Ministry of Sound, Singapore

Went to MoS yesterday.... it was an NUS hall bash... and Ruoling got us to go. So Jing and I went.. mainly to check out this superclub.
Cheap tickets, and NO QUEUE! WOW! YAY!
That's the entrance.

Ministry Of Sound

That's the platform.. the arena. Usually for dancing... but this time for the pageant. OK I dunno any of the people there.. I'm mainly there to check out MoS without having to endure 2-3 hours of queue.. So yeah.. waiting for a while for the pageant to be over ain't gonna hurt me none.

Those two on stage are the best looking people in the pageant. The girl's this really hot Turkish girl and the guy's the best looking around. There was this other really hot French girl as well.... really hot. Haha I was drooling all over.. yandaos and chiobus.
See those huge pokey things on top of the arena? I was telling Jing there's this switch.. if people dance terribly the management can press the switch and the things will fall on those people.

That's the state of the art water curtain MoS uses as a screen. Frigginnn cool!

There were many many rooms in MoS.. some of them were really exclusive... not for us. Some were nice.. some had themes..
This is the retro room.. Jing hated this.. she said it's all techno-ish and beng-ish.. hahahaha

That's the Pure room.. really nice and comfy.. really private as well if u prefer. There are these curtains around these couches. And also they have these really plushy bean bags.. cool!

And the lights change color too! The music's nicer than the main arena as well!! But I think this room had more of an executive target. Not for those teens.

I dunno.. somehow, I cut myself somewhere and never realised until we were about to leave to meet Venus outside. At first I thought I dirtied my hands with ketchup.. but later realised it's *screams* BLOOD!!!!
I was whining, "这是我一生中第一次流那么多血 leh!!!"
And Jing retorted, "Then 你每个月流的是什么?"
Me, "Oh yar hor.."
haha btw this is the cleaned up version alreadie.. at first there was more blood.

OK the music at MoS wasn't all that good.. or maybe it was the DJ that night.. But OMGGGG u noe what?! The reason I never regretted going yesterday, other than the really cool interior, was the crowd!!!!
Ok maybe.. part of the crowd.
It was really an adrenaline-pumping experience to be there yesterday... WHOA!
Let me continue from the top. So we went out to meet Venus. And outside, she was queueing. And then suddenly, there was this loud roar from afar!!!
I know that roar.. my blood was thumping, my adrenal glands were working overtime.. there was this heady sensation making me feel faint..
A really powerful babyyyy was heading my way....
No no wait a minute.. make that TWO babies.... my lovely darlings.....
And then they turned into MoS...
TWOOOOOO friggin Ferrari F430s!!!!!!!! OH MY GAWDDDDDDD

That's the latest ferrari model by te way... and I saw not just one... but TWOOOO together.. I think they were friends!!!!
And OH MAN that was not all!! After a few minutes... a Lambo Gallardo came!!!!
I think I'm gonna faint. Haha I saw this room inside MoS when I went in again after an hour, and that room was closed to public and it was screening a soccer match... we called it the Ferrari and Lamborghini room. Exclusive.
Anyway, we decided we wanted to go some nice pub to wait... taking far too long.

That's Jing's cross cultural bling bling shoes.. hahahaha

Venus and Jing

Ruoling and I

And then finally, the queue started to let up around 12+pm. We decided to go back. And WOOHOO we saw this Maserati at MoS!!!!
I tell u ah.. the MoS people are really discriminating.. those hottt cars are parked in a separate exclusive car park away from the rest of the cars.. and they get VIP entrance, no need to queue. *sigh* what to do? People got money we no money mah..
And then I saw these two ang mohs negotiating with the security guards cos they wanted to take a picture with the cars.. but the security guard said no go.
So you see two hunky ang mohs whining, "But those cars are so f*cking cool!!!" and that indifferent guard shaking his head.
Do it the Singaporean way mah... while the 2 ang mohs were whining away, I saw this Singaporean man going right up to the car and taking a pic with his cam phone. By the time the guard saw, it was too late. Haha
And then we went in to MoS again. This time, we saw this quite famous Singaporean actor with his gay partner. Haha. Oh one thing about him.. he's in his forties but looks and dresses 20-ish! OMG the wonders of botox.... sighhh
We left at around 1.45am. Wanted to leave earlier but the bag counter was really packed. So I went out to wait for Venus to claim her bag. And then I saw that the Maserati was gone, and the Gallardo had taken over its parking lot. Or so I thought.
Then I looked closer... and FREAK! I realise that it's a different Gallardo... of the same color! WOWWEEE that makes it TWO F430s and TWO Gallardos and ONE Maserati in ONE night!!! KS went home a happy KS.
A happy KS with a scarred hand... *SOB*

now we know.. KS doesn't m*nstruate. Haha. Anyway if u wanna watch Ally McBeal I have the whole series. Hehe.
haha not anytime soon lar.. now school time.. no time to pia vcds. Maybe after u come back!
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