Today my mummy decided to cook dinner. WAHHHHHHHH!!!!! My mummy is as good a cook as.... err... never mind.. the last time she attempted to fry a fish, we only got to eat half the fish. The other half got stuck on the frying pan. The last time she attempted to cook rice, half the pot of rice got burnt and stuck in the rice cooker. The last time she... err... never mind. So you can imagine our horror when she announced that she was going to cook today! OH NO MUMMY!!! PLS DON'T! I promise to be a good girl from now on. I will stop watching vcds and start helping with the housework. I will start doing homework and stop watching tv. ANYTHING U WANT MUMMY!! JUST DON'T COOK!!! But too bad, the groceries had already been bought. The only thing that I could do to save the day was... take over the utensils and apron and do the cooking for her! So this is the result.

Not very fancy stuff.. belachan long beans.

Fried fish cake

Fried luncheon meat with eggs. All the above were done 90% by KS and 10% by KS's mummy. Hee hee. Not that KS is a very good cook herself. She only knew how to cook maggi, and fry an egg, and there were a few times she fried some chicken nuggets and sotong balls, and also some ready made chinese dumpling (jiao zi). But well, at least nothing happened during those times. And the most irritating brother on Earth prefers to eat the maggi that KS cooks more than that our mummy cook.. haha.. YES! So hail the saviour of the day!

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