The Legends of the Pugilistic Leader

This is a record of my everyday life, my thoughts and feelings, and my favourite topics. Read it if it's of interest to u!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

The semester's work is starting to catch up with me! Shucks.. loads and loads of work! There's the BS203 stem cells assignment due the coming Friday, and I still don't have an inkling what the entire paper is all about! DAMNIT! Then there's the upcoming BS201 test and the upcoming BS204 test, and godamnit I still dunno when the BS205 assignment is due!!! Ok... due to the special circumstances, I shall educate you people about what my MSN statuses mean.

ONLINE: I'm free and happy to chat! Come chat with me!!!

BUSY: I'm watching Naruto or some movie or some shit on Windows Media player. Or I'm playing some dumb game. Either way, no chatting will be entertained, unless I happen to see your chat window when I alt+tab out.

BE RIGHT BACK: I'm right in front of the computer, but I'm doing work. I might entertain the occasional chat window when I'm bored. Feel free to chat, but be prepared to be ignored.

AWAY: I'm afk. Or I'm entertaining far too many chat windows for me to cope. Or I'm right in front of the computer but I've not touched it for so long that the status auto changed to "away". You can chat with me, but be prepared to wait damn long for a reply.

ON THE PHONE: I'm on the phone.

OUT TO LUNCH: I'm out for lunch or dinner.

OK tadaa!! So now you know when to chat with me, and what to expect when you chat with me!

Now tell you people about my new shopping policy.. NO LEVI'S JEANS! EVER! They make me look FAT FAT FAT... and they STRETCH my waist size soo much it's SOOO inaccurate... and their designs are SOOO common.. only their cuts are special.. but then again, most of them are unflattering cos.. never mind.

Anyway, I was shopping at OG's with mummy today, and I was looking for a pair of jeans. First stop was the Levi's corner. Tried the square cut. They either made me look fat, or they didn't have my size. They had the size bigger than my size, but not my size. And the size bigger than my size made me look fat. (-_-") Sucks. Decided to check out the Billabong corner next. WOW there was a pair of jeans that looked PERFECT! Except for the size. But then it looked good even though it was a tad too large! Too bad, didn't get that pair cos no one was around to serve us.

Went to the Lee counter next. Saw the perfect pair of jeans on the mannequin! YAY there were only a few pairs left... thank god I managed to get my size! And like I suspected.. Levi's REALLY blew up my waist size. I'm disgusted. Arghh.

K time to go back to my date...

my date with the Vampire.



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