The one of my dreams.
Check her out. Her hot bod I mean. WHO IS SHE??

YES!!! JOLIN!!!!!
Thinking back to her 《我知道你很难过》days... OMG! What happened! She used to be like.. skinny malnourished teenager! And the other day I was watching 娱乐百分百 on Channel u. There was a Jolin special. She went back to her Uni. OH MAN check out the fitting top she was wearing... and the skinny 3/4 jeans. 只能用四个字形容... "前突后翘"! Oh my gawd!! Siau Lin said the TV program said she was a friggin G cup la!!! OMG!
Now I hang a poster of her in my bedroom right in front of where I sleep so everytime I see her I will be inspired to 减肥 and 锻练 and 保养 so I can get her figure!!!!
WAH now all the knowledge I've gained from watching all those trashy Taiwan programs like 《女人我最大》 and 《娱乐新闻》and 《娱乐百分百》 come into use! How to 练出 all those good figures!
K la dun waste time.. chop chop go.. 看我七十二变!!!

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