On the elections

I just realised a lot of people my age are not very pro-PAP. These are people who are of voting age. Hmm... what does the future spell?
Actually, what I feel are the general complaints the people have are as listed below.
Generally, the cost of living in Singapore is too high. That is manifested especially in the health costs. Can the government subsidize our healthcare costs more? The government says if it subsidizes any more, there will be a budget deficit. But then maybe we should now look at where else the government is spending the money.
In Can A the other day, I overheard some pple chatting.
"The other day my flat started upgrading works. Just before elections. Wah! Potong Pasir 20 years already still no upgrading, my flat only 6 years old already they upgrade. So good ah."
Is that necessary?? A 6 yr old estate, upgrading? What's the point? Rather, maybe we could use these non-essential expenses on health care for the people? Isn't that more important?
And then there's the foreign talent issue. You see them everywhere. And hello guess what?! Our government is paying for them to study here! Is it necessary?! Maybe we could groom our own talents? Let more of our own people study in our universities? Will these foreign talents be loyal to our country??? Are they even as capable as our own??? There are so many PRCs in my fac who cant even measure up to Singaporeans. Why are we wasting resources on them! When they wont be loyal to our country. And after graduation, they fight with Singaporeans for jobs. Is it necessary???
A lot of country resources are wasted on unnecessary things. It is not a problem of budget deficit, but rather finance distribution.
The PAP has lost a lot of young fans because they do not protect their own people enough.
There are many other complaints of cos. Like how the PAP is elitist etc etc.
But then again, like what my dad says, u think after the opposition comes into power, they are able to run Singapore as well as the PAP? What has gone wrong is their communication with the younger generation. The PAP is actually rather capable.
Like what my idol 马英九 says, "权力多么容易使人腐败啊!" 阿扁's political party only got into power for like, 10 years, and in that 10 years they became so corrupted. That may be what happens if an original opposition party came into power. Do we really want that?
But of cos, I understand why people like the opposition. An alternative voice to check the power of the government. This government lacks communication with the people. Whenever people suggest something, rather than looking into it, they give an explanation on why they think what they do is right, or just brush it off. Is that what we want? Is that communication? Little wonder the people are upset over some issues.
Maybe a little opposition presence is necessary. Just saw the news. The PM is playing up the Gomez incident. But how about the NKF incident?! The opposition did not bring it up anywhere. Partly its cos if they bring it up, it's illegal cos legal proceedings are still undergoing. (Guess why Durai is only brought to court now) Yea maybe like what MM Lee said, there's no level playing ground anywhere in the world where politics is involved. But well..
I CAN'T VOTE!!!! And thus, I dont get the progress package. AHHHH!!!! Not happy!!!!
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