HAHA this is really farnie.. my tuition kid Jonathon again. I was trying to teach him some 成语. Don't ask me why they have to learn 成语s in P3.. yeah I know it's really madness. But my job was to make sure he learn whatever MOE wants him to learn well. So I was trying to teach him.
So there was this 成语, 深不见底. I broke it up into small parts so it could be easier to understand for him. I asked him what 深 mean.. he told me "deep". CORRECT! Wah my boy so smart. Good good. And then I asked him what 底 mean.. he told me "bottom". SMART BOY! And then I didn't have time to ask him what 不见 means. His confidence level was alreadie very high. So he didn't wait for me to say anything. "I know! 深不见底 means the water is so deep that you can lose something inside! Because 不见 means lost!"
And then that was not the farniest.
After that, I was trying to teach him this other 成语, 井底之蛙. The English explanation in the 词语手册 was "Someone with a limited outlook". So in order to explain it, I asked him if he knew anyone like that, someone with a limited outlook. He immediately nodded vigorously. "我有! 我有一个同学, 他有很多眼镜. 他有三个! 所以他一天戴这个, 明天就戴另外一个."
I was listening intently. And then I asked him... "那为什么你这个同学是个井底之蛙呢?"
"因为他有很多眼镜啊! 所以他有 limited outlook 啊!"
HAHAHAHAHA I was laughing so loudly I think his dad must be wondering what's going on during tuition.
So this Chinese teacher had to be an English teacher for 10 minutes to explain to boy boy what "limited outlook" means. Hahahaha
Anyway, on thursday, Gracie brought cookies for us!!!!
WALAU and this greedy pig hogged them all. Even sleeping oso she dowanna let go of the cookies =(
I wanna eat!! Walau I purposely skipped lunch so I could have more stomach space for cookies..

ARGHH still dare to eat in front of me!! KNS!

u got eat lunch lol.. u eat a very big big ''pao''
small small one onli.. finish in one bite
eh your tuition kid very funny meh? your sense of humour is WEIRD ok..
NOOo he is farnie!!! hahahaha quite cute~
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