I have 3 interesting friends, who have interesting boyfriends!
Today I was asking KY, SQ and SL to tell me how their boyfriends jio them.
SQ's story........
KY's story........
oh 到我了啊?Ok. 很久很久以前,我在打golf. 有一次,我打得太远了,然后我的男朋友看到了,就去追。那个球真的飞太远了,掉进一个pond里。然后我的男朋友就 scuba-dive 进去帮我捡。就这样子,他就追到我了lor!
他从此还爱上 scuba diving, 然后他现在在那个 FedEx 做工。你有看那个广告吗?他演的!
SL's story.........
oh 我啊?就是这样lor. 有一天,我和我的男朋友去打篮球,然后篮球bounce 去很远的地方。我的男朋友去追,不过他special 一点。他是骑着马跟我一起打篮球的。然后那只马是白色的。
oh oh! 还有。他骑马的时候是穿着一件suit 的。很帅噢!
Shiqin seems to gotten coffee-intoxication once again.
Definition of coffee-intoxication: The feeling of getting high like after drinking beer, after drinking or consuming anything coffee related.
As she listened to KY and SL relate their story, she was guffawing away on the bus and MRT, oblivious to the stares of those on the bus. (-_-") wanted very much to hide somewhere under the chairs. Wahahaha
After that, at the MRT station, we met KY's bf. After chatting for a while, suddenly I turned around to ask him, "So.. how's the employee welfare at FedEx?"
Recently, being the only one left unattached in S2K2, SQ's been bugging me to get one quick! She claims I'm damn picky.
WHERE GOT LAR?! Where's my benchmark??? Anyone above this standard will be fine!!!!!

WHOA SHE'S HOT!!!!!!! *nosebleed*
Oh btw.. I'm les k? Wahahaha
Huh wat?! Die die muz state my requirements for GUYS ah.............................
OK ok. I try I try lar.. walau
Someone like.. him maybe?

If that's not possible.. oh well.. I guess... anything goes. As long as we have common topics, common background, I feel comfortable with him, he doesn't look like Steven Lim, he looks BETTER than Steven Lim, it's fine. OKAEZ???? I'm not THAT hard to satisfy! But there's no need for you people to matchmake me THANKS AH.. I can still manage well on my own! Understand??????????
Heh that said..... back to my fav topic... CARS!!!!!
Just read the papers today.... car prices have fell to an all time low!!!!! Kia Picanto only costs around S$30,000+!!! OK that's not exactly my dream car.. but it juz proves that you can own a BRAND NEW CAR at only about S$30,000+ bucks!!! Toyota Vios and Nissan Sunny are relatively cheap as well! But those are not my dream cars either. Nehmind... Operation Saving-up-for-a-car is ongoing...... GAMBATTE KS!!!!!! WOOHOO! Shit... think I still need my dad to provide for my petrol. And insurance maybe. KNS. The disadvantages of being a 穷学生......
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