More chalet pictures! Err.... Ja was attempting an artistic pic of KS. She messed up by hair then held a gun to my tummy and forced me to take this ugly pic... yucks

But since she's my newfound lover, I forgive her!!! Hee!

My lover and our beloved Bio tutor, Mdm Tan!!!!

OK that's a forbidden picture.. of my ex and present lover having fun in... erm... bed.

The 4 luohans and their stances.

Jedi Tan and his birthday prezzie, his new slippers! A gift from the class after his... er.. dirty and muddy and smelly and... yucky sandals were stolen. I still don't understand why someone wants his sandals. Why Why WHY?!

KS to Sugar daddy," Oei... gimme 50 cents more lar.. juz 50 cents more. I will win enough to buy another Mac's cone for you..

WAH!!! Check out who's that! Our resident xiao shuai ge juz took a pic with our dearest KS!!! SWOONZZ!!! Oei mai hiam lar.. 02S78.. this is the best you can get.

Xiao shuai ge evens bend down and gets his hands dirty to help KS with her bike!!! GAWSH!! *Faintz*

Itachi holds Jiraiya by the throat!! Jiraiya screams for mercy!!

Hee the 4 of us eating snake while cycling!

02S78 family!!

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