Today I finally started to really appreciate the relatively calm and pleasant traffic in Singapore. After I experienced the horrible insane traffic in JB!
OMG the cars there are seriously "boh cheng hu" all anyhow change lanes anyhow cut here and there anyhow go from small lane to main street without checking for cars.. and the amount of traffic... it is just insane lar.. seriously. I really respect my aunt man.. her driving skills. WAH like 车神 like that.. drift here drift there, change lanes here change lanes there, WOW I see alreadie jaw drop... 目瞪口呆.. is this really the aunt I thought I knew since young?! She looks more like Takumi!!!!!
So after battling the horrendous traffic, we finally ended up in City Square! It is supposedly the hippest shopping centre in JB. And the things there are really quite cheap! Depending on where you get them from of cos. Some of the things, you can probably get at cheaper prices at Bugis Village. But well....
Check this out! The prices of the spectacles there!!! Rm138, RM168 and RM198?!? WERT?!! That's like, how cheap!??!?!!

OH yar going back to City Square, the CARPARK! It's TERRIBLE I tell you.. I go inside I thought I became cock eyed all of a sudden.

The lots are all arranged in haphazard manners, and the roads in the carpark are all crooked and slanted at weird angles!!!

And then out of the blue cars can appear outta nowhere and park in imaginary lots.

WHERE GOT CARPARK ALIGNMENT LIKE THAT ONE?! WHERE GOT CARPARK LIKE THAT ONE??!?! Like that navigating in the carpark also can get headache! Thank god I was not the driver. The driver is my Fujiwara auntie Takumi!
The MacDonald's poster in JB looks damn cute rite?! Don't you just wish you could bite into a MacDonald's meal immediately!?

But then after a while, I started to seriously doubt the food hygiene standards in JB.....
When I saw these in a supermarket freezer....

Talking about food...
I was queueing up to buy food at the food court. Then I realised, a little too late, that the hawkers there all only understand Malay. Not even English...
So.. well.. let's just say.. I didn't really quite got what I ordered. Even after I gave my order, as I saw the hawker preparing my food, I was alreadie prepared for the worse.........
Moral of the story? Never ever attempt to order food in Malaysia without a Malay-English dictionary.
Oh yar.. another interesting thing about City Square. The toilets are graded! By the amount you have to pay to use the toilet.
50 cents : Got nice toilet with nice scenery and nice plants. Also has nice automated taps with concealed drainage system. And also nice soft paper towels for you to dry your hands. And nice black marble tiles.
20 cents: Ugly toilets, no toilet paper, no automated taps, no paper towels, ugly dirty plastic tiles, no toilet seats, all squat toilets, no windows, no scenery, no plants, no nothing!
Want toilet paper? Oh sorry, you will have to go downstairs and pay 30 cents more to use the high class toilet.
Want paper towel? Oh sorry, you will have to go downstairs and pay 30 cents more to use the high class toilet.
Want toilet seats? Oh sorry, you will have to go downstairs and pay 30 cents more to use the high class toilet.
Wah so fantastic rite?!
Yeah so anyway, after one day of shopping, how can I not have anything to show for it?!
This! Decoration for my PHONE!!!! Heee... even my grandma knows my style by now..
"你一定又是去买那些 ling ling long long 的啦!" Hahahahaha



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