Hey all... sorry for the gibberish in the previous entry. That's why I hate some blogskins... Cannot display Chinese words!!! URGH! But but BUT I still have to tell you roughly what the conversation was about!! Cos it's of supreme importance!!! Tan Jian Lioang finally agreed that I am Itachi and he's Jiraiya! Wahahahaha and for those no lifers who don't watch Naruto... never mind ignore what I've just said.
Back to the happenings of today. Went to town with Jingz and JX! Walau who stays at home on Saturdays?! No life lar!!! The ENTIRE younger generation of Singapore was in town! Soooo happening! I lurve crowds! You feel like you are right in the heart of all happening events and you are the most.. ahem... happening person around! WHEE! So there.. the most happening person around decided to go to Thai Express for lunch. She bravely places an order for the dish with 3 red chillis beside it's incomprehensible Thai name... and awaits her fate with a bright smile! *clap clap*

There Humster Jing sits.. with a very cunning smile after she sykos KS to order the 3-chilli dish while she ordered the very safe-and-no-kick green curry dish.

The 3-chilli dish. Does it live up to it's name?! All sit tight with anticipation as KS takes a bite...
First bite: walau no kick.. you call this 3-chilli?
Second bite: walau I'm gonna sue Thai express for cheating my money I swear!!
Third bite: That's it. I'm calling my lawyer.
Many many bites later, after evil humster Jing sykos KS to stir in the chilli powder for more kick, KS was gasping for... err... H2O.

That no-kick green curry rice that the evil Jingz ordered. Really no kick. I drank that curry like I was drinking water.. Be brave mah!! Order that 3-chilli dish lar!!!

After that fiery lunch, the trio walked around a bit... shopped a bit... hey you can't just go Orchard without doing some shopping can you? It's a SIN I swear! But of cos.. given that Saturday crowd.. it was near impossible to get any real shopping done. Just check out that fitting room queue!!! I bet you have to spend the entire day juz queueing to try and see if that one little top fits you. You think I'm what?! Stupid?! Of cos I won't do that! So it was basically just window shopping. Anyway after I found Bugis Village, shopping anywhere else just seems to be a complete waste of money.
So after strolling around for a bit, we went to Gelare for a drink. The coffee there's still the BEST I've ever tasted I SWEAR!!! And that peach smoothie was heavenly too!!!

YUCKS guess who did this disgusting thing to the straw?! She didn't just CHEW it she practically MAIMED it! WALAU... how the hell did this straw offend you huh?! Why must you do this to the straw?! Say lar!! It's just a tiny innocent straw lar!! Can't you just be nice and treat it with dignity?! Guess who did this.... GUESS!!

The CULPRIT!! She's so ashamed of herself that she's covered her face.... do this kinda thing to the straw still dare to cover your face.... a bit too late rite?! You can't bring the poor straw back into shape liao!!! No point crying over spilt milk!

The ever popular ger... keep chatting on the phone. Yak and yak and yak and yak.. someone ought to teach her it's rude to talk on the phone when your friends are sitting in front of you waiting for their turn to talk!!

Sometimes I really wonder if there's really someone on the line.. scarli she just wanted to act popular.. hold her phone and pretend to talk... how else is it possible that she can be on the phone and yet still pose so nicely for the camera?

EVERYBODY wants to ask KS out on a Saturday. EVERYBODY!!! So how do you please everybody? Split your Saturday up into many timings and go out with different people at different times! Thank god all KS's friends are a real funky bunch and going out means hanging out in town. That solves the problem of wasting too much time traveling from one place to another.
So anyway, after I bid farewell to Jingz and JX, went on to meet Wandai and she passed me the Initial D anime discs!!! YAY!!!! Oh yar I promised to talk about the Initial D movie right?
Yeah... anyway what I have to say is, there are some parts that just don't make sense! You see ah.. the way they race.. given that kinda speed and that kinda technique (namely drifting) how many cars can take that kinda stress?! Let's leave the suspension problem aside... since most of you probably have watched the movie and understood where that problem came about. There was also the problem of the tyres and friction. Hear the screeching of the tyres whenever the drifting technique was executed? You think about it.. with that kinda usage... how much wear would the tyres be subjected to... given F1 racing standards, every few circuits the tyres would have been so worn out that they have to be changed. If not, the grip is lost, there's no way you can still drift. Also, the petrol. Given the height of that mountain, and that they travel twice that distance (uphill and downhill), think of the amount of petrol they would have used... as they pump that accelerator. You think one tank would be sufficient? And all that fancy footwork as they release accelerator, step on brake, step on clutch, change gears, release clutch, accelerate again... wah machiam dancing some hip hop dance sia... that's just so wrong that's just so wrong!!! Never mind let me go back and revise my manual gear driving before I tell you what's wrong. Haha. Anyway the method of drifting... the theory is quite simple but... practically, very few car models can handle that kinda stress. So there.. like what Jedi said.. I'm also kinda worried that with the release of this movie, there will be loads of road hazards anyhow drifting on the roads... eh kiddies.. don't try ah.. don't... really don't!!!
Yep.. back to the outing with Wandai. She got conned to town to do some stupid interview and somehow, she managed to persuade the dumb KS to accompany her to that dumb interview. After that, she decided to go Sakae for dinner.

"Hmm... I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks?"

There.. with that, we end today's pictures. I really dig that new picture thing that Blogger now provides! No more Hello, no more photobucket... just upload pics and type your entry!!! Walau they should have introduced this ages ago. But never mind.. it's better late than never!
Oh btw, before I forget... I noticed some unusual activity on my tracker recently... after some investigation, I identified the culprit! People... check out this link.. www.cronos212.blogspot.com and check out the right column...
Hurray!! I'm a star!!! Haha k shall appoint this guy, who's Shiqin's friend, as a committee member of the KS fan club.
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