The Legends of the Pugilistic Leader

This is a record of my everyday life, my thoughts and feelings, and my favourite topics. Read it if it's of interest to u!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Haven't check my NTU email for a long while, and suddenly had an urge to check it yesterday. Good thing I did.. there were one or two interesting emails lying in my inbox. The first one was this:

The email below is disseminated on behalf of the Young PAP. Any NTU youth who is interested is requested to follow the instruction given in the email.

Thank you.



Disclaimer Clause

This email is transmitted on behalf of the Young PAP. The University disclaims any liability for any action, consequence, or transaction arising from or in connection with the reliance on information transmitted here. Users should seek or verify information independently with the Young PAP.

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 2:52 PM
To: Dean-Students; Vice President (Student Affairs)
Subject: YP Singles' Night Out

Dear Mr. XXX & Prof. XXX,

Wish to invite our NTU youths to take part in thisexciting event. Appreciate ur assistance to broadcastthis message to all NTU youths.

Thank you


Dear NTU youths,

The Young PAP Single's Nite is organised by the Southwest Young PAP District and will be held in DXO Disco at the Esplanade on 2nd July 2005, at 6.30pm onwards.

Guest-Of-Honour: Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan, Chairman, YPAP and Minister for community development, youths & Sports.

Tickets will be sold at $10 per piece

Inclusive of door gift, cover charges, free flow of beer and soft drinks, finger food, party poppers, unlimited access to personalized SMS chat games with prizes and lucky draw etc

If you are keen to participate, please email your interest and following particulars to activate the SMS chat system to Mr. XXX

Alt Nickname:

Thanks and regards,


The names in the above email have been changed to XXX to protect their identity. Hmmm... This email came with an attachment. But I guess I shall spare you people the agony of reading it. If anyone is interested in reading, ask me on MSN.

Seems like the government is very worried about people like us... the SDU bunch (Single, Desperate, Unwanted). So much so that they are organising a Single's Night out for us! And it's actually quite cheap.. 10 bucks for all that, door gift, free flow of drinks, finger food...... and even celebrity spotting!! Where celebrity refers to Dr Vivian Balakrishnan. Too bad... it's over. DAMN! Should have checked my NTU mail more often.

Second email.. concerns only people of my fac.

Dear all

We welcome Prof XXX back to head our DD program in BMS / TCM and look forward to his contribution to this exciting new program. The enclosed note is self explanatory.




-----Original Message-----
From: XXX
Sent: Monday, June 27, 2005 9:47 PM
Subject: Stepping down as Dean of Admissions

Dear Friend,

With the successful conclusion of the NTU Undergraduate Admissions Exercise for AY2005, I have decided to relinquish my position as Dean of Admissions.

I have enjoyed very much the opportunity to work with you during my term of office. Please accept my thanks for your friendship and support in making my job such a pleasant and memorable one.

I shall be returning to the School of Biological Sciences on 1 July 2005 to take up the post of Director of the new double degree programme in biomedical sciences and traditional chinese medicine.

With kindest regards,


YEP in case you people haven't checked your emails... he's BACK!!! AWWW SHUCKS! Ok I know I changed their names to Webdings, but you guys can guess who he is right!? The previous Dean of Admissions... who got promoted from Vice Dean of our fac... ARGH!!! Why can't he be gone for good?!!!! People.. we popped that champagne too early... damnit.... no more slippers in school, no more shorts in school... look forward to long long meaningless speeches that take up our lunch time, also doubling up as haolian sessions for this guy.. a whole load of bullshit and no action, loads and loads of crap where he depicts himself as a saint....... never mind me... I'm inconsolable... leave me alone.. let me grieve.... sobz


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