Check out this BABY here. A remake of the 1966 Ford GT40..... that BEAT Ferrari at the races in 1966!!!! DAMN chio! Gawsh!!! They called it GT40 cos it was only 40 inches tall!!! CHIOOOOOO

Kopped this from Poff's blog. The sendoff dinner for Cat! My RGSRCY mates. Talking about them... strange. Seem to be seeing a lot of RGSRCY seniors lately. Just today, met 2 at NUS. Ailin and Yvonne. Never met anyone of them before this sem... I swear! Dunno why. Haha brought back memories of sec sch days. All the things we used to do during trainings and camps. I was a slacker! I confess! Wahaha. Training made almost everyone soo chor lor and tomboyish last time... WAH suddenly now all become so ladylike. All except for one. Me lor. Shucks. I better learn to catch up. Haha.

But then there are people who are just PLAIN lazy. Too lazy to wake up early for lab cos lab starts at 8.30am and it's impossible for her to wake up before 6am. Like HELLO I wake up at 5.50am? Then later she told me it's cos she takes too long to get ready. So every lab session while other lab partner pairs are having a relatively easy time getting ready for lab, I have to do the work of 2 people getting ready for lab. And when briefing's over, everything's done and prepared and it's time for incubation, she strolls into the lab. And basically, there's nothing left to be done except to wait for the gel to run.
And then last sem there was once we had to hand up 3 lab reports at one go... but we were given a long time to do it. And she waited till like, the VERY last hour to do it... and msged me to make me go online IMMEDIATELY to help her with it cos I'm her lab partner. Ok fine.
Again on this Monday she did not come to school and she asked me for the tutorial answers. Ok giving her the benefit of the doubt, she was sick and couldn't come on Monday. I had food poisoning AND cold and I went. But she could be more sick than me, that I dunno. So I can pass the answers to her no problem. I pon some tuts myself.. I'm fine with that. But the thing is.... the only time she ever msgs me or looks for me is when she needs stuff!! Isn't that a bit too realistic? She has other friend she's closer to in class to get the tutorials and lab report answers from!!! WHY ME?! Cos I nice to bully issit?!
ARGH forgive me for being an absolute bitch. She's a nice girl. Just a tad too lazy. Nehmind. I'm in a super bitchy and irritated mood these few days. Dunno why. Maybe it's cos of my poor disease-plagued body. My food poisoning is not going away, I dunno why. Damnit. And now I have a cold and a terrible sore throat and an ulcer on my tongue to boot. I can't friggin eat any solid food! I dunno what the hell is wrong with me. KNS.
Nehmind about me first. Something to let those friends from BS give a lil smile or maybe a loud laugh.... at the expense of Lun. Heh whose idea was it to have all those doors in the BS bldg locked, with entry allowed only after a certain timing? Lun. Why? Cos he always drives to school and enters the school via the carpark, where entry timing is NOT restricted. He happy, we not happy. Especially when we have 8.30am labs and the doors only open at 8am. So yesterday he was given a taste of his own medicine! Dunno why, somehow, he decided not to drive yesterday. Probably langgah his car or something. Wahaha and he FORGOT the door only opens after 8!!! He was BANGING away on the glass door and someone had to open it for him from the inside! OK not like I was in a much better situation...I was just a few metres behind him. But anyway some nice cute guy opened the door for me when he saw me from inside, so I also never lugi as much as him.. got eye candy to byo some more. WAH HE'S DAMN PAISEH LAR! Muz get the security camera footage and send to everyone!!! Wahaha
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