One day, my mum was rushing me to get ready for school quick.. So much so that in my hurry to get my socks on, I tore them. Thing is, cos I was in such a hurry, I didn't have time to change socks. And since I had lab that day, no socks was no go. Plus, I never thought that the hole was so huge. So I went to school wearing socks like that.

OK yeah I know it looks obscene. I've been informed by more than one person, those fortunate enough to have seen my prettie foot in this state of undress.
Nehmind... be glad... praise the heavens... that at least my feet don't stink. If not, I can't even begin to imagine the damage that might have been inflicted should a waft of that unique foot-fragrance drift up the nostrils of any of those near me.
They would probably be too polite to say anything, but will just look around suspiciously.
The ruder ones will of cos, after a while, start pinching their noses and stare at people around them.
And then the even ruder ones will go, "Something stinks around here...."
And then of cos, how would I deal with these abominable imbeciles? I will say, "I swear.... I smelled that same smell, albeit much stronger, when I walked past you just now! Would you like to go to the toilet to have a sniff around yourself and check out where that smell is comin' from?" And then of cos, NO WAY am I gonna let u find out it's actually comin' from my feet. =)
Anyway, remember the other day, I said I had this lab on CNY eve?! And I was damn pissed? Yea this is proof that even the usually most crowded area with the highest level of human traffic was devoid of homosapien presence. With the exception of the camera-wielding one of cos.

Someone, please do me a favor and send this picture to the sadistic prof. Do not mention my name of cos. Say it came from an unnamed ambassador for Undergrads' rights.
But of cos, what made it all worthwhile was this!

That was our gel, during the process of the experiment, being handled by this machine they call the "belly dancer". Do not ask me why. Biologists have this penchant for giving weird names to perfectly normal things. If you need an example, think Western, Northern, Southern and Eastern blots. And of cos, we have these hedgehog proteins in our bodies, the most famous hedgehog protein was named after the most famous hedgehog in gaming history. It is called the Sonic Hedgehog.
Like I said, do not ask me why biologists are so weird. Maybe some chemical used during some experiments had given them brain damage. Maybe I'd be like that in a few years! *HORRORS*
Anyway, that's our gel! The completed picture of the blood-sweat product of our 2D gel electrophoresis! Those black spots are protein spots, separated by their pIs and sizes. Each spot represents the composition of one type of protein. Our gel was so well-resolved that the prof took it to show BOTH classes having lab that day! OK this picture might not have done justice to our work, but ours was the best in the entire lab session. =)

Shiok. This is the first time a prof likes my work so much. =)
K time to sleep... zZZZZz!!!!!
wah eh for ur 21st bdae i'll buy u loads of socks.. how bout that? u can be dumbledore number 2..
hahahaha dumbledore has loads of socks? NAH I dowan socks! I wan juz one sock (those santa claus kind) and then I wan loads of prezzies inside! YAY
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