Yesterday was MAF 2005!!!!! MAF! In Hwa Chong
How we used to celebrate Maf and Orientation and CNY and many many other festivals. How we used to stay in school till 10pm to mug! How we used to mug so much we were so concussed during lesson time. How we used to mix and play around with the chemicals during labs. How the GUYS love to cut up rats and serve it up HOT in a BOILING water bath. How Dicky and the rest used to set fires to sinks and Mdm Tan has to clean it up after. How the Jedis and Demons used to fight using long rulers and godknowswhat during physics lab.
How SOME people used to drag me along to search for eye candies and crushes, and how I used to be sooo damn disgusted. Last time I used to think HC guys suck... big time. But then, that was before I went NTU. Now, I wish I could knock myself on the head 10 zillion times. WALAU HC GUYS ROCK OK?! They are HOW KAKKOI LAR! Even xiao di dis like that Mikhail and that Colflesh who BOTH got some prestigious scholarship (smart and cute... WAH!!).. Seriously.. I don't know what was wrong with me last time. Maybe if I kb less about the guys in HC there will be pple who wan me! So it was also eye-candy reminiscing time yesterday. HC was filled with the crushes the eye candies the admirers.... and lots of memories of the type of interactions they had. BTW, I STILL don't think Dr Ho's eye candy is cute.
Also recall.. how we used to pon lects to go Coro.. and how Mdm Tan has to cover our asses for us after that. How some dumb guys could pon chem lab AND stupidly go to the library to mug, knowing it's HoLY's territory... AND after seeing her, can stupidly raise their hands and WAVE at her! How all our tutors used to love our class most, cos we were the most fun and yet still hardworking class. (damn bhb hor?) How we were the FIRST ever class taught by HoLY to get all As for Chem!!! That's why till this day HoLY still loves us. Can tell by the smses she still sends Wen Hann.
Those were the days... the days I miss so much... the class, the people.. wonder if they miss it as much as I do? There's my fav/most hated gang, Jingz, Chan, Ja, also Dr Ng JL, Dr Ho YC, the prettiee Ms Ng SY, the smart and nice future teacher Doris, my dearest pet Dawn, Po Ju, there's the greatest casanova Mr Yeo WJ, my ex..ahem... shuai ge Dr Zhang KX, my xiao shuai ge Mr Yan UY, our very own Jedi Tan (he shaded that name on an OAS for a test believe it or not), the mad mad robot Tan Guan Qun, the very entertaining Kenneth Cheong (he just smsed me telling me the best bday prezzie he had for me was to inform me abt this v nice show on SCV channel 55 -_-"), also Dr Chow... the househusband who can cook chilli crab, Songyu the perverted guy who works behind-the-scenes at mediacorp (that's HOW COOL), KW who's gg over to England soon, Dicky Dong the TALL guy who always screws up during labs (shucks he's a doc-to-be!! *shudders* haha), Kok the beng who's now mad about cars... Did I miss anyone out? Haha those fun people make up my very fun class 02S78!
Time seems to change everything. Army has changed most of the guys, some for the better, others, not so good. Girls, university seems to be an eye-opener. Many different school cultures come together. I miss the good old JC days most.. how about you people out there? Some things never seem to change though.
One is this. Seems like no matter which year it is, which generation of councillors it has become, the centerpiece will NEVER look presentable. I mean... what is this SHIT?! There was this one year.. the centerpiece looked like a fly to us. Being nice, we decided, it could be a BUTTERFLY and not a FLY. Later, we found out it was NEITHER. It was SUPPOSED to be a PHOENIX *faintz*

Thank god there are still the 5 prettie ladies. Ok.... actually only 1... the one in ahem.. green. Haha no lar.. it's PINK. I not so BHB ok?! Yeah anyway.. the appearance of US made going to MAF a worthwhile experience! Good hor?! Those who saw us there... yep it was not a wasted trip! F3+2!

Another impt day to celebrate after MAF.. bday of some VIP! Pics from the bday dinner taken on Tues! This slightly crooked pic was taken by my grandma. EH she knows how to use a digicam.. that's HOW COOL LOR!

That's the entire family... at Crystal Jade's. I LOVE Crystal Jade!! Haha BTW thanks all for your bday wishes.. wulinmengzhu is FOREVER 18!

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