单眼皮美男... 就是他!阮经天!

人家说,看绿光,是为了立威廉... 我说,是为了小天!! <33

看着看着... 小天的脸... 似乎有种似曾相识的感觉.... 有人说... 是因为长得象明道. 我倒觉得... 更象几年前令我无比疯狂的MVP 情人里的高兴, 高天骐. WOOHOO! 当时,高兴也不是主角... 不知为何,近年来,配角总是抢尽主角的风头. 就如《蔷薇》里的小综郑元畅也是如此抢尽黄志玮的风头.
凑巧的是,小综和小天都是好朋友.. 再加上我不久前迷上的《恶魔在身边》男主角贺军翔,他们三人都是我近期 daisuki 的偶像... 而私底下也是最要好的朋友. 小天甚至是小综带入行的.

他们三人, 只有小天唱过歌. 或许是因为小综和小美贺军翔的歌声都不怎麽样. 想求证的话,可以问池函小姐. 她听过小美唱的歌.
想阅读以前关于另外两名帅哥我的blog entries, 可以点击这里和这里. 他们分别是我的boyfriends number 1, 2 and 3. 现在,他们就读于同一间学校, 池小姐建议我去那里任教. 师生恋也不错... 嘿嘿还是三个一起. 好 HIGH 噢!! 好啦不和你们聊了... 有三个人在等我呢... 好忙!SAYONARA 咯!!
Hihi!!! Saw your post on the other 2 guys! hehe, I think the other 2 cuter. been catching shows that have the 2 of them inside... hehe... any more recommendation?
Hi Catherine.. hehe actually this guy Ruan Jing Tian is quite cute on screen but not photogenic.
As for the other 2.. 郑元畅 looks erm.. a far cry from before when he was in 蔷薇.. haha much fatter now. But if u like him, go catch 恶作剧之吻.. u will love it. He has other dramas but recently the best one is 恶作剧.
For 贺军翔 rite.. long ago he had one.. love contract 爱情合约. Quite nice. His latest drama is 我们结婚吧 but it juz finish filming not too long ago so think vcd not out yet. Another drama by him last yr is 恶男宅急电. But think not as nice as 恶魔. BTW 贺军翔 was voted best looking male or something by some magazine.. even won Takeshi Kaneshiro! HAHA so we both have good taste hehe
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