First day of arrival in Taipei... this is Chiang Kai Shek airport... very empty. Terminal 1. Think terminal 2 is the newer and busier. SIGH the airport is damn rundown lar..... as compared to HK and Singapore airport.

See how empty it is? Nobody leh almost!!

Ok but right.. muz put ourselves in the right mindset. WE ARE IN TAIPEI! WOOHOO! First time I was visiting Taipei! So high!!!! So excited!!
And so, our journey begins!

In the bus.. but not very clear. Cos it was raining.

After dumping our luggage in the room, we piled on the winterwear and off we went to take on 西门町! Our hotel was located somewhere around 西门町, so it was within walking distance!

That's the Taiwan version of orh-ah-jian... it tastes sweet! Erp..... well.. I never liked to eat orh... so usually I only eat the egg. But since it tastes sweet... err.. well.. doesn't really appeal to me!

That's 西门町! WALAU I tell u... all those people weren't kidding when they said Taipei was made for me.. guess what?! The entire 西门町 was painted PINK! Ok maybe I'm exaggerating.. but only just a little!
There were tons of those tiny far east style shops lining the entire 西门町. Selling all those uber cute accessories and clothes and what not.. now you know why I almost got a luggage overload!

Remember the punk shop I was telling you all about? The Taiwanese call it 庞克风. This is one of the punk shops... it's called Kira Kira.
Yeah I know the sign don't exactly look very punk-ish.

But wait till u check out the inside! OMG!!! Look at all those racks and more racks of those punk style clothes! Loads of those gothic style shit as well!

Eventually bought stuff from that shop.. this punk chain with the words "Gothic Doll" written on it. And my bro got this thick bicycle-locking type of chain. To hang on his neck. Haha no lar.. a smaller version. Anyway there was this prettie chio shopkeeper... got half a pic of her. HAHA! Should have took a close up pic rite!

And then on our way shopping around 西门町, we also saw this really cute piglet! It was wearing this dunno wat top that was originally meant for doggies.

This is the Taiwanese version of the hotdog... which is actually sausage wrapped in dough and then fried. Then dipped in ketchup. Not really nice tasting... a bit yucky. Not to Singaporean taste perhaps.

OH they have these buildings with the sign 蓋酷家族... which is actually an entire building filled with tons and tons of those neoprint machines! WALAU very obviously the Taiwanese love taking neoprints!

After one full day of shopping, we decided to take a time out at this 刨冰 shop.. it's damn special la! Cos the entire shop was decorated with graffiti! So everyone who goes can take out a marker or liquid paper to vandalise the shop!

This was the yam 刨冰. I don't like yam.. so this was for my parents

I had the chocolate 刨冰.. heehee!!! Sweet!

OH check out this poster! It was advertising for this prom night or something at 北一女中. That's like, the top girl's school in Taiwan. That's also Selina's secondary school! Selina of SHE yes! This thing was advertising for I think, some partners for the girls of the school. You need to buy tickets to be admitted I think.
And check out what this joker wrote on it!! Haha you could click on it for a larger view.

His Chinese is seriously damn zai.. but if your Chinese is no good, the joke is lost on you. Hahahahaha find someone to translate!

More pictures tomorrow!!! Too late alreadie! Hahahahaha
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