The Legends of the Pugilistic Leader

This is a record of my everyday life, my thoughts and feelings, and my favourite topics. Read it if it's of interest to u!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Today I met the most abdominable 小胖子 ever.... on the MRT train home.

I was just going about doing my usual stuff, like terrorising my new pet Mabel now that Dawn's in Aust. Mabel's this puny lil girl who's the only one shorter than me in BS, to my knowledge. So... who to bully if not her?!

So on the train, I was happily pinching her cheeks and fluffing her fur hair, basically doing anything I could to make her feel uncomfortable on the train. Ya know... pets are there to entertain their owners right? Regardless of time and location. We were just a master and a pet minding our own business, when this 小胖子 started staring at us and giggling away, his flabby tummy bouncing up and down with every hyena-like sound that comes outta his mouth.

I stared at him and ask him, "Eh 小胖.. watcha giggling at?! Huh?! Kiam pah ah?! Mind your own business!!"

Mabel the hobbit ask, "You giggling at me or her? Her hor??? Yes yes yes??"

I stared at Mabel in disbelief... this pet is trying to 造反!!!

I turned back to the 小胖子 and put on my fiercest 大姐大 face and asked in a very soft voice, "小胖... who u laughing at?! HUH?!"

Wah that 小胖子 really got 豹子胆 sia!!! He gave me a wad-the-heck look and den lifted a pudgy finger and pointed at my nose.

You good ah 小胖 you good... you better thank your lucky stars I had to get off at the next stop.. if not dinner for the night will be 小胖子煲汤!!!!


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