Went for the second round of AIESEC interview today. Wanna know who I met today?? Tadaa!!
Let me introduce to you all the Malaysian Beng!!

I met one today!
He had short spiky hair, with a few wisps of very long hair at the back, and he had 2 ear holes in his right ear and 3 in his left, all adorned with chunky and spiky rocker-style ear studs. Add to that the super beng t-shirt and jeans and very fierce-looking slit eyes... I found my eyes unconsciously searching for the (presence of a) parang behind his back, and my trembling fingers inadvertently grabbed my mobile phone tighter, with the index finger positioned nicely at the number 9.
An amazing sight was seen later on however, as roles were somehow switched. Ever saw a big muscular beng reduced to a pile of nerves fidgeting in front of 2 puny young women?! It became so fun that I was kinda reluctant to let it end.. but of cos... all good things must come to an end.. and I doubt I will ever see him again. So sad hor? Ever see this kinda beng from the north or not?! No right??! Malaysian beng leh! Beng to the max!
Excerpt from his 喷饭 answers:
I like Singapore cos the people here are all soo health conscious! At night, everywhere I go I see people running!
KS thinks to herself: He's gonna be damn disappointed to find out that only those mad NTU hostel kias do that... Cos midnight no shuttle bus............
Next answer:
I don't really like Malaysia.. cos it's very unsafe. And the things the people there do are very unhealthy. When Singaporeans are free, they exercise. When Malaysian males are free, they sit down take out a cigarette light up, and byo chiobu. When Malaysian females are free, they sit down take out a cigarette light up, and byo yandaos.
KS coughs coughs coughs and chokes on her saliva.. and thinks to herself: Whoever told you only Malaysian females byo yandaos? Malaysian females byo yandaos only when they are free. Singaporean female free also byo not free also byo... esp a Singaporean female by the initials of KS.... ahem *coughs coughs coughs*
With that thought in mind, KS circles a BIG BIG "reject" on the application form. Sorry Mr Beng.
K tired.. go sleep liao. Wanna noe more abt the classified parts of the interviews ask me on msn.
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