音乐人.. 就是如此!
Eat music, sleep music... LIVE music.
I love music. But I'm not what they call 音乐人 cos I cant achieve that.
Its stressful to have to perform live. Especially in a band. The coordination and chemistry and rapport is very important. If one member does something wrong, the rest go down with him. No matter how well the rest may be. There is no replay, no NG. One take is all that is allowed.
As I put in my MSN nick.. 人真的不可以犯错. 所谓一失足成千古恨... Every week Qinobe were one of the better scoring teams. Everyone expected them to make it thru to the end. But this week, something went wrong. Maybe its the choice of the song. The lead singer couldnt bring it thru well. His voice was not made to sing that kinda song. Too high-pitched for him. The rest of the band members could not play that song well. The arrangement was not much different from the original version, but while playing it the coordination wasnt tight enough. So overall it was obvious the performance wasnt good today.
Generally, the performance wasnt good throughout. For 迷路兵, there was a part where the amplifier had some feedback problem.. and after that the performance seemed to be affected adversely. So maybe there was a general problem with the sound system today. Anyway I still feel another band should be out rather than Qinobe. They were performing worse than Qinobe all the way.. even today. But well.. anywayz. Think they will be out next week. Sorry QQ tho the percussionist is your fren... i really think they are gonna be the next ones out.
Brods are performing better and better. Think gotta rethink my stand on them. They just might pull it off to be in the top 3.
Lucify too. Exciting to think that a visual rock band might emerge being the top in a Singaporean band competition!!!
Oh anyway.. got something exciting to tell u pple!!!! OK this one right.. appeals more to the Scientist in me. HAHA I told you all i was given an attachment right? Now i've gotten another one! Both are at Biopolis, but the 2nd one is MUCH MUCH better! Cos for the 2nd one.. the scientist I'm working with is the one who came up with HUMULIN!!! OMGOMGOMG!!!! One of those in the team anyway. Used to work at Eli Lilly and Genentech!!! OMGOMGOMG faint!
Anyway to show the polarity between scientists and engineers.. haha when I told Poff this news, she was like, "OMG SO EXCITING!!"
And then Jing was the exact opposite, "Oh.. ok lor good for you." Wah a bit hurt sia. OUCH can pretend to be more excited??
And then hor.. why I say the 2nd one is GOOD?! Not jus cos of the Principle Investigator (PI). It's the ATTITUDE they treat their IA students. The first one, he accepted me and was pretty nice and all.. like in the email.. very polite and all. But after the first email he only left his secretary to contact me. And he was gonna put me under this PhD student under him. So i'm gonna be like.. under someone under him... and like basically nonexistent.
The 2nd one, the IDIOT secretary was damn lazy. Take her own sweet time. The PI already told her abt me long ago and she took TWO WEEKS to email me. And that was AFTER the PI got impatient and emailed me himself, and then he asked me to email the secretary to chase after her for the paperwork.
Anyway about the 2nd one... one of the team members contacted me. Not the PI but he spoke on behalf of the PI. It was damn touching la. In the very first email, he asked me when I was available and what kinda work I would like to do. Cos this was an attachment and they were out to make it the most beneficial for me as possible, so I learn the most things and I was not juz cheap labor. And then after I replied him, he personally wrote up a schedule for my IA, with a list of things i was gonna do and learn in the time i was gonna be there. OMG! He actually took the time and trouble to do that for a useless IA student that was dangerously bordering on being more of a hindrance than help.
And the very last thing he did that made me damn touch was asking me to go down tmr... or actually today since it is already after 12am, even though my IA starts next week. NAH I'm not crazy. Like I love to do OT like that. But the reason why I'm so touched is cos... he said when I'm supposed to start work, next wk, 3 of the snr research fellows were not gonna be around. So he hoped I could go down tmr for a while so I could meet the entire team. Cos from next week onwards, we are all gonna work together, as one. We are a team! He treated a mere IA student as a TEAM! I can meet that world famous prof! OMG! I can work with him, in his team, listen to him and gain incredible amounts of knowledge from him!
I cant believe my luck.
But then again, this queer kinda excitement probably only applies to scientists. 因为我们为科研痴狂. We live for our research. =)
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