Finally.. I have time to breathe and rest... and BLOG! YAY just finished my very very very draining assignment yesterday morning at 1am.. used the rest of the day to 恢复元气! A 17 pages long assignment.. and I only realised it's too damn long yesterday... all Tingfeng the mugger's fault! Scare me.. tell me the norm is roughly one page per question. I was still thinking.. maybe I should add in a few diagrams and maybe a few blank pages to thicken the assignment... and maybe stick a 50 dollar bill on one of the pages.. ahhh but heck.. 17 pages worth of crap.. 马屁拍得够响了!
K now back to my bitchings.. about NTU this time!!!! This week's school hols for the govt school kids.. so my brother and mum don't have to go to school. We could wake up later and I reached ntu a bit later than usual.. say.. about 15 minutes? Yep that's about it. The first day I was still quite early.. on Monday. About 5 minutes later than usual. Already I sensed something was amiss. It was 7.35am and the queue for 179 had already extended a few bus berths away. The inner bitch in KS started complaining and cursing... all the way to the resource room where she met Shiqin.
KS, "Eh how long is the 179 queue usually?! Today I was just like, 5 minutes later than usual, and the queue for the bus was already like, DAMN LONG! It extended to like, a few bus berths away!"
Shiqin, "HUH? You call that long? You haven't seen worse!"
KS, "Huh? What do you mean by worse?"
Shiqin, "You know.. there was once.. the queue extended all the way to the MRT station!"
KS, "WAH! Then how do you know that queue was for 179?"
Shiqin, "Erm.. I dunno.. I just know lor!"
The next day, on tuesday, KS was 15 minutes later than usual. It was 7.45am. She walked out of the MRT station and started walking towards the 179 berth. Suddenly, she noticed that a queue had formed to her left, extending all the way to the MRT station. TMD it was the LEGENDARY queue from the 179 berth ALL THE WAY to the MRT STATION!!!!! For all those un-informed kids.. the 179 berth is all the way at the end of the bus interchange, the furthest berth away from the MRT station. For a queue to form from the end of the bus interchange all the way to the MRT station, that's a spectacular sight.... if you are not queueing for the bus and you are in the mood to enjoy such insane things that is.
Cursing and swearing and VERY VERY irritated, KS joins the queue. Don't ask me how I know it was the queue for 179.. I didn't walk all the way to the front to find out... I JUST know. 179s kept coming and coming, and I was able to board a bus in like, 15 minutes. It was not really a long wait, but it's damn buay song nonetheless. Cos I was planning on taking a short nap on the way to school, but I was not able to get seats on the bus! The bus was FILLED TO THE BRIM right from the interchange! I really pity those waiting for the bus at the bus stops for 179 between the interchange and NTU. Especially during the 7.45am to 8.45am slots. Like they can get any buses lar!
Now on to the bus rides. The bus was sooo full, the driver didn't bother to stop at most of the bus stops unless there were people alighting.. and these people were few and far in between. So the driver kinda just sped all the way from the interchange to NTU. Sped.. Chionged.. with a full busload of students. EH we are the future leaders of Singapore.. we all NTU students.. we are the students of a GLOBAL FAMOUS school ok!!! Walau.. what if we get killed?! Liddat still never mind. You know.. on the way to NTU there are a few slopes.. not really slopes, but slightly inclined roads. The bus driver was DAMN LAZY... didn't want to use the handbrake when he stopped on those roads. So he kinda stepped a bit on the accelerator, enough to keep the bus in place. But obviously, he was not a good enough driver... so the bus kinda kept slipping down, then he will step on the accelerator again to move the bus up the slope a bit, then the bus will slip down again.... do this a few more times with an entire bus load of people.. you will see breakfasts flying out from their mouths. Plus I was standing right next to the door, near the stairs.. nearly fell a few times!!
Next, comes the part inside NTU. Refer to map below for more info.

This seems to be a problem that only emerged this year, due to the drastically increased intake. The intake is more than a 10% increase from last year! Ok I understand the school needs to "put itself on the global map", and "find it's own niche". Ahhh whatever!! You wanna increase your student population, can you like, please make sure the school facilities can support them?! Not enough feeder buses, not enough shuttle buses, not enough car parks, roads not driver-friendly, how to make your school competitive like that?! Heard from a few driver friends how hard finding a carpark is this sem. While previously, they were able to park right beside where they were having lessons, now they had to go to many obscure places to park, driving round the school a few times to find all the ulu carparks available! Also, how come NUS students don't seem to have to wait sooo long to get a feeder bus to school?! Cos there are SOO many feeder buses going into NUS! And some of the faculties located along the main roads could be serviced by buses that don't go into NUS as well! Why can't NTU do the same huh?!??? WHY?!
I was damn pek chek after that.... so I alighted at canteen A to get a drink. Of coffee. 一杯咖啡解千愁. It was there that I saw the new issue of the Nanyang Chronicles was out. Boliao, nothing to do... so I took a copy and started reading. In front was all the nonsense... nothing really worth reading. Disgusted, I flipped thru quickly... then suddenly something caught my eye and I flipped back. There, on the front few pages.... there was this article which addressed all the issues I complained about above!!! The feeder buses, the carparks, the traffic at the t-junctions, except the t-junction they wrote about was the one at can B while the one I bitched about was the one near can A. According to the article, there were only FOUR shuttle buses servicing the hostel kids in NTU!!!! FOUR! Divide that by the 2 routes... only TWO shuttle buses per route!!! WALAU!!!! What kinda school is NTU!!? LAOPOK! Say give us free shuttle buses, 原来 is already deduct from miscellaneous fees, say nice nice only! Then give us SUCH lousy shuttle services... WALAUUUUUU!!
K here's a little something to make you puke out your lunch. Kopped this from one of my BS203 notes. I had read thru my notes once, but I never really realised what this picture meant. Until my tut the other day.

Oh btw pals... I got some nice stuff for you all! Any of your parents want tax exemption? Donate 50 bucks to the NTU fundraiser, commemorating the 50th anniversary! Donate it to ME! I have this card... donate 50 bucks can get tax exemption!!! It's a run-around-Singapore event! If you donate ahem..... if donations are enough... ahem... *considers for a while*..... maybe.............
Maybe I might just decide to join in the relay.. and run around Singapore to thank you people for your support!!!!! So donate ahhh donate!!!! OK?????
Cheney heckle video makes the rounds
Bloggers, many of whom remember how Dick Cheney uttered an obscenity last summer on the Senate floor, seemed to take great pleasure in spreading around a video clip of a flood victim who interrupts a press ...
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