. So no time to tune into more talk. Rushed for tut.

Then come to think of it...

actually he's not really all that cute. Disappointed sia! As in, he's not even like, eye-catching? U noe.. if he's like eye catching i wont even have to look down and think after seeing his face to associate him with the tv personality. I would have kept staring at him. Sian

Anyway he lost that night.. haha hobbit said it's cos I saw him... gave him bad luck. Oh man.. sad sia.. but i bet that Leo looks worse. Bryan used to look good.. until too much sun destroyed his complexion and made him look super old.

nvm. haha but at least something good happened on wednesday..

I saw that SUPER UBER YANDAO ang moh heading to the resource room! And QQ held the door open for me. And I took over and held it open for him!!!!!

OMG and he spoke to me!!!! MY GOD MY GOD I ALMOST FAINTED!!!

He said....


And u noe wat?!

That was not all!!!!

To make me melt to a puddle....

HE SMILED AT ME!!! OH NO!!! SO SWEET!!! I was damn tempted to follow him back to his hall after that!!!! But QQ pulled me away the jealous ger.... =((

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

damn busy these days... kns.. no time to do anything else.. everyday tutorials tutorials tutorials reports reports reports... then throw in a few friggin irresponsible grp members and u get a somewhat deadly combination.

As for the irresponsible grp members part, i really got damn friggin pissed off by one. But thats a story i'll leave for another day.. friggin tired ah...

but i was doing my biophysics tutorial. DOn't ask me wat the hell is that.. i wanna know too.. wat bio and physics.. i took bio to ESCAPE physics and now they invent something called BioPHYSICS.. i suspect the inventor did it for the sole purpose of torturing poor souls like ME but then again that's beside the point.

The point is, i was doing tutorial.. and then i saw this damn friggin DUMB question and omg i seriously almost fell off the chair laughing.. dangerous sia do tutorial till 2am totally concussed and surviving on minimal sleep everyday...

qn7: After a centrifuge breakdown, a young researcher decides to centrifuge his sample using a rope, 1m long, and a bucket. How many revolutions per minute of the bucket should be necessary to achieve 4000g?

I think profs these days are getting real creative with their tutorial questions. Creative is juz a better word for plain BOLIAO. KNS la i calculate 10 zillion times still dont get the friggin answer... wad sia?! Use a=r(omega) correct not?! Wah lau eh i ask him to perform during tutorial la! How u use a rope and bucket to make a centrifuge sia!!!!!!!

THen the virology tut oso not much better.. kns.. use bangles and dunno wat shit to design a helical viral coat... walauuuuu seriously.... they think they very farnie ah.. and guess wat that viro tut we onli had half a day to complete and we had to hand it in for a "competition" to see which "virus" is prettiest. I dunno man i seriously suspect the tutor used to be a SUPER B.I.M.B.O in her young days. But anyway...

no way i'm gona touch those shit anymore.. gonna go sleep.. my dark eye circles!! AHHHH!! i noe i'm not making sense no more.. bubbaiiiiii

Saturday, March 04, 2006

HAHA my friends would never believe this...

Your Fashion Style is Classic

You like what's stood the test of time...
Simple, well styled clothes that don't scream trendy
You stay updated and modern, but your clothes stay in style for a while
You wouldn't be caught in animal prints, fake fur, or super bright colors


that said, well... there is a chance for me to update my wardrobe REALLY soon!!! HAHA

It's the festive season... filled with festivities!!!! WOOHOO!!!

Check out this shit!!!

Bazaar by the Quad. Nice and practical stuff are out for GRABs!! Don’t miss out! One day only! Items on SALE are as follow:
  • Unique Jap street wear, Victorian clothes, accessories, sandals from Bugis OM wear (GREAT discounts)
  • Handicrafts, accessories, paintings
  • ¡®Forest For Rest: natural and aroma body care products
  • Nail art printing (as low as $1 per nail... $1~)
  • Henna Painting (less than $5)...
  • Accessories, belts...etc (latest fashions...ear studs, dangling earrings...etc)
  • Hello kitty apparel, jigsaw,
  • FOOD! ( Taiwan sausage, corn,muachee, ramly burger)
  • Gym balls, health products
  • XBOX!!!
WALAU jap stuff! My fav!!! Nail art!!!! OMG! Accessories, belts.... ear studs... OMG!!! SHIT I think I will 失态 in school for the first time.. for those who had never seen me shop before... they dunno how scary it can get.. hahahaha

But shit I can only shop at most for 2 hours.. cos I only hae a 2 hour break.. after that gotta rush home for tuition DAMN! For once I hate the idea of earning money. No la actually I always hated having to WORK for money. HAHA hope I can get money without having to work HEEE good good!!!

But of cos.. that's just wishful thinking... DAMN!!!!!

KK go back to my tv

Friday, March 03, 2006

I wonder if this is true... hmmmmmm

Men See You As Choosy

Men notice you light years before you notice them
You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky
You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter
It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait

HAHA this is so...... not right la.

I'm not choosy lor! HELLO???

SIGH damn tired.. went thru the most horrible lab every today. Boring and draining.. no incubation time, and shortage of equipment, godamnit. WAH and can u believe it... i took a 3 hour nap just now.. THREE HOUR!!!!

Sian lack of sleep will kill me one day.

Today I was seriously so damn tired that I kept falling asleep in the MRT, STANDING. And when I got off the bus, I almost fell/fainted or watever... damn.

And KNS LA in 1 day I met TWOOOO obnoxious public transport bullies. One was this indian guy... who ran up to the mrt as the door was alreadie closing, and he was FAT and STICKY and STINKY and he used his big fat arm to push people aside as he die die wanted to squeeze inside... and he was not satisfied with standing near the door... he JUST HAD to squeeze into the middle of the carriage.... HELLO only 1 stop to the interchange la!!! Dunno wat he doing sia... man! So disgusting!!!!

And then when I was going home, on 179, at the CS bus stop, it was alreadie damn packed. Dunno why the bus driver still opened the door.. I was like, alreadie standing on the 2nd step of the bus entrance.. it was THAT packed. And then got this fatty... also die die wanted to squeeze up la! WALAU he's so fat?? STILL WANT TO SQUEEZE? Wad sia?! ALso damn stinko la!!! WALAU he breathed toxic fumes down my neck.... DAMN STINK!

He die die want to squeeze.... then he was alreadie standing on the bottom step of the entrance... BOTTOM STEP LOR! If the door open then he sure fall lor! But he damn heng la... the door never opened again, until there was much more space for us to move in.

KNS!!!!! PUI!!!!! ARGH

ok i go watch this damn stupid and scary thai movie on channel 8 liao. Gona pon school tmr. YAY!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What kind of Flirt are you?

You Are a Friendly Flirt!

You are quite the flirt, but you don't flirt with just anyone.
And you hardly ever get caught, because your flirting seems so friendly.
You've got a good thing going. Tons of friends, both guys and girls.
And if you do decide to flirt, hardly anyone's the wiser. Pretty trick!

HAHA eh hello..

There's no such thing as a friendly flirt hor! I'm not a flirt!!!!! What sia... i'm just naturally friendly. I'm born friendly.. what to do? When i'm friendly to guys it dont mean i'm tryin to flirt with them yea? Serious! I'm just being nice =)

Why else do u think no one wants me till this day? Walau eh.. headache ah

Though it is a correct choice the guys have made by not wanting me lar of cos. EH shit but there are bound to be some dumb guys around rite? Eh where are u?! Come come! Don't all go hide! Come la! Don't scared. I won't eat u. Really la! REALLY!!! *ROAR*

Sigh never mind.

Today I read newspaper ah... I long long read once newspaper but that's beside the point. So anyway, u know.. my idol rite.. that 马英九... Wah today chinese papers got his picture leh! Thank god I read the papers today *holds up the newspapers and kisses it fervently*

But after I read it oh man... my blood boil. That DUMBASS 阿扁... forever doing dumb things. Scrap wat agency for unification.... Wat the hell la! It's like putting a defenseless sheep in front of an irritated lion that had been provoked nonstop. The lion will tear the sheep apart la! Pple be nice to u u start taking advantage... 給你几分颜色, 你竟然开起染坊来了! China started friendly actions by offering panda for u for free and even taking care of all the panda food and training and watever shit... this is how u repay their kindness?? Panda is China 国宝 leh! U not part of China u accept for wat sia???

Never mind. He want to provoke, but don't dare to provoke too harsh. Like, u hold a piece of meat in front of a starving tiger but don't let it eat. Then u stand far far away, holding the meat on a super long satay stick. U wan provoke then don't hum... 敢敢 stand in front of the tiger! See how u die la! Walau wat scrap agency still want to maintain good relations.... u think pple 好欺负 ah?? Everything oso you 说了算... then pple no need to say anything alreadie la! Everything u say alreadie... 白痴. Really 白痴. Why huh?! Taiwanese bak chew tah stamp issit.. why vote him la?! Next time who wan go Taiwan win election just hire gunman shoot u one day before election no need fight.. i confirm plus chop next day u can move into the presidential residence alreadie.

Grrrrr stil fuming still fuming...

never mind. Tmr my brother's A levels results out. Good luck to him la! I think he surely can make it la. He worked really hard.

kk need to go. Bubbai!