What kind of Flirt are you?
You Are a Friendly Flirt! |
![]() You are quite the flirt, but you don't flirt with just anyone. And you hardly ever get caught, because your flirting seems so friendly. You've got a good thing going. Tons of friends, both guys and girls. And if you do decide to flirt, hardly anyone's the wiser. Pretty trick! |
HAHA eh hello..
There's no such thing as a friendly flirt hor! I'm not a flirt!!!!! What sia... i'm just naturally friendly. I'm born friendly.. what to do? When i'm friendly to guys it dont mean i'm tryin to flirt with them yea? Serious! I'm just being nice =)
Why else do u think no one wants me till this day? Walau eh.. headache ah
Though it is a correct choice the guys have made by not wanting me lar of cos. EH shit but there are bound to be some dumb guys around rite? Eh where are u?! Come come! Don't all go hide! Come la! Don't scared. I won't eat u. Really la! REALLY!!! *ROAR*
Sigh never mind.
Today I read newspaper ah... I long long read once newspaper but that's beside the point. So anyway, u know.. my idol rite.. that 马英九... Wah today chinese papers got his picture leh! Thank god I read the papers today *holds up the newspapers and kisses it fervently*
But after I read it oh man... my blood boil. That DUMBASS 阿扁... forever doing dumb things. Scrap wat agency for unification.... Wat the hell la! It's like putting a defenseless sheep in front of an irritated lion that had been provoked nonstop. The lion will tear the sheep apart la! Pple be nice to u u start taking advantage... 給你几分颜色, 你竟然开起染坊来了! China started friendly actions by offering panda for u for free and even taking care of all the panda food and training and watever shit... this is how u repay their kindness?? Panda is China 国宝 leh! U not part of China u accept for wat sia???
Never mind. He want to provoke, but don't dare to provoke too harsh. Like, u hold a piece of meat in front of a starving tiger but don't let it eat. Then u stand far far away, holding the meat on a super long satay stick. U wan provoke then don't hum... 敢敢 stand in front of the tiger! See how u die la! Walau wat scrap agency still want to maintain good relations.... u think pple 好欺负 ah?? Everything oso you 说了算... then pple no need to say anything alreadie la! Everything u say alreadie... 白痴. Really 白痴. Why huh?! Taiwanese bak chew tah stamp issit.. why vote him la?! Next time who wan go Taiwan win election just hire gunman shoot u one day before election no need fight.. i confirm plus chop next day u can move into the presidential residence alreadie.
Grrrrr stil fuming still fuming...
never mind. Tmr my brother's A levels results out. Good luck to him la! I think he surely can make it la. He worked really hard.
kk need to go. Bubbai!
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