The Legends of the Pugilistic Leader

This is a record of my everyday life, my thoughts and feelings, and my favourite topics. Read it if it's of interest to u!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Watched the news on tv a few days ago, saw how many wept with joy after seeing that the 四面佛 buddhist statue was restored in Thailand. Suddenly, it brought to mind Wendy's MSN spaces post about Vesak day and its true significance.

How many Buddhists are worshipping for the sake of worshipping? How many truly know what the whole religion is all about?

Buddhism teaches us 四大皆空. We should not have any desires for worldly or material things. They talk about 大爱, 博爱. We love one and every person equally. Regardless of identity. There is no worldly desires 七情六欲, cos we love everybody equally and we can give up our lives for all equally. It is with this same equality that we treat all material things. We should not desire for riches or wealth, since we treat all material things equally.

Now we think back to the statue. I personally do not think the great Buddha will feel any different if people are worshipping him through a drawing or a gold-plated statue. He will love them all the same. That is his way of life. And that is how he attained enlightenment.

Believers, however, treat the Great Buddha like some sort of idol. They worship him and want to provide him with the best, with the same mentality as parents who want to provide kids with the best possible. But they stray from the true meaning of Buddhism, the true teachings of the Great Buddha, and the way of life he advocates for true enlightenment and true happiness.

My dear Buddhist friends, take some time, learn and discover more about the great wisdom of this man the Great Buddha, and pass the knowledge on to other believers. I too, am in the process of learning. Though I may not be able to fully practise what he preaches, I hope to be able to achieve that one day.

YAY ok thats all for today. CYA!!!!


At 6:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No worldly and material desires = no birkenstock, no earrings, no extra clothes.. u jiayou ah.. long way to go..

At 11:30 PM, Blogger greatshiner said...

HAHA yea i'm trying. Think I cant achieve that goal anytime soon! HAHA


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