Pictures pictures of our chalet!! Starting with this one! Check out our nice food!!! Our nice BBQ food!! Drooooolzz yum yum yum!!

"Psst.. I tell you ah.. you know what XXX has been up to these days??? Dunno ah!? WAH he's been going out with this chio ger from Mars!!" "WAH!! Issit?! OMG... OHOH before I forget... do you know what happened to YYY?? She is going after this cute guy from Venus!"

Let's see Itachi (in the white top) pitting powers against Jiraiya (in the beige top)! Let me show you my powerful ninjutsu!!! KABOOM!!

From left, Xu Chun Mei, Jacinth and Yingci. KS became Xu Chun Mei of the day cos of her unique pose.... to cover up her swollen right cheek. Hiakz!!

The pretty fairy has descended upon Earth, and she is here to grant you 3 wishes!!! Our very own Liena!! Ermz.. sorry this is not and ad for Heaven and Earth gui hua tea. Juz happens that our fairy is holding it.

Me and my new darling!! Btw I didn't mean to hug her.. I was only trying to hide my swollen cheek wahaha!!

Yummy yum yum!!! I'm as sweet as the marshmallow!! *winkz*

Walau this promiscuous lover.. I've decided... to divorce her!!!! URGH!!! Before a green hat gets slapped onto my head!

This is malt candy... Singaporean style.. Jedi brand, sold exclusively by TJL. Please place orders with KS and she shall get some for you from the Jedi himself. Of cos, she gets to keep some commission. BUT... laosai please don't look for her...

My new lover says to fairy," Please grant me and KS a longlasting relationship, till death do us part." Fairy replies," Sure!" And with a swish of her magic wand and a click of the shutter, the moment was held in eternity! Ok wat crap am I saying.. never mind. Just take it that my new lover posed for a pic with our class resident fairy. TADAA

Our very own casanova Mr Yeo Weijian! As he BBQs the marshmallow, he thinks," Who's next to fall into my laps as I treat her to this sweet sweet marshmallow??" Then he smiles seductively at the camera

Jingz and JX! Aiya.. cycle till damn tired.. let's take a rest in this quaint lil shelter as we wait for the guys to come back for us.

Our class resident yandaos!!! *pukes for a while before continuing* Yepz. As I was saying.. lemme present to you, Dr Chow, Mr Yan and Mr Woo! Mr Yan is my xiao shuai ge!! As in, not mine, but rather, the xiao shuai ge of the class!!! Wahahaha

Ready... on your marks, get set..... GO!!! And we begin our cycling adventure!!

Xiaoke," Jedi.. I challenge you. We cycle across the carpark from one end to the other, see if any car dares to knock us down." Jedi," I'm a jedi lor. I have great powers. You think a car can harm me?!"

Eh.. that comic is sooo farnie! WAH check out Calvin and Hobbes... so cute right!?

Yingci,"I'm starting a massage parlor! 20 minutes S$10 for a back massage! Any takers? Let's take a look at this demonstration on Jacinth the guinea pig!"

Wenhann says to all," Hey guys! It's time we learned to be good househusbands! The ladies have had such a hard time planning and organising the chalet and BBQ and getting the food marinated and all.. it's time we be their slaves and get the food BBQed ready for them! Let's do it guys!"

My present, and my past.

Look at all the nice food that I've BBQed!!! WAH droolz... so nice. Anyway KS is tired of posting today.. more pics tmr!

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