I learned something in Astro yesterday. Something interesting.
You know what?!
Our sky is not blue!!!! Neither is it red or maroon as the sun is setting! It is all due to the differential scattering of different components of light by the atmosphere! OH MAN! All my 20+ years I thought the sky was blue simple cos it was blue! Now I feel SO CHEATED!!!! MAN aint that some news!!!
K fine scold me for being dumb. I'm prepared. Come come. SCOLD NOW! Haiz...
OH another thing....
AURORAS! Also known as the Northern lights! AIN'T THEY PRETTY!!!

Auroras can be viewed at the poles. There are certain seasons best suited for viewing them. Like during the equinoxes in September and March. And of cos when the sky is clearer.

Auroras are dust from the Sun. During nuclear fusion, the Sun will give out Solar Wind (or something like that haha). And then when these gases (like sodium helium etc) reach Earth's atmosphere, they ionise and different atoms ionise to form different coloured auroras. DAMN PRETTY RIGHT????

Check this out.. a comet with a pretty aurora in the background!

This is the ultimate.. it's SO PRETTY!!!

I heard u can see auroras over in Canada too! But I think its more towards the North. Don't think you can see it in Vancouver.. so sad! But they say Alaska is the best place to view auroras! SO COOL! Really hope I can travel there to see it!!!!
K anyway this is sianz to the ultimate.. i got a QUIZ to study for and i totally have NO MOOD to mug for it! Cos its the HOLS! And i stayed out late yesterday and today i went for Cyn's bday party and then went bedframe shopping after that... and tmr i have WORK from 9am till 8pm! DIE LA! HOW?!
Anyway shall talk more tmr... CIAOZ! 02S78 buddies who wanna see our nice pictures from yesterday can please kindly click on our group site that is linked at the right margin.
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