Today I went BEDFRAME SHOPPING!!!! Cos my old bedframe, the tatami style one, kinda got corroded by mould and i dunno wat when my neighbour's pipe burst and leaked. But my kind dad didnt want to make them pay, though by law they should pay for any and all damages.
In any case, I had to discard the old bedframe and get a new one!
SO THERE I went bedframe shopping!
After going to a few furniture shops, I decided my ideal bedframe would be one that had an elevated mattress, so I can fit a table and hopefully a wardrobe beneath it, to save space. Best if it can blend into my room... with all the pastel purply colors!
When I saw THIS!! I KNEW it was the PERFECT bedframe!!!

I am thinking of juz getting the bed on top, and the table to the right of the picture above. Cos I dun need the extra bed below, neither do I need the drawer set.

The picture above shows the table in full detail. The table that I want.

The picture above shows the wardrobe attached! COOL!
And guess what! You can mix and match the colors!!!! Any color of all the above can be changed to any other color on the color palettes below! Except for white la.

COOL RIGHT! But this set costs a whooping S$1600++!!!! HAIZ think maybe I shall settle for a less elaborate bedframe from Seahorse. Costs only S$400, pinewood, with an elevated bed, a tiny wardrobe fitted below with a table. Just nice. Plus i am kinda disgusted by the lady boss in the shop in the pictures above. Cos she was damn pushy. Forcing us to make a decision there and then when we kept telling her we had yet to measure my room for the exact dimensions. PLEASE LOR.. seriously quite a turnoff. Kept forcing us to make a decision there and then. My mum was easily swayed, almost bought it then. But I told the lady simply we HAD to measure my room first. BUT OF COS! Wat if it cant fit!!!
OH anyway right.. next wk will be a pretty crazy week for me.
Monday: work. Usually will reach home only at 9pm due to OT.
Tuesday: Intersem, tuition, dentist visit.
Wednesday: work, if my dentist visit renders me well enough to work.
Thursday to sunday: Promoting printer ink at Suntec PC show!!! The schedule is quite crazy, 10.30am to 10pm everyday. But guess when u need money, you got no choice.
ANYWAY please come support me k!!!! Hee hee let me know if you are coming my dear friends! Bring more friends!!!
And hor, if any of you have any more lobangs for earning money, please let me know! I am in need of money! Saving up for my Vancouver exchange! THANKS!!!!
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